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Skytale Group Serves As Exclusive Financial Advisor to EsthetixMD

Skytale Group Serves As Exclusive Financial Advisor to EsthetixMD

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Skytale Group Serves As Exclusive Financial Advisor to EsthetixMD

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  1. SkytaleGroupServesAsExclusiveFinancialAdvisor to EsthetixMD DALLAS,TX–Skytale Group(Skytale), a managementconsultingandM&Aadvisoryfirmto healthcarebusinesses, isproudtoannounce thatEsthetixMDhasaffiliatedwithAdvanced MedicalAestheticsPartners(AMP:weramp.com).Skytale representedEsthetixMDasits exclusiveadvisor in theaffiliation process. EsthetixMD isaleading-age medicalaestheticsandlasertreatmentcenterbasedin Bend, OR. AMP isa leadingmedicalaestheticplatformthatspecializesinpartneringwithmedical aesthetic practicesthroughoutthe UnitedStates.The affiliation isa significantexpansion for AMPanditsfirst affiliation inthe state ofOregon. “HelpingEsthetixMDaffiliate withalike-mindedorganization in AMPallowsthemto continuetoput theirclientsfirst, provideworld-classcare,andofferopportunitiestogrow fortheirstaff,”saidSkytale’sTedd Van Gorden.“Welook forwardtoseeingwherethis partnershipwilltake EsthetixMDandAMPin thefuture.” “Weare beyondexcitedtobe partnered withAMP!Thetimingaligns withourbusiness’s growth.Weare excitedtojoin acompany withthe experience tobringin additional infrastructure, streamline ourgrowth, andexpandourbusiness.SkytaleGroupwasthere day, night, and weekends to answer our questions and guide us through. We would not be whereweare right nowwithout them. Weare truly gratefultothem,”saidRebecca and Ryan Covey,ownersof EsthetixMD. “Weare thrilledtohave EsthetixMDjointheAMP family. Rebeccahasdedicatedherlife and hearttoEMD,creatingoneofthemostsuccessfulaestheticspracticesinOregon.I genuinelylookforwardtoworkingwithherandherteam.Thefutureis bright,andthere are wonderfulthingshappeningwiththis alignmentof best-in-class practices,”saidNicole Chiaramonte,FounderandCEOof AMP.

  2. SkytaleManagingDirectorBenjaminHernandez,VicePresident Tedd Van Gorden, Associate James Turcott, and Senior Analyst Christian Guy represented EsthetixMD in the transaction. AboutSkytaleGroup: Skytale Groupisafull-servicestrategic, financial, andM&AadvisoryfirmbasedinDallas, TX.Skytale offerstailoredandcomprehensivestrategicguidance tomedicalpractices lookingtothrive, grow,scale,sell, orunderstandthe value of theirbusinesses. Skytale’s highly experiencedteamrelieson vast knowledgeof dental, medical,andotherhealthcare industriestheyservetoguide clientsinmakingdecisionsthat move theirbusinesses forward. Obsessed with details and efficiency, Skytaleanalyzes financial statements, systems,andoperationstohelp clientselevateevery aspectof theirbusinesses. Learn more at skytalegroup.com.

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