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The Best Outdoor Pizza Ovens for Sale That You Can Buy

ilFornino provides outdoor pizza ovens for sale. You can also find out the many sizes of ovens we have available for your backyard cooking. Also, on this pdf, you may learn why our professional series pizza ovens are superior to others and make purchasing decisions based on this information. Please visit our website or call (877) 302-6660 for additional information.

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The Best Outdoor Pizza Ovens for Sale That You Can Buy

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  1. Today,ilForninoNewYorkisawell-knownnameinthe portablemetalovenindustry.Wenowhaveacollectionof ovensavailableforcommercialandhomeuse.Ourovens aremadeofhigh-gradestainlesssteel. ILFORNINO NEW YORK PORTABLE OUTDOOR OVENS WHY CHOOSE US? 1. HIGH-QUALITYMATERIALS ilForninoovenshavebeenmanufacturedtostringentstandardssincethebeginning, using350-grade high-performancestainlesssteel, insulatingmaterials, andcorrosion-resistantpowder-coatedmetal. Manyothermodelsemploylighter, lessexpensivematerials, lower-qualitysteel, andsynthetic insulation, whichreducesheatretentionandlongevity. 2. BUILTTOLAST Manyotherovensusespotweldingandscrews, whichpeel, split, orcrackunderthepressuresof theovens' extremeheat. ilForninoovensarebuiltentirelyofcontinuoussolid-weldconstruction ratherthanspotweldingandscrews. Asaresult, manyoftheoriginalilForninoovensarestillinuse today, whichwearedelightedtoannounce. 3. QUICKHEATUPTIME ThecapacityofilForninoovenstoreachhightemperaturesinashortamountoftimemakesthem distinctive. Traditionalbrickovens, whichtaketwotothreehourstoheatup, ourovensheatupin aslittleas25minutes. 4. PORTABILITY Apermanentclayoveninyourbackyardisfantastic, butitcanbeexpensivetoconstructand cannotbemovable. ButtheilForninoportableovensareeasilymovablefromoneplacetoother.

  2. PROFESSIONALSTAINLESSSTEELOUTDOORPIZZA OVENFORSALE Manufacturer: IlForninoNewYork ChamberType: Single - FireinCookingChamber FuelType: Wood MaxTemperatureRating: 800 °F ExternalDimensions: 38.25" Lx30.5” Wx19" CookingSurfaceArea: 795squareinches. 30" Lx26.5" Wx 13" H PizzaCapacity: 410" pizzapiecapacity NetWeightWithoutStandis185lbs. Skills Contact Contact Us (877) 302-6660 www.ilfornino.com

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