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BARUCH COLLEGE The City University of New York EMERGENCY HANDBOOK. IMMINENT CRIMES. HOSTAGE SITUATION If you see a situation, move people away from the area of concern. Call Public Safety on a campus phone at 3333 or 911 on a cell phone or land line.
IMMINENT CRIMES HOSTAGE SITUATION If you see a situation, move people away from the area of concern. Call Public Safety on a campus phone at 3333 or 911 on a cell phone or land line. Lock all doors and windows and close blinds. Account for as many people as possible. Stay put unless instructed otherwise. Wait for instructions. Allow only Emergency Personnel into the building. If you are taken hostage: • Do not try to disarm the person • Try to communicate the situation • Keep calm, quiet and follow intruder’s instructions • Sit away from intruder, windows and exits • Be aware that police may be able to hear what is taking place • Be aware that police may break in at any time • Follow police instructions
Refrain from discussing the incident with bystanders or the media. Please communicate all information to Public Safety at extension 3333 to help them fully respond to the incident. Some statements to the media may adversely affect the serving of justice; therefore all public statements will be coordinated through the office of Public Relations.
ASSAULT SITUATION Report all rumors of impending violence to Public Safety at 3333. Assess your role – is it safe to get involved or not. If you deem that it is safe to get involved: • Identify yourself • Take an active role in ceasing any and all hostile activities. • Order combatants to stop (yell out their names if known – use “ladies” and “gentlemen” if not known) • If you decide to intervene, approach from the side – not from behind • Do not step between the combatants • Ask someone to call Public Safety on a campus phone at 3333 or 911 by cell or land line • Ask for assistance from nearby people • Stay on the line with Public Safety until Emergency Personnel arrive • Get a description of the people, including approximate height, weight, color and attire • Stay with the victim(s) until Emergency Personnel arrive
WEAPONS SITUATION If you are being threatened try to remain calm and move to a safe location. Call Public Safety on a campus phone at 3333 or 911 on a cell phone or land line. If you see an intruder with a weapon: • Evacuate if you can do so safely and the intruder will not be able to see you • Account for all students/staff/visitors • Report information to Emergency Personnel • Allow only Emergency Personnel into the building • If you cannot safely evacuate: • Secure all doors and windows, close blinds • Account for all students/staff/visitors • Hold in place until instructed otherwise
SUSPICIOUS PERSON A suspicious person is defined as anyone on the grounds or in the building who does not seem to be of college age, looks out of place, or appears to pose a potential safety threat. If you deem it safe, greet the person and offer help. If you deem it unsafe: • Call Public Safety on a campus phone at 3333 or 911 on a cell phone or land line • Monitor the direction the suspicious person is heading • Make a mental note of the person’s description, including approximate height, weight, color and attire
THREATENING BEHAVIOR Call Public Safety on a campus phone at 3333 or 911 on a cell phone or land line. Be prepared to give as much information as possible, description of person(s) involved, where they are, what is going on, what you think the extent of the threat is. Assure the safety of other students/staff/visitors. Assess your role – is it safe to get involved or not ? If you deem that it is safe to get involved: • Remove all bystanders • Try to remain calm, speak in a slow, calm voice • Do not threaten or try to physically restrain the threatening person • Do not threaten legal action • Do not laugh or joke with the threatening person • Keep track of the threatening person’s location until Emergency Personnel arrive • Take steps necessary to bring the situation under control If you deem that it is unsafe to get involved: • Call Public Safety on a campus phone at 3333 or 911 on a cell phone or land line • Stay on the line with the Public Safety until Emergency Personnel arrive
BOMB THREAT Take all bomb threats seriously Use bomb threat checklist Keep caller on the line as long as possible Do not transfer call Do not interrupt the caller Immediately after hanging-up call Public Safety on a campus phone at 3333 or 911 by cell or land line Do not touch or approach unusual or suspicious objects Follow the specific directions of the Bomb Squad or the Police Provide information about objects and articles in the area If there is any indication of imminent danger such as a suspicious object, etc., evacuate the area immediately after notifying the Public Safety Office While awaiting further instructions from the Public Safety Director, assign all available staff to search the floor for suspicious objects If any objects are found, DO NOT TOUCH – evacuate immediately and once out of the area notify Public Safety SEE EVACUATION INSTRUCTIONS
MEDICAL MEDICAL EMERGENCY Call Public Safety on a campus phone at 3333 or 911 by cell or land line and be prepared to give as much information about the emergency as possible If victim is conscious, obtain information about the injury or medical history Stay with the victim(s) until Emergency Personnel arrive Maintain safety until help arrives Do not attempt to move an injured person Keep other people away from the scene Avoid physical contact with blood or other body fluids If exposed to body fluids wash affected area with soap and water as soon as possible and report your exposure to Emergency Personnel
SUICIDE ATTEMPT Call Public Safety on a campus phone at 3333 or 911 by cell or land line and be prepared to give as much information about the emergency as possible Ensure that the person is not left alone Stay with the person until Emergency Personnel arrive Keep other people away from the scene Do not handle weapons, containers or other possible evidence
MENTAL HEALTH SITUATION If a member of the Baruch Community is experiencing a psychological crisis during normal business hours, the first response should be to call the Office of Public Safety (3333) to alert them of the situation and the need to take the individual to the Counseling Center for evaluation. If the individual is unwilling to go to the center and deteriorates such that they are apparently not responsible for their actions or constitute a threat to themselves or others, campus police officers should call the 911 emergency hotline. Once the call has been made to 911 and campus police officers are controlling the scene, all non-essential personnel should leave the area and return to their normal duties unless otherwise instructed by police officers. Before Emergency Personnel arrive, make every effort to determine the person’s identity and status as staff or student. If the individual is a student, contact the Office of the Dean of Students (646-312-4570) to advise them of the individual’s condition and circumstances. If the individual is a staff or faculty member, contact the Office of Human Resources (646-660-6590) to advise them of the individual’s condition and circumstances. If the individual’s condition and circumstances.
BLOOD PRECAUTIONS Treat all blood or bodily fluids as potentially infectious Provide medical treatment only if you have been trained to do so If available, use gloves, mouthpieces, or other personal protective equipment Help an injured person in ways that do not expose you to blood If exposed: • Wash cuts or punctures with soap and water • Flush splashes to the nose, mouth, or skin with water • Irrigate eyes with clean water, saline, or sterile irrigants • If possible, remember or record the source individual(s) • Report the exposure to responding Emergency Peronnel
GENERAL INFORMATION FIRE/FIRE ALARM If a fire is discovered, pull the building fire alarm and evacuate (see evacuation for instructions). The bright red pull boxes usually are located adjacent to fire exit stairs or elevator banks. Call Public Safety on a campus phone at 3333 or 911 by cell or land line and give the following information --- Condition (fire, smoke, etc.), specific location (building address, floor and area on the floor) and your name and location. Remain at that location to direct Public Safety personnel, Floor Warden(s), Searchers or Fire Department, unless your safety is in jeopardy. Close all doors on the floor and use the fire extinguisher to contain or extinguish the fire only if the fire is small. Never let the fire get between you and an exit. When you hear the fire alarm, remain calm and evacuate immediately to the nearest stairwell and await further instructions. If necessary, exit through the nearest fire exit using all available doors and exit the building.
FIRE/FIRE ALARM: (continued) Assist those needing special help.Do not stop for belongings.Never use an elevator during an evacuation.Faculty members --- if a fire or smoke condition exists while you are conducting a class, direct the students to the nearest Fire Exit.Faculty/Staff members will assist the Fire Wardens in the evacuation of students by directing them to the nearest Fire Exit.Fire Wardens have specific duties to ascertain the location of the fire, report it to the NY Fire Department [(9-911)] and Public Safety (3333), direct the evacuation, keep the Fire Command Station informed of the evacuation procedures. The most critical areas for immediate evacuation are the fire floor and the floor immediately above, evacuate two or more levels below the fire floor (the complete evacuation of the building is not always necessary and congestion in the stairways can often cause more injuries than a fire). Searchers should monitor the entire floor for stragglers, paying special attention to lavatories. Report missing students and unattached students to Emergency Personnel. Report injuries and damage to Emergency Personnel. Wait at the assembly area until further instructed. Fire officials are fully in charge and will determine when re-entry is possible.
SEVERE WEATHER Remain calm Call Public Safety on a campus phone at 3333 or on a cell phone or land line at 646-660-3333 or 646-312-3333 if you have an emergency situation to report. Stay away from windows. Depending on the situation, evacuate or remain in place. If you stay indoors; take cover under desks and tables, against inside walls, under doorways or in interior hallways if necessary. Attend to other safety issues as they arise.
POWER OUTAGE Shut off switches to as many electrical items as possible before leaving. This includes lights, appliances, room air conditioners, heaters, televisions, etc. This will assist in restoring electricity when the system comes back on-line. Secure any hazardous materials or processes. Use clear, safe escape routes and exits and proceed to the nearest outside safe assembly location shown on the evacuation map or to a location ordered by University officials or emergency response personnel. Help persons in darkened work areas move to safety. Where applicable, assist other persons requiring evacuation assistance to get to designated areas for evacuation assistance. Unless imminent life-threatening conditions exist or otherwise directed by University officials, transporting of these individuals up or down stairwells shall be avoided, but shall be carried out by trained or emergency personnel only. All personnel should report to lobby of Vertical Campus (55 Lexington Ave.). Building has emergency power throughout and there are bathroom facilities that can be used. While evacuation is taking place, elevators in all buildings will be checked by building engineers for trapped personnel. Do not return to an evacuated building until directed by University officials. Department Heads and designated Building Coordinators shall await further instructions via available telephone or radio communications. If the outage occurs at the end of the workday, directions may be received that personnel may leave the University.
HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SPILL Call Public Safety on a campus phone at 3333 or on a cell phone or land line at 646-660-3333 or 646-312-3333. Report materials leaking or odors – describe amount, color, odor, etc. Call B&G at 646-660-6630to report the spill. Avoid contact with materials. If someone is incapacitated because of hazardous material exposure, DO NOT go into affected area to help. You may become the next victim. Remove unaffected people from the area. Stay upwind from the affected area Evacuate if you can do so safely • If you evacuate stay upwind from affected area • Account for all students/staff/visitors • Report information to Emergency Personnel • Allow only Emergency Personnel into the building
EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM MEMBERS October 2007 • Kathleen Waldron • Johanna D’Aleo • Robert (Jim) Lloyd • Henry Mclaughlin • Elizabeth Robinson • James McCarthy • Ben Corpus • Carol Abrams • Martin Gill • Mary Gorman-Hetherington Secondary Notifications • Phyllis Bagley • John Dugan • Arthur Downing • David Garlock
EVACUATION EVACUATION - GENERAL Evacuation – for when conditions outside are safer than inside • Take the closest and safest way out • Use secondary route if primary one is blocked or hazardous • If the emergency is a gas leak or a hazardous material spill, take the route that will keep you upwind of the problem area • Assist those needing special assistance • Do not stop for belongings • Go the the designated Emergency Assembly Point • Do not walk on roads to avoid responding emergency vehicles • Check for injuries – report injuries to Emergency Personnel • Take attendance – report it to Emergency Personnel • Remain at the assembly area in case Emergency Personnel need more information or need to ask questions – especially if there are missing persons • Wait for further instructions
QUESTIONS TO ASK When is the bomb going to explode? Where is it right now? What does it look like? What kind of bomb is it? What will cause it to explode? Did you place the bomb? Why? What is your address? What is your name? EXACT WORDING OF THE THREAT Sex of caller_____ Race_______________ Age______ Length of Call_____________ Number at which call received__________ Time___________ Date_______________ If the voice is familiar, whom did it sound like? REPORT CALL IMMEDIATELY CALL 911 Date:_______________________________ Name:______________________________ Position:____________________________ Phone Number:_______________________ THREAT LANGUAGE ___well spoken (educated) ___incoherent ___foul ___taped ___message read by threat maker REMARKS: CALLER’S VOICE ___calm ___nasal ___angry ___stutter ___excited ___lisp ___slow ___raspy ___slurred ___deep ___soft ___rapid ___loud ___accent ___laughter ___crying ___normal ___distinct ___familiar ___whispered ___clearing throat ___deep breathing ___cracking voice BACKGROUND SOUNDS ___street ___factory ___voices ___clear ___music ___static ___motor ___local ___crockery ___PA system ___house noises ___office machinery ___animal noises ___factory machinery ___long distance ___booth ___cellular phone ___other BOMB THREAT CHECKLIST