Different Types Of Insurance You Should Buy An insurance policy provides financial protection in case of unexpected accidents. Auto Insurance 1 An auto insurance policy covers liability due to damages caused to covered vehicle & its owner by accident, theft, vandalism, natural disaster, etc. Health Insurance 2 A health insurance covers the medical costs in case policy holder develops a serious illness or meets with an accident. Business Insurance A business insurance coverage financially protects you from various business mishaps and other liabilities like workers compensation, professional liability, etc. 3 Life Insurance 4 Life insurance works as a financial cushion for you and your family. It pays out to the beneficiaries in case of maturity or death of policy holder. Property Insurance A property insurance covers the cost of repairing or rebuilding a home and other liabilities in case of damage. It includes homeowners insurance, renters insurance, condo insurance, etc. 5 www.sra-ins.com Smith-Reagan Insurance Agency 148 N. Sam Houston Blvd, San Benito, TX 78586 Phone: (956) 399 - 1353 Image Source: Designed by Freepik