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visit our site http://satnaam.info/satguru/127-guru-gobind-singh-ji-from-a-sant-perspective.html for more information on Guru Gobind Singh.The illusions, delusions, interruptions, doubts and all the adverse forces controling your mind and spirit are eliminated by doing Naam Simran. Your mind begins to come to be secure and ultimately you win over all the scenarios that cause diversions in your thoughts. Your focus of mind will boost containing the developments in your spirituality and ultimately your thoughts and soul will certainly end up being free from all kinds of impressions and distractions.
Guru Nanak This is a humble message to anyone who feels angry or violent towards the souls behind this website. There have been insulting words towards Dassan Das Ji and Baba Ji and implied death threats on another Sikh forum by a small minority.
Guru Gobind Singh This website is dedicated to our Gur-Satgur, God in the form of the Truth Guru, the one who was slandered the most. Please re-read your threatening and slanderous posts regarding this website in the name of defending the Sikh religion. Are they written out of compassion and kindness? Or do they have violence and hate behind them? Satnaam.info is all about kindness and compassion and serving the saints not trying to kill them. Is violence and aggression and trying to stop every interpretation of gurbani different to yours the answer? The only way to win is to become more kinder, more compassionate, more full of love than your perceived enemy. And the only thing is to kill your ego by giving your head. Then you win this game.
Satnaam.info is not against external expression of your relgion. Wear religious uniform and follow religious rules if thats what you feel is right, but it is pointless if you have not conquored the five thieves within. The original PanjPyare were pure souls on the inside and their outer form expressed to the world that they were beacons of hope. For alot of narrow minded relgious people nowadays they think just by looking like the great Sikh saints of the past and just by reading prayers and doing rituals like the great Sikh saints of the past, they are better than others. Waheguru
Guru Nanak It is our continuous prayer to our All-Pervading Father, Truth, to give the GurParsaad of Naam, Seva and Bandgi to everyone who contacts us. You can find more useful information at: Satnaam.Info