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Cap Closing Machine in Kanpur

Cap closer machines in Kanpur are essential equipment used in bottling automation industries. A capping machineu2019s main function is to employ a plastic or metal lid, snap, or caps accurately and securely to a jar, container, or bottle. These pieces of equipment ensure hygienic workspaces, high production output, high speeds, and in-budget manufacturing costs.<br>

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Cap Closing Machine in Kanpur

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  1. CAPCLOSING MACHINE https://smartpackindia.com

  2. 1. PlasticCapClosingMachine Theplasticcapclosingmachineishighlyefficient.Placea bottlebetweentheclampsonthebasethatmovesupand down. The top rotating rod comes down as the bottle is pushedupwards.Thecapisfittoperfection inlessthana fewseconds.Thereareabsolutelynochancesoftampering.

  3. 2. MetalCapClosingMachine The metal cap closing machineby Smart Pack is a highly efficient model with a capacity of 1200 bottles per hour. The machine screws metal caps on glass, plastic, metal, and PE bottlesatasteadypace.Thecapsarewaterproof,airtight, and prevent leakage or theft of the contents inside the bottle. There will be no fear of tampering, sabotage, or damageoncethecapgetssealedusingthemachine.

  4. 3. TinCapSealingMachine A semi-automatic tin cap sealing machine, also known as a cappingmachine,isusedtosealofftheroundbottleswith thespeedof15-25bottlesperminute.Oursemi-automatic machine is equipped with a cam and follower mechanism thateliminatestheneedformanualsealingpressure.

  5. Address:M-36,TradeCentre,18SouthTukoganj Indore 452001,MadhyaPradesh,India. Head Office Address: EB-38, Scheme no 94, Opp. Anurag NagarPetrolpump,Indore452011, MadhyaPradesh,India. Phone:0731-2526606,4076606,9713032266 Website:www.smartpackindia.com

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