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Growing Pain Issues as Gen-Z Enters the Indian Workforce | Godrej Interio

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Growing Pain Issues as Gen-Z Enters the Indian Workforce | Godrej Interio

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  1. Growing Pain Issues as Gen-Z Enters the Indian Workforce

  2. Growing Pain Issues as Gen-Z Enters the Indian Workforce 03 Abstract 04 Introduction 05 The Rigid Learning Experience of Yesterday 05 The Fluid Learning Experience of Today 06 Technology as a Boon and a Burden to Gen-Z 08 OUR STUDY 08 Methodology 09 Gadget usage and purpose 10 Excessive Use of Gadgets 10 Issues Due to Increased Screen Time 10 Early Addiction to Gadgets 11 Incorrect Posture 12 Prevalent Pain Points 13 Improper Design of Learning Spaces Recommendations 15 ACP approach of Godrej Interio 16 About Godrej Interio 17

  3. Growing Pain Issues as Gen-Z Enters the Indian Workforce Abstract At Godrej Interio, we study professionals, their work, and the work ecosystem. Through consistent observation and interaction, we note the postures they adopt and the various issues associated with them. After digging deep into some of the most pressing health problems that professionals encounter every day and suggest measures to mitigate the same. In this context, it became important to examine the habits of the generation that is about to enter the workforce. We studied the Gen-Z (people born after 1995), learned about their everyday routine, the gadgets they use, and the impact of those on their holistic health. and improper design of learning spaces used for studying or project work, many Gen-Zers are prone to suffer from multiple pain issues. The most prevalent physical disorders include postural defects and pain including neck pain, lower back pain, and headache. Problems associated with wrist and finger pain due to the overuse of smartphones and ear damage due to the excessive use of headphones also emerged. Associated with excessive use of gadgets, these members of Gen-Z also face mental health issues such as disturbed sleep patterns, addiction to smartphones, and issues due to increased screen time. Prolonged gadget usage throughout the day can also propagate reduced self-esteem and self-confidence amongst students. Along with this, long hours spent in the classroom without appropriate infrastructure adds to their physical and psychological problems. The members of Gen-Z are digital natives. They are the ‘Always On’ generation. They are immersed in technology in every sphere of life. Their sophisticated handhelds and voice-based personal assistants ensure that their life is mostly online. As a result, their education, entertainment, relationships, and social life takes place more in the virtual world than the real. It is therefore, important to create awareness among the Gen-Z population about the side-effects of technology overuse. Educating them about the root cause of various health disorders and assisting them to take corrective measures can help mitigate some of these issues. These measures include helping them become less dependent on technology, designing ergonomic learning spaces, creating awareness about right postures to be adopted while using gadgets, and creating the right classroom infrastructure. The Workspace and Ergonomic Research Cell of Godrej Interio looked at Gen-Z students’ lifestyle, gadgets used, and prominent health issues to determine the pattern of how they live life and their understanding of the health issues. We examined over 10000 Gen-Z college-going students covering 18 states in India. The study revealed that due to excessive use of gadgets, incorrect postures adopted while using these gadgets, 03

  4. Growing Pain Issues as Gen-Z Enters the Indian Workforce Introduction Just when the Indian markets were finally starting to understand Millennials, a new generation is beginning to emerge. Gen-Z, comprising people born after 1995, is making its presence known. This demographic has recently begun entering the workforce. differentiated and modern view of their career options and ways to earn money. Technology is, therefore, a defining trait of Gen-Z. They rely on it to constantly learn and grow creatively. Creativity has a key place in this generation’s success in both the personal and professional spheres. Unlike their predecessors, Gen-Z has grown up amidst technology. They have had access to the internet since its earliest days, have been on the earliest social networks, and embraced mobile devices from an early age. They grew up at the same time as some of the biggest technological revolutions. The teachers of Gen-Z are also aware of their curious and creative nature. They know that the generation learns best by doing. This is why they constantly seek to invent new methods of teaching that can provide hands- on experiences of learning. They focus on engagement and collaboration to keep the generation focused on their goal. With this widespread access to various technology, the generation is used to a steady flow of information arriving from multiple sources. These people are always ready to embrace the integration of virtual and offline experiences. For them, technology is not just a means of staying connected with their friends, family, and acquaintances, but also for pursuing their hobbies, interests, and education Gen-Z has a different perspective on the future. They also have a To zero in on the factors that matter to these students, we at Godrej Interio studied the routine life of over 10,000 Gen-Z students. The detailed study revealed important facts about their technological influences, study patterns, pain points, habits, and preferences. 04

  5. Growing Pain Issues as Gen-Z Enters the Indian Workforce The Rigid Learning Experience of Yesterday Till the early 2000s, schools and institutions of higher education in India were seldom the places for innovative learning to take place. The infrastructure of old institutions included the constrained and static design of conventional classrooms, rows of broken and ill- maintained desks, and untidy blackboards. isolation, these systems provided learners with an escape route from their monotonous schedule. Due to this rigidity, creativity, collaboration and critical thinking were not given due importance and the learners emerged from the system ill-equipped to handle a world that put a premium on just these skills. The work environment today demands collaboration and an array of soft skills, which the traditional education system was unable to provide. This is also not the learning environment for a generation that wants to be future-ready. Rote memorization, fixed exam patterns, and textbook- based learning were the mainstay of these traditional teaching practices. As a rule, technological integration was unheard of, apart from computer rooms with bulky systems. Even in The Fluid Learning Experience of Today After the Millennials streamed into India’s workforce, Gen-Z is now ready to dive into the ocean of higher education and workforce. The education system is undergoing a massive shift as well, driven by the “digital natives” approach towards everything in life. freedom of expression and the openness to understanding different situations faced. This can be attributed to the fact that the members of Gen-Z were born into a world where it has always been normal for them to not only have multiple electronic devices but also to have access to readily available, speedy internet. Their phones were more sophisticated and intelligent than any computer. Today, devices such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, desktops, gaming consoles, wearable tech, smart TVs, Bluetooth earphones, storage devices, and so on, are a key part of their daily life. Without these devices, they tend to feel dissatisfied and anxious. The old pattern of teaching is ill-equipped to address Gen-Z’s understanding of concepts, their eagerness to add to their knowledge, and analysis of concepts. The search for truth, in both a personal and a communal form, is the main motivation of Gen-Z’s knowledge- seeking. This generation feels the urge to go outside comfort zones and explore different avenues of learning. Its continuous quest for authenticity generates greater 05

  6. Growing Pain Issues as Gen-Z Enters the Indian Workforce With such exposure to technology, the students of Gen-Z enter the higher education world with many expectations. This is the reason why the transformed educational system seeks to facilitate easy consumption and storage of information by leveraging the latest technology. Furthermore, institutions are continuously striving hard to develop the infrastructure and curriculum to match the pace of this tech-savvy population. demonstrations on-screen, smartphone-based learning methods, digital libraries, and digital resources for open education in the form of eLearning are now routine. At the same time, learning is made more fun with the introduction of gamification and shorter learning modules. With these aids, Gen-Z students learn while they surf, see and compare. They also now show tremendous potential to grasp skills and learn fast, supported by teams of highly qualified and motivated teachers. Use of various audio-visual devices, projectors, live Technology as a Boon and a Burden to Gen-Z It’s clear that technology is indispensable to Gen-Z and plays a crucial role in their lives. It makes their everyday tasks hassle-free and provides previously unthinkable convenience. It gives them everything on their fingertips. By selectively using resources, they can access any information, anytime, and from anywhere. environment where they can solve complex problems, develop critical thinking, enhance their communication and leadership skill sets, and stay motivated and productive. Classrooms today are connected. They help learners access education from anywhere via videoconference, blogs, podcasts, webinars, and so on. Students can share or collaborate on group projects using various apps, tools, and interactive mediums. Remote learning is now a reality. The rapid advance of technology, the entry of innovative gadgets, and a progression towards a digitally advanced world are driving their choices. Collectively these factors have provided them a lifestyle, significantly different from that of generations past. Technology also plays an overarching role in the education of Gen-Z. It creates a collaborative Technology also boosts learning for different student groups. Specially-abled students can also gain the same knowledge, empowered by an array of options. 06

  7. Growing Pain Issues as Gen-Z Enters the Indian Workforce Even teachers are better equipped with the best teaching tools and methodologies. This helps them organize appropriate content for a lecture, increase the efficacy of concept-learning, collaborate with fellow teachers, and connect with parents to exchange reports and feedback. Technology also helps them stay updated with developments in their subject areas. feel low about their self-image. Another such effect on mental health is reduced sleep and depression due to long hours of non-stop browsing. Due to long hours of surfing, detrimental effects on physical health are also apparent in Gen-Z. Problems related to musculoskeletal disorders, eye strain, headache, obesity, and cardiovascular disorders due to a lack of physical activity are increasing at an alarming rate in this generation. But technology also has a flipside that adversely impacts the students. Digitally-driven personal habits pose a threat to their physical, mental, and psychosocial wellbeing. Social skills like meeting people in person and carrying out face to face conversations are getting greatly affected as Gen-Z is glued to the screen all the time. Less “real” interaction makes it difficult for them to face the real world. Unregulated access to harmful information on the internet can lead to indulging in inappropriate behaviors. This can harm them and the society they live in. As students, the attention span is adversely impacted due to the reliance on quick-responding gadgets. An over-indulgence in entertainment-related activities on the internet also makes students waste time unproductively. An addiction to social media, in particular, drives the youth to lead a life reflecting values and happiness virtually. More often than not, this leads to conflict in interpersonal relationships, attention-seeking behavior, and an urge to seek external validation across the various social channels. This can also lead to a sense of low self-esteem and low self-confidence as they view others' lives through social media and compare with their lifestyle. Likewise, some disadvantages of technology are also evident within the educational system. Not everyone can afford high-tech learning methods due to financial constraints. Also, inconsistent, ill-informed, or incomplete application of advanced teaching methods due to insufficient knowledge about the latest technology among teachers causes incomplete knowledge transfer. The problem is complicated by the preponderance of incorrect information on websites. For instance, one of the effects on mental health from the excessive use of social media is the creation of a negative body image. Users start comparing themselves with the ‘perfect online image’ of others and 07

  8. Growing Pain Issues as Gen-Z Enters the Indian Workforce Our Study Based on this picture of Gen-Z, Godrej Interio initiated a study to know more about the current situation of youth in India. These are some details of the study: Methodology Across 18 States Sample Size 10000 Male 63% Female 37% Post-Graduates 43% Graduates 50% 21 - 25 Years (Age Group) - 60% 15 - 20 Years (Age Group) - 35% Studying in third year - 49.5% Studying in fourth year - 26% Full Time Course 98% Students’ Health at Risk Some alarming insights emerged about the problems faced by this generation due to the technology they use and depend on. A Excessive use of gadgets Headache Incorrect postures adopted while using these gadgets B Top three reasons Neck Pain Lower Back Pain Improper design of the learning spaces they use C 08

  9. Growing Pain Issues as Gen-Z Enters the Indian Workforce Gadget usage and purpose Laptop 1-3 Hrs. - 57% 5 hrs. and More - 38% Desktop 1-3 Hrs. - 56% 5 hrs. and More - 10% Tablet 1-3 Hrs. - 47% 5 hrs. and More - 11% Smartphone 1-3 Hrs. - 26% 5 hrs. and More - 74% Videogame Console 1-3 Hrs. - 42% 5 hrs. and More - 12% SmartTV 1-3 Hrs. - 36% 5 hrs. and More - 37% Smartwatch 1-3 Hrs. - 42% 5 hrs. and More - 11% Gen-Z uses mobile phones to hail a ride to a movie theater, order products online, and effortlessly send selfies to friends around the globe. They live stream videos, chat with their parents, and manage their college work—all from one 3 inches ×5 inches mobile device. Gen-Z, there’s rarely a moment when they’re not using their smartphones. 74% of students use smartphones for more than 6 to 8 hours a day. 38% of them use laptops for more than 6-8 hours a day, suggesting that much of the daytime of Gen-Z is spent on gadgets. We also found that 37% of the generation spend more than 5 hours a day watching Smart-TVs connected to the internet for entertainment. They are “living digital lives,” beyond just being immersed in digital technology. For a sizable segment of Laptop Smartphone 0-2 Hrs. 0-2 Hrs. 3 - 5 Hrs. and more 3 - 5 Hrs. and more 57% 41% 56% 44% Academic Academic 59% 42% 75% 25% Entertainment Entertainment 64% 35% 82% 18% Communication Communication Working Working 61% 38% 62% 38% 09

  10. Growing Pain Issues as Gen-Z Enters the Indian Workforce A. Excessive use of gadgets The study revealed that a large number of students owned and used multiple gadgets. Here’s a breakup of those who used 1,2, and 3 gadgets. 3 & more Gadgets 2 Gadgets 1 Gadget 53.6% 12.5% 34% Early addiction of gadgets The study revealed that the gadget usage habits among the students had started at a very young age. Specifically, with respect to smartphones and laptops, this is a breakup of when they started using the devices. This usage had physical and psychological impact. Smartphone Laptop 11 - 15 Years - 75% 16 - 20 Years - 17% 11 - 15 Years - 50% 16 - 20 Years - 38% Issues due to increased screen time Lack of Proper Sleep When asked about their sleeping patterns, 26% of students complained of lack of sound sleep often. A direct correlation was observed between the screen time while using a smartphone throughout the day and headache. 32% of students complained of headaches quite often while 45% do so sometimes. Long-term sleep deprivation due to the usage of laptops and smartphones during nights causes drowsiness, difficulty in concentrating, and immune system issues. Spending hours at a computer without any meaningful exercise can lead to overall poor physical condition. Evident Addiction to Gadgets When asked about the last thing they do while going to bed, 50% of students said they checked their mobile phones while 29% of students said they checked their mobile phones first thing in the morning. 10

  11. Growing Pain Issues as Gen-Z Enters the Indian Workforce B. Incorrect posture 60% like to use gadgets on the table and chair at home 50% prefer to use gadgets on the bed 20% use gadgets on the sofa/couch at home Postural defects We also studied the postures students adapt while they use these gadgets. It was observed that most of the students adopt faulty postures while using laptops or studying. This is a leading cause of back pain among them. were observed using laptops on the sofa/couch at home. Considering these three scenarios, the table and chair at home usually lack adjustable features, that let the furniture adjust according to the body dimensions. This directly impacts ergonomic considerations while the students work on laptops for long durations. When asked about their preferred area of using laptops, several students said that they like to use laptops on a desk and chair. Additionally, the casual posture students adopt on the bed or sofa/couch, over the long term use of a laptop can cause a lot of stress on the musculoskeletal system of the body. 60% said that they like to use it on the table and chair at home, while 50% preferred to use it on the bed while 20% 11

  12. Growing Pain Issues as Gen-Z Enters the Indian Workforce Prevalent Pain Points: The Top Pain Points Among Gen-Z 52% of Students surveyed complained of some pain issues in the body. The study revealed the top areas of physical pain as reported by students. The break up across these areas and the frequency of the occurrence of the pain were: The study also revealed the pain points in Gen-Z. The neck was found to be the most prevalent area, followed by the lower back and upper back. The fact that most of Gen-Z students are glued to their phones with a bent neck could be the reason behind the neck pain. This posture also imposes strain on the upper and lower back. Neck Often 25% 42% Sometimes We also came across students reporting problems like headache, eye strain, wrist and finger pain, and discomfort in the ears. These could be attributed to the excessive use of the smartphone and 35% of the students complained of wrist and finger pains due to holding smartphones and texting or messaging someone or surfing something. Upper Back Often 21% 38% Sometimes Lower Back Often 24% Cumulative trauma to upper extremities This pain in fingers due to over usage of smartphones has been called “Smart Pinky” where the little finger experiences pain and numbness. Other such issues include ‘Text Claw’, which is a term that describes finger cramping and aching muscles that come from constant gaming, scrolling, and texting on smartphones. ‘Cubital tunnel syndrome’ or ‘Cell Phone Elbow’, is another term describing numbness or tingling in the ring and pinky fingers. This occurs when the elbow is bent for long periods for holding the phone to ears while talking to someone. 39% Sometimes Headache Often 32% 45% Sometimes Ear Discomfort Often 22% 20% Sometimes Ear problems The usage of earphones is also rampant amongst Gen- Z. They use earphones for listening to music, watching web series, videos, movies, learning, and knowing. In the survey, we found that 22% of the students complained about discomfort in ears due to prolonged and excessive use of earphones. 12

  13. Growing Pain Issues as Gen-Z Enters the Indian Workforce C. Improper Design of Learning Spaces Long Hours Spent in Classrooms Students spend time in college 1. An analysis of the study patterns of these students showed that 34% spend 10 hours and above in college and 55% spend about 7-8 hours in college. 63% spend 8 hours sitting in the classroom whereas 23% spend 5 hours sitting in the classroom. 34% spend 10 hours and above 55% spend about 7-8 hours 2. Also, 43% spend 1-2 hours sitting continuously for studying and 40% sit for 3-4 hours. Only 10 percent of students study more than 5 hours at a stretch and do not take a break while they sit to study. These figures signify the number of times students have to sit in one place throughout the day. Students sitting in the classroom 23% spend 5 hours sitting 63% spend 8 hours sitting 3. The classroom seating arrangement adds to the discomfort and pain issues arising in the students. 41% of the students reported having fixed chairs in the classroom. 56% of them said that they had a fixed table and chair arrangement for sitting and only 9% reported having height and other adjustability features in their chairs. 41% of the students having fixed chairs 56% of the students having fixed table and chair arrangement 4. 88% of students were observed to change postures while studying. This is because 57% of them felt uncomfortable due to long hours sitting in one position. 43% of them felt the need to move and be active, while 28% felt a better level of concentration when they change postures. 20% of the students felt the need to move due to lower back pain. 9% having height & other adjustability features Gen-Z like the most while studying 84% standing The postures that Gen-Z like the most while studying are - standing (84%), walking (77%), lying on the bed (69%), sitting on the bed (51%). 77% Walking 69% Lying on the bed When asked the students about what they would like to change in their schedules, students focused on issues like the lack of breaks and free time to refresh and relax. 51% Sitting on the bed 13

  14. Growing Pain Issues as Gen-Z Enters the Indian Workforce Faulty Postures Adopted while studying Although changing postures and moving around will provide better concentration and make students more mobile, the kind of postures students adopt has disadvantages. 39% described that they sit to study on the chair bending forward. 26% sit at the edge of the chair while 20% slouch. Adopting these postures for long hours will cause neck, upper back, and lower back pain. 39% sit to study on the chair bending forward Improper furniture, lack of adjustability features in the given furniture, and inertia among students are the main factors that contribute to pain and discomfort among them. 26% sit at the edge of the chair 20% slouch Chronicity of the pain 56% experienced pain for more than 30 minutes 56% of the students experienced pain for more than 30 minutes and 23% of them experienced pain more than 60 minutes per day. This points to the chronic nature of the pain caused by prolonged static and awkward posture, improper seating arrangements, and the excessive use of gadgets. 23% experienced pain more than 60 minutes Absenteeism from college 27% of students had taken leave in the past 2-3 months. This is attributed to the pain experienced while using their smartphones or laptops or while seated for studying in an awkward posture for a long time. 69% of them took rest, 27% of them exercised, and 22% of the students took a massage to combat the pain raised. 27% of students had taken leave in the past 2-3 months 69% took rest 27% exercised 22% took a massage Gen-Z uses technology and remains connected to the world. But along with becoming ultra tech-savvy, there is no denying the fact that it does bring to the table a series of problems. This new way of leading life has some alarming side-effects that need to be addressed. 14

  15. Growing Pain Issues as Gen-Z Enters the Indian Workforce Recommendations Millennials grew up knowing about technology, but Gen- Z has gone a step ahead and consider technology something they can’t do without. The Gen-Z demographic faces a greater risk of suffering a tech overload as well as other yet-unknown dangers in the long-term. the workforce with these issues will adversely impact their work and productivity. Creating Awareness About the Right Postures The members of Gen-Z must know about the wrong and awkward postures adopted by them while being engaged in the online world. They should know about the correct sitting postures, about the use of right ergonomic furniture. It is also important to acknowledge the importance of physical activity and taking a break from gadgets. It is important to inculcate these habits into their daily routine, to avoid discomfort and any permanent issues related to health and wellbeing. While the youth of Gen-Z continue to get a sense of freedom in their thoughts and actions due to technology, they have to be protected from the perils and other risks. They must balance their ambition and efficiency and also take the time to reset. They must be made aware of the need to take breaks and exercise control, and prioritize. Creating Awareness About the Dependency Developed Over Technology It is important for the members of Gen-Z to become aware of their increasing dependence on gadgets and how this impacts them emotionally and reduces their attention spans. This can be achieved by exercising self- control, mindful meditation, taking charge of their life, and monitoring and setting goals for phone-free time per day. It is critically important for the Gen-Z to talk about their anxieties and build a real-time social network and support system. Here are a few recommendations: Creating Awareness About Technology Overuse Gen-Z needs to be educated about the pros and cons of the overuse of technology. The educational institute should educate the Gen-Z about the ill effects of technology overuse and the importance of monitoring themselves to be cognizant of those ill effects in the long run. Designing Ergonomic Learning Spaces Considering the daily routine of the students and the time they spent in college studying and on gadgets, the furniture provided to them plays a key role in their physical health. Considering ergonomic points into while setting up a classroom or a study room is desirable. Along with the appropriate furniture, Creating Awareness About the Physical Problems They are Facing Gen-Z must be made aware of the consequence of long hours of static postures they adopt while on gadgets. Multiple pain issues, sleep deprivation, headaches, and eye strains are increasing at an alarming rate. Entering 15

  16. Growing Pain Issues as Gen-Z Enters the Indian Workforce the students should be educated about the appropriate usage of space to study rather than adopting faulty postures on the couch or bed. Educating About Alternating Postures While in The Classroom and at Home Among the key areas to drive awareness among students is that of the benefits of alternating postures and how to do so in classrooms and at home. The students must also be provided with opportunities to move around and alternate their posture while studying or using gadgets. Solutions that enable movement like sit to stand desks, poufs, adjustable chairs, and flexible layouts can help bring in the required movement in the otherwise sedentary lifestyle and make the learning experience healthier and keep the students active. Creating the Right Infrastructure While building infrastructure in the college, it is important to consider the students’ point of view. We have seen that Gen-Zers have an inherent urge to collaborate and work. The old classroom hinders communication between students. This issue can be solved by replacing old furniture with mobile furniture and flexible classroom layouts. This will be beneficial for both students and teachers and facilitate an improved learning environment. ACP approach of Godrej Interio We, at Godrej Interio, follow a structured approach to identify the solutions that are most likely to deliver the impact needed by the Gen-Z students and the educational institutions that serve them. Assessment Correction Prevention Assessment: where we assess the students’ way of studying and using gadgets, any faulty user behavior, and the infrastructure of the college to identify the problem area. This is a carefully considered 360-degree assessment of the environment of the student. Prevention: by educating them on how to reduce the technological hazards they are facing. We do this by providing meaningful and engaging wellness tips. We are already seeing Gen-Z becoming aware of the potential harm of their habits. Correction: by training students about wrong awkward postures and teaching them the right postures they can adopt while studying or using gadgets. We also teach them how to remain physically active in the classroom by showing them simple stretch breaks. They believe their generation would benefit from unplugging more and acknowledging that technology and social media can get in the way of healthy living and happiness. 16

  17. Growing Pain Issues as Gen-Z Enters the Indian Workforce About Godrej Interio Godrej Interio (GI) is India’s leading furniture brand in both the home and institutional segments. GI aims to transform spaces to create brighter homes and offices with aesthetic, functional, and technology-driven products that retain a special focus on health and ergonomics. GI’s product portfolio covers: I. B2B – Office Modular Furniture, Turnkey Projects, Healthcare Furniture, Lab Furniture, AV and Vending Solutions ii. B2C – Home Furniture & Storage, Mattress, and Kitchens GI is widely known for its comprehensive sustainability certifications for furniture products. Currently present in over 650 cities with 250 exclusive showrooms and 800 dealers, GI is one of the largest divisions of Godrej and Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd., part of the Godrej Group, one of India's largest engineering and customer product groups. More information is at https:/ /www.godrejinterio.com/Godrejinterio/index.aspx Disclaimer This paper represents the opinions of the authors and is the product of professional research. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use and benefit of the addressee(s) and solely for the purpose for which it is provided. Unless we provide express prior written consent, no part of this report should be reproduced or distributed. While every attempt is made to ensure that the information contained in this document is true to its best. However, Godrej and Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd., its employees, representatives, affiliates or any of its divisions, etc. shall not be responsible for any reliance made on this paper or for any errors / omissions in information obtained from the source while preparing this paper. References visioncritical.com/blog/generation-z-infographics 2. https:/ /www.mckinsey.com/industries/consumer-packaged-goods/our-insights/true-gen-generation-z-and-its-implications- for-companies 3. https:/ /en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_Z 4. https:/ /blog.fullfabric.com/generation-z-higher-education-university-marketing-recruitment-millennials 5. https:/ /online.purdue.edu/blog/how-has-technology-changed-education 6. https:/ /kidslox.com/blog/top-5-negative-effects-of-technology-you-even-dont-suspect/ 7. https:/ /www.toi-health.com/physician-articles/effects-smartphones-fingers-hands-elbows/ 8. https:/ /www.knolskape.com/blog-engaging-igen-2-2-sensible-approach-dealing-gen-z/ 17

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