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Family and Home. Social Studies Grade 1. Ohio’s Model Competency-Based Program Strands Project. Carrie Hamilton And Heather Kuhn ED 417. American Heritage. Web Sites. http://www.heritage.org/library/categories/heathwel/fyi170.html http://www.senate.gov/~byrd/bevfamr.htm
Family and Home Social Studies Grade 1
Ohio’s Model Competency-Based Program Strands Project Carrie Hamilton And Heather Kuhn ED 417
Web Sites • http://www.heritage.org/library/categories/heathwel/fyi170.html • http://www.senate.gov/~byrd/bevfamr.htm • http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/5707/moments.html • http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/2702/ • http://www.sasked.gov.sk.ca/docs/elemsoc/glu22ess.html
Activities • Students will create a family tree by getting assistance from parents and other family members. • Students will research their family origin with the assistance of living family members and present their findings to the class.
Activities Continued • The students will research in groups of four using the internet and other resources (I.e.Books, Magazines, Articles) to write an one page paper about famous American Families. Each group will have assistance from the teacher and the media specialist.
Activities Continued • Students will bring in books to share with the class about families throughout history. These books can be from the library or personal collections. • Students will create a book of pictures of families throughout American History.
Web Sites • http://edweb.sdsu.edu/courses/edtec596/units/family/rich.html • http://www.familiesandwork.org/ • http://www.people.virginia.edu/~psykliff/ • http://lessonplanspage.com/SSFamilies1.htm • http://www.familiesfirst.org
Activities • Students will research with their families some of the roles that families play in society. • Students will work as a class to display a list of ways that families contribute to society. • Students will think of ways that they can contribute to society.
Activities Continued • Students will write a story about what they want their families to be like when they get to be older. • Students will draw a picture of families working in society. The pictures will be compiled into a classroom book.
Web Sites • http://www.nationalalliance.org • http://www.thefunplace.com/ • http://www.ed.gov/pubs/famlit/parent.html • http://www.nnfr.org/general/pub_efp.html • http://hal.fmhi.usf.edu/cfs/calendars/cfsnews/cfsarchivednews/families_as_teachers.htm
Activities • Students will look in the library at books about families around the country. • Students will research with their family the history of their family and where they came from. • Students will create a collage of pictures of families around the world.
Activities Continued • Students will research the type of family life that exists today in the country that their family originally came from. • Students will write a story about what they think it would be like for their family to be in another country.
Web Sites • http://www.pbs.org/wnet/1900house/ • http://www.wnn.or.jp/ • http://www.hoover.nara.gov/kids/liw_kids/pioneering_intro.html • http://www.fema.gov/kids/ • http://www.globenet.org/horizon-local/perso/consent.html
Activities • The students will draw a picture of their family using limited resources provided by the teacher. The teacher will collect and organize the data in a picture graph showing comparison between the choices the students made using the limited resources. The students will then discuss other choices people make in order to satisfy themselves with the limitation of resources.
Activities Continued • The teacher will read books of families of different cultures. The students will discuss in groups the different types of work these families do in order to satisfy their wants. • The teacher will bring in various items that maybe found around in the students’ houses. The student will examine the various items and determine the resources that were used in order to make them.
Activities Continued • The teacher will provide a limited number of games for the students to play with at recess. The students will have to make choices in which game they would like to play. After recess the students will discuss with the reasons for their choice in which game they chose and why they chose that particular game. The students will also be required to discuss their decisions they make in choosing games at home.
Activities Continued • Following a recent tornado in the country, the students will discuss in groups of four the necessary resources families will need in order to live. The students will then draw pictures of those resources. The teacher will have a volunteer from the American Red Cross come in and discuss with the students what items are good to donate to families that have nothing. The students will bring in items to donate to the American Red Cross and on a volunteer basis.
Web Sites • http:/www.pbs.org/democracy/kids/ • http://www.civiced.org/fod_ms_auth02_sb.html • http://www.americascanada.org/politics/children/children-e.asp • http://www.oas.org/children/leadership/Leaders.html • http://www.oas.org/children/LOAS/LOASmain.html
Activities • In groups of four, students will agree upon rules they would like to have in their own home. As a class, the student will have a discussion on which rules are appropriate to have in their home. The teacher will let the students vote on which rules the students would like to have in their home. The teacher will discuss with the students that their classroom is like a family and that they can come up with their own rules they would like to have in the classroom.
Activities Continued • The teacher will have various persons of authority (police, principal, parents, fire fighters, mayor) come into the classroom and discuss their jobs with the students. A a class, the students will discuss reason for having people in authority.
Activities Continued • The teacher will provide students with a fictitious scenario of a family that requires some new rules in order to bring peace back to the family. The students will come up with those rule that they think will bring peace and discuss why the rules will work. • The teacher will make a game out of going to lunch. The teacher will allow the students to decide on how they want to line up for lunch, what games they want to lay at lunch, and what the students would like to do to wind down after lunch.
Activities Continued • The students will play various games in groups of four throughout a number of stations. After allowing the students ample time to play the various games in a station, the teacher will discuss with the students how they played those games (who went first and why?, did everyone play fair?, what were the rules of the game?. Was there any problems while playing the game?) The teacher will discuss with the students if these same situations occur within their families while playing games and what actions are taken if problems occur.
Web Sites • http://youth.net/cec/cecsst/cecsst.60.txt • http://www.education-world.com/a_curr/curr008.shtml • http://www.educationworld.com/a_tsl/archives/00-1/lesson0015.shtml • http://www.teachers.net/lessons/posts/77.html • http://www.teachers.net/lessons/posts/141.html
Activities • In the classroom there are fish and rabbits for the students to take care of. Each week a different student will be required to take care of the animals. After the week is done, the student will discuss with the teacher the responsibilities there are in taking care of pets. The teacher will then ask the students to discuss the responsibilities they have in their own home.
Activities Continued • Since the classroom is another family for the students, the students will have a bulletin board to display papers, projects, pictures, etc, showing their accomplishments. It allows students to show their pride in themselves. • Treating the school as one big family, the students will observe and record changes that happen in the school over a month long period.
Activities Continued • The teacher will provide each student with a small plant to take home to care for. The student will need to give the plant water and sunlight when needed. After two months the students will bring the plant back into the class so the teacher can see how well the plant is doing. • The students will discuss with the teacher ways to compromise in their own family when they do not get their own way at home.
Web Sites • http://www.sciencemadesimple.com/ • http://www.halcon.com/sciclub/kidproj1.html • http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/kids/tech1900/ • http://www.ala.org/parentspage/greatsites/sciecne.html • http://www.nationalgeographic.com/kids/
Activities • The students will create a family tree using the classroom computers. • The students will use the Internet to locate different pictures of families around the world. • The students will use the Internet to locate five different jobs that they may like to do when they grow up.
Activities Continued • The students will do an experiment dealing with change to show how all things go through change. The students will watch as bread, a banana, milk, and an apple will change from the original state into something different. Then discuss the changes taking place and compare it with how families have changed over time.
Activities Continued • The students will talk to their parents and find out how they contribute to our society in form of a job. The student will then bring back to the class what he or she has found.
Conclusion In conclusion, the first grade students will begin to explore links between families of their own and families of different cultures. The students should also explore links between their communities and other communities around the world.