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Dr.phil. habil. Gisa Jähnichen Musicology. Mühsamstraße 64 D-10249 BERLIN + 49 (30) 429 28 29 <gisajaehnichen@web.de>. Working areas. D etailed working with musical material. S ociology and socio-psychological aspects. Systematics, Comparative Musicology. M usical instruments / organology.
Dr.phil. habil.Gisa Jähnichen Musicology Mühsamstraße 64 D-10249 BERLIN+ 49 (30) 429 28 29<gisajaehnichen@web.de>
Working areas Detailed working with musical material Sociology and socio-psychological aspects Systematics, Comparative Musicology Musical instruments / organology Regional researches Archiving and documentation Projects and international co-operation
Working areas • Detailed working with musical material: • Differentiation of soundscapes, • Descriptions of cultural concepts of sound and motion and their development, • Traditional and modern music notation and other technologies concerning musical memory, • Software based analysis of sound structures and their development, • Language - intonation - text, • Sampling and re-sampling of individual and local sound references.
Working areas • Aspects in sociology und social psychology: • Class-race-gender studies in musicology, • Age-settings and the development of the music market in European and Asian industrial centres, • Popular music & media, • Multi ethnic society and urban developments, • Transcultural education, musical perception of „the others“, • global politisation of culture, • Problems of historism and authenticism.
Working areas • Organology: • Systematic overviews, • Internal differentiations in various cultures concerning organological understanding and technology (including AV media technology), • Contexts of ensemble music, • Regional und contextual migration of musical instruments, • History of labels, trade marks, local and regional markets.
Working areas Regional researches: 1. Musical cultures in East and South East Asia (China, Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Sri Lanka) 2. East and South West Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Namibia) 3. Europe (Madeira-Archipelago, Portugal, Czech, Slovakia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Sardinia)
Working areas • Archiving and documentation: • Audio visual engineering (analogue/digital), • Technical und descriptive standards, • Field research manual, • Effectiveness of scientific usage, • Professional collection management, • Media presentation, • Development of working material for undergraduate and graduate studies (E-learning)
Working areas • Projects: • in the named working areas short and long term projects including fund raising, • Additionally exhibitions and performances, • Co-operation with youth groups concerning music performances as a part of social work in local communities
International organisations Member: + International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM), Vice president of NC of Germany in the ICTM Study groups of the ICTM: Music and Minorities, Folk musical instruments, Maqam + International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) Co-operation with: + South East Asia and Pacific Audio Visual Archive Association (SEAPAVAA) + Asia Europe Foundation (ASEF)
Name Dr. phil. habil. Gisa Jähnichen [Universitätsdozentin] Birth date and place July 14, 1961 in Halle/Saale Address Mühsamstraße 64,D-10249 BERLIN Tel.: (030) 429 28 29 E-mail: gisajaehnichen@web.de Degrees 1997 University lecturer in Ethnomusicology / Comparative Musicology [Habilitation], University Vienna, Faculty of Social Sciences 1990 Dr. phil. in Musicology, Humboldt University Berlin, (magna cum laude), Philosophical Faculty 1985 University diploma in Musicology, Charles University Prague, Department of Music, Theatre and Cinema 1986 University diploma in Vietnamese Studies, Charles University Prague, Department of Asian and African Studies Curriculum Vitae
Academic education 1980-1985 Musicology, Charles University Prague and 1981-1986 Vietnamese Studies, Charles University Prague 1983-1984 Partial studies in Vietnamese language / Regional sciences at the University Hanoi 1979-1980 High school graduation with special language courses in Czech, Martin Luther University Halle/Wittenberg 1976-1979 Special Classes for Music Education at the High School College"Gerhart Hauptmann" in Wernigerode Musical education 1983-1995 Partial studies in 1983/84, 1988/89, 1992/93, and 1995 at the Faculty of Traditional Music of the Conservatories in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City/Vietnam: transverse flute sao truc, monochord dan bau, percussion bo go, 16string zither dan tranh) 1976-1979 Member of the Youth Chamber Choir of the German Broadcasting, Wernigerode; Special education: Conducting, Free style accompaniment, Composition, Harmony and Counterpoint techniques, Händel Conservatory Halle, Special Classes for Music Education Wernigerode, Charles University Prague, final exams in 1983 1973-1980 Vocal performance, Händel Conservatory Halle, Special Classes for Music Education Wernigerode, final exams in 1976 (a) and 1979 (b) 1967-1984 Piano, Privat education, Händel Conservatory Halle, Special Classes for Music Education Wernigerode, Charles University Prague, final exams in 1980 (a) and 1984 (b) Curriculum Vitae
Professional experiences 2004- 2005 2003 - 05 Temporarily professorship in Musicology (W2) at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt a.M. (Organology / Class-Race-Gender Studies / AV-Media) Guest lectures at the University Vienna (dance and motion analysis) Temporarily professorship in Musicology (C3) at the University Paderborn / Music Academy Detmold (Sources of Popular Music / Gender Studies / AV-Media) 2002 Guest lectures at the University Vienna (Polysonic structures of music and their analysis) 2001-2002 Guest lectures at the University of Applied Sciences Oldenburg/Ostfriesland/Wilhelmshaven, Department of Social Sciences (Cultural anthropology) 1999-2001 Scientific project manager at the national Library of laos in Vientiane, “Internal Systematization of Music Practices/Archives of Traditional Music in Laos”, technical and personnel installation, education of scientific staff, lectures at the Dongdok University Vientiane (with study grant of the German Research Association and the Society of Technical Co-operation of the Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development in Germany) Curriculum Vitae
1998/99 Project manager of the German Vietnamese co-oparation: Complete audio recordings of the South Vietnamese “Music of the Talented” in Ho Chi Minh City (granted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany) 1996/97 Guest lectures at the University Vienna / Audio and video archiving at the Museum for Ethnology Berlin 1996 Lectures at the University Rostock 1996 Lectures at the Free University Berlin and 1992-1996 Preparing the second grade university doctorate [Habilitation] granted by the German Research Association, co-operation with the Department of Ethnomusicology at the Museum for Ethnology Berlin (archiving und documentation, audio and video cutting, studies on material from East and South West Africa, partially granted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany 1992 Director of the South East Asian Department of the German East Asia Institute Berlin 1985-1991 Scientific assistant, lectures at the Humboldt University Berlin (lectures continuing until 1994) 1982-1985 while studying supplementary work as cultural editor of the weekly journal "Prager Volkszeitung“ in German language; language assistant at the news department of the broadcasting company "Československý rozhlas" in Prague Curriculum Vitae
Experiences in foreign countries and field researches 3 weeks observation in Malaysia / Singapore, Akademi Seni Kebangsaan, University Putra Malaysia /SIA Lasalle College of the Arts Singapore 2005 2003-2004 1 month field researches in Laos, province Vientiane per year 1 month field researches in Laos, province Sainyabuly 2002 2 months field researches in Laos, Vientiane Municipality, Ministry of Culture and Information Laos 2001 3 weeks researches on the Madeira Archipelago, Casa do Povo do Porto Santo, Vila Baleira; Casa do Povo do São Vicente 1999-2001 24 months field researches in Laos Ministry of Culture and Information Laos 1999 3 months field researches in South Vietnam, Society of musicians and composers of Ho Chi Minh City, House of Cultures Berlin 1998 3 months field researches in South Vietnam, Society of musicians and composers of Ho Chi Minh City 1997 2 months field researches in Ethiopia, University Addis Abeba 1996 3 weeks researches on the Madeira Archipelago, Casa do Povo do Porto Santo, Vila Baleira; Casa do Povo do São Vicente, Câmara Municipal de Santana; 2 months researches in Vietnam and Laos, Institute for Culture and Art Ho Chi Minh City, Ministry of Culture and Information Laos 1995 1 month field researches in Kenia, Gede Museum3 Monate Forschungsreise Vietnam, Verlag für Musik Hanoi 1994 1 month studies in Portugal, Library Mafra 1993 1 month field researches in Kenia, Gede Museum 1992/93 6 months field researches in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Ministry of Culture and Arts Vietnam 1988/89 9 months supplementary studies in Hanoi und Ho Chi Minh City, Ministry of Culture and Arts Vietnam 1986 5 weeks field researches in Bulgaria, Conservatory Plovdiv 2006 Curriculum Vitae
Foreign languages Czech, Vietnamese, English, Russian, Slovakian, Lao, Bulgarian, Thai, Chinese, French (in the order of an active – passive knowledge) Free co-operations since 2002 Co-operation with the Asia Europe Foundation (ASEF) since 2001 Member of the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA); Co-operation with the South East Asia and Pacific Audio Visual Archive Association (SEAPAVAA) since 2000 Vice president of the National Committee of Germany in the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) since 1999 Co-operation with the Study Group „Music and Minorities“ of the ICTM since 1995 Co-operation with the Study Group „Folk Musical Instruments“ of the ICTM since 1990 Member of the ICTM, Co-operation with the Study Group „maqam“ of the ICTM since 1990 Editor of scientific series in musicology (Studies in Ethnomusicology; Maqam-Tagungsberichte, Uunona imbeni; Schriftenreihe zur Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Vietnams) since 1984 Editions of popular sciences in German, English, Vietnamese, Czech; performances in different formations; co-operation with broadcasting and television companies (DS Kultur/DeutschandRadio, WDR, Dai tieng noi Viet Nam, Radio Praha 1, Van Hoa Nghe Thuat) Curriculum Vitae Berlin, 9. August 2006
Outcomes... 94 Articles und monographs, out of it 11 typoscripts* and 15 further conference reports* 14 Editions 22 Documented and officially accessible audio and video collections 12 Documentaries 44 Series of regular university lessons 27 Guest lessons 28 Revised student’s diploma in “Popular Music & Media” 18 Single projects and – co-operations * accessible but not officially published
2005 „Local performances, female musicians and media - cultural studies in suburban contexts” (South East Asia and Pacific Audiovisual Archive Association, Ministry of Information and Culture in Laos) 2004/2005 „Dimensions of class, race and gender in past and present music“, interdisciplinary online edition”, student’s work and discussions the Department of Musicology of the University Paderborn, in co-operation with the Institute of Talent Research in Music and Performance and the Department of Media Science 2003/2004 Cross-sectional preservation of musical activities in Sainyabuly, Laos (South East Asia and Pacific Audiovisual Archive Association, Ministry of Information and Culture) 2002 “Professional Production of Free Reed Instruments in Laos”, “Musical Traditions of the Nam Ngeum Region”, field researches, archiving and documentation, edition of researches in Lao language, Archives of Traditional Music, National Library of Laos, Vientiane, (South East Asia and Pacific Audiovisual Archive Association, Ministry of Information and Culture) 2002 -2004 Studies on musical syntax in polysonic structures – computer aided methods of sound analysis and its visualization, research co-operation with Prof. Dr. Reiner Kluge (Humboldt University Berlin) 2001 [continuation of the project in 1996] “Traditional String Instruments on the Madeira Archipelago”, field researches, independent researches (Casa do Povo do Porto Santo, Vila Baleira; Casa do Povo do São Vicente, privately granted) Single projects and co-operations
1999-2001 Technical installation, education of staff members, field researches: Archives of Traditional Music in Laos, scientific/technical/pedagogical project management at the National Library of Laos, co-operation with Kongdeuane Nettavong / “Internal Systematization of Traditional Music Practices in Laos”, Sound and Video Recordings on Traditional Music of the Akha (Luang Namtha), Alak, Brau, Bru, Hmong Dam, Hmong Khao, Hmong Lai, Iu Mien, Jahoen, Jin, Kadai, Kado, Katang, Katu, Khmu (Luang Prabang, Bolikhamsay), Lao (Vientiane, Luang Prabang, Savan, Salavan, Xiengkhuang, Mahaxay, Sam Neua, Pakse), Laven, Leu, Moey, Nghe, Oi, Talieng, Ta-Oi, Thai Deng and Xek ((with study grant of the German Research Association and the Society of Technical Co-operation of the Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development in Germany) 1999 Weeks of Vietnamese Culture, Coordination and scientific advice for the section of music and literature, co-operation with Frank Gehrke, conception und realisation of concerts, taking care of tours, further researches and translations, Co-operation with the Broadcasting Company Free Berlin, CD-edition (House of Cultures of the World, Berlin, SFB) 1998/99 Project manager of the German Vietnamese co-operation: Complete audio recordings of the South Vietnamese “Music of the Talented” in Ho Chi Minh City, audio recordings, documentation and scientific researches in co-operation with Kieu Tan (granted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany) subsequently: “Presenting Musical Cultures of Tay Nguyen (Sedang, Bahnar, Ede, Giarai) – Strategy of a District Festival in Pleiku / Gialai-Kontum ”, audio and video recordings, interviews, co-operation and programme edition for the television station HTV, Ho Chi Minh City Single projects and co-operations
1997 “Musical Traditions of the Central Highland of Ethiopia”, University of Addis Abeba, Digital Sound Recordings, Video Recordings, Photographs of Musical Instruments; field recordings in Gojjam and Gonder, Ethiopia, scientific and technical advisor, co-operation with Timkehet Teffera (MIDROC-Company, privately granted) 1996 “Traditional Instrumental Ensembles on the Madeira Archipelago”, field researches, independent researches (Câmara Municipal de Santana, Casa do Povo de Santana “24 Horas a Bailar em Santana" XIV Festival Regional de Folclore / Casa do Povo do Porto Santo, Vila Baleira, privately granted) 1994 Musical traditions of the Ovambo/ Namibia, administrator and scientific advisor processing the inheritance of Dr. Sabine Zinke ((granted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany, Embassy in Windhoek) 1993/1995 “Diversity of Flute Playing in Mijikenda Ethnic Groups”/“Representing Maasai Musical Culture by State Organizations in Kenia”, Gede Museum, Malindi, independent researches (privately granted) 1992-93/95 Traditional instrumental music in Vietnam, independent researches (granted by German Research Association) 1991 Week of Vietnamese Culture in Berlin „Dragon’s children sing softly“, programme conception, direction of concerts, readings, discussions, Organising the music tour of Bup Sen Xanh, German Vietnamese Society e.V., Berlin 1990 Exhibition „Where the moon lies on its belly: Vietnamese everyday life’s culture“, in the „Kommode“, Humboldt University Berlin, November/December, conception and realisation, German Vietnamese Society e.V., Berlin / association for people’s friendship 1986-1989 Musical life in Saigon until 1975, coordination and scientific direction, co-operation with Prof. Dr. habil. Jürgen Elsner (Humboldt University Berlin) Single projects and co-operations
List of scientific worksArticles and monographs • 2006 • Local Typology and Individuality of Hmong Song Melodies, in: Guandu Music Journal 4, edited by Schu Chi Lee, College of Music, Taipei National University of the Arts, June 2006: 161-212 • - Flötenmusik im interkontinentalen Kulturtransfer zwischen 1650 und 1850, Berichte zu wissenschaftlichen Arbeitstagungen, Bd. 38, Kloster Michaelstein, Institut für Musik und Aufführungspraxis, printing in process • - Renovation versus Formalization in zapin Music? Some remarks on the recent meaning of maqam in the Malay World, Report of the Sixth Study Group Meeting on maqam, Urumqi / Xinjiang, printing in process • Cultural diversity and preservation strategies within modern Vietnamese society: Can we save the hat a dao?, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Ca tru singing of the Viet People, Institute for Musicology, Hanoi, printing in process • - Sardinian air in Lao pipes, in: Report on the Study Group Meeting „Folk Musical Instruments“ in Vilnius /Latvia, April 2006, printing in process
Articles and monographs • 2006(continued) • - Accessing People through Accessibility of AV Documents,IASA Journal December 2006, ed. by Ilse Assmann, printing in process • Feldforschung in Theorie und Praxis: Das Archiv für Traditionelle Musik in Laos, in: Feldforschung in Theorie und Praxis, ed. by Gerda Lechleitner u.a., Phonogrammarchiv Wien, 2006, printing in process • Children musicians in class – race – gender conflicts, Report of the Fourth Study Group Meeting on Music and Minorities, Varna / Bulgaria, printing in process • Eine Geschichte von Schall und Rauch - Klangliches Selbstverständnis in der „Musik der Talentierten“, Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Marianne Bröcker, ed. by Heidi Schierer, Nürnberg, printing in process • - Truyen thong hat thi va triet hoc thong tin hien nay tai Viet Nam [Tradition of musical competitions and present media philosophy in Vietnam], Proceedings of the International Conference on Preservation of Folk Songs in Bac Ninh, Institute for Culture and Art, Hanoi, 2006, printing in process
Articles and monographs 2005 - Teaching future specialists on Popular Music & Media in AV-Archiving: Report on an experiment at the University of Paderborn, IASA-Journal December 2005, printing in process - Klang – Körper – Instrument: Von Beatboxern und Luftgitarristen, in: Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee Deutschland, Bd. XIV/XV, ed. by Marianne Bröcker, Bamberg: Universitätsbibliothek, printing in process - Perspektiven eines Studiengangs: Was kann Genderforschung für Popmusik-Experten interessant machen?, in: „Erkenntnisgewinn durch Methode?“ Bericht zur Tagung der Sektion Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung in der GfM in Kooperation mit der Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, ed. by Monika Woitas und Corinna Herr, Böhlau-Verlag, printing in process - Das Bengbong-Spiel der Brau in Laos: Soziale Ideen in instrumental-musikalischer Praxis, in: Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee Deutschland, Bd. XIV/XV, ed. by Marianne Bröcker, Bamberg: Universitätsbibliothek, printing in process - Longing for the distance and confrontation with the distance: Musical dreams in the passed German Democratic Republic, in: Panel-discussion on “Class-Race-Gender-issues and Music in Cold War“, 38th World Conference of the ICTM, Sheffield, UK, 8 – 13 August, 2005, Online-edition (in Vorb.)
Articles and monographs 2004 - Der Gesang der Schönen, in: Dokumente zur Ringvorlesung “Kulturdiskurse in Afrika und Asien“, Universität Hamburg, printing in process (28 S.) - Ethno and/or Musicology? New Ways in Musical Education, Proceedings of DOBES Summer School, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a. M. (16 S.) - Pray woman and their musical duties, in: Proceedings of the ICTM Study Group “Music and Minorities” in Roc, Kroatia, printing in process (16 S.) - Musikinstrumente in außereuropäischen Kulturen, in: Handbuch der Musikinstrumentenkunde, 9. überarb. Auflage, Kassel: Gustav Bosse Verlag, 351-404 - „Die Pipa und der Ud“ – Genderforschung und ethnologische Kompetenz in der Musikwissenschaft; in: Projektedition zu “Dimensionen von Klasse, Rasse und Geschlecht in musikalischer Tradition und Gegenwart“ (22 S.), http://kunden.powerplant.de/www.popstudium.de/genderforschung - Schriftliche und ikonografische Hinweise zu musizierenden Frauen in Mesopotamien, in: Projektedition zu “Dimensionen von Klasse, Rasse und Geschlecht in musikalischer Tradition und Gegenwart“ (28 S.), http://kunden.powerplant.de/www.popstudium.de/genderforschung
2003 - Who are we? Cross-sectional preservation of musical traditions of ethnic minorities in its gender dimension, in: Report of the International Symposium on Preservation of the Arts Heritage of Chinese Ethnic Groups & Development of Contemporary Arts, Beijing: Chinese Academy of Arts, 85/230 - Researching musical systems: New approaches in preserving musical identities in South East Asia, in: Preservation of Traditional Music, Report of the Asia-Europe Training Programme, Beijing: Chinese Academy of Arts/ Asia-Europe Foundation/ Centre of Ethnic and Folk Literature and Arts Development, 85-94 - Cuoc thu nghiem ve Hat a dao [Versuch über das Hat-a-dao, orig. vietnamesisch, Wiederauflage der gleichnamigen Monographie], in: Ca tru nhin tu nhieu phia, ed. by Nguyen Duc Mau, Hanoi: Nha xuat ban van hoa – thong tin: 346-388 - Preservation of Traditional South Vietnamese Music – Report of a Vietnamese-German Co-operation, in: Preservation of Traditional Music, Report of the Asia-Europe Training Programme, Beijing: Chinese Academy of Arts/ Asia-Europe Foundation/ Centre of Ethnic and Folk Literature and Arts Development, 131-138 - Denkwürdige Unterhaltung mit einem blinden Musiker, in: Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee Deutschland, Bd. XIII, ed. by Marianne Bröcker, Bamberg: Universitätsbibliothek, S. 25-33 Articles and monographs
Articles and monographs 2002 - Wild Africa: Understanding and Presentation of Maasai Musical Culture, in: Manifold Identities: Studies on Music and Minorities, ed. by Anna Czekanowska, Ursula hemetek, Gerda Lechleitner, Inna Naroditskaya, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 209-220 - Once to Hawaii and back: the rajão on Porto Santo, in: Studia instrumentorum musicae popularis, Bd. XV, Svenskt visarkiv 21, The Centre for Swedish Folk Music and Jazz Research, Stockholm, 47-54 - Männer weinen nicht, Männer sind nur komisch... - Wiegenlieder und die Vorurteile der weiblichen Zivilisation, in: Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee Deutschland, Bd. XII, ed. by Marianne Bröcker, Bamberg: Universitätsbibliothek, 137-148 - Laos: Traditional Music in Buddhist Context, CD-booklet, Tucson (Arizona): celestial-harmonies, 2-39 - The Archives of Traditional Music in Laos, in: Conference on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Berlin Phongramm-Archiv, ed. by Gabriele Berlin und Artur Simon, Ethnologisches Museum Berlin, SMPK, 330-340 - How were we collecting music – Field report, in: SEAPAVAA-Newsletter 2002, ed. by Belina Capul, Manila: Motion pictures division at the Philippine Information Agency (PIA), Online-Edition
Articles and monographs 2001 - Collecting principles and their obstacles – or: How to collect nothing, in: IASA Journal, Nr. 18 (2001), December, 15-22 - Mundorgel-Akrobatik der Hmong in Xiengkhuang und Huaphan, Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee Deutschland, Bd. XI, ed. by Marianne Bröcker, Bamberg: Universitätsbibliothek, 75-89 - Introduction - Collections - Analytic Observation - Internal Systematization of Traditional Music Practices in Laos, in: Research Report: Archives of Traditional Music in Laos, ed. by Gisa Jähnichen, Ministry of Information and Culture, National Library of Laos – FH Oldenburg-Ostfriesland-Wilhelmshaven, Vientiane, S. 4-28, 30-165, 202-220, 303-311, 335-446 - Music from Laos, in: Buddha – transcending space & time, Sydney - Tucson (Arizona): celestial harmonies/ Art Gallery NSW, lc 7869/14215-2, 18-20 - Do Nhuan, Eintrag in MGG, Personenteil D, Bärenreiter, Kassel-Basel-London-New York-Prag; Metzler, Stuttgart-Weimar
2000 - Das Zeremonialensemble von Champasak,Berichte der Arbeitstagung der Study Group of the ICTM "Folk Music Instruments" in Markneukirchen, in: Studia instrumentorum musicae popularis, Bd. XIV, Leipzig / Stockholm: Musikinstrumenten-Museum der Universität Leipzig / Musikmuseet Series of Publications, printing in process - Ca Le Thuan, Eintrag in MGG, Personenteil C, Bärenreiter, Kassel-Basel-London-New York-Prag; Metzler, Stuttgart-Weimar - Dam Linh, Eintrag in MGG, Personenteil D, Bärenreiter, Kassel-Basel-London-New York-Prag; Metzler, Stuttgart-Weimar - Saigon: Masters of Traditional Music, CD booklet, Weltmusik/Wergo, SM 1533 2 (20 S.) - "Song phi ho diep" [Dancing Butterfly Pair] - South Vietnamese Music of the Talented, recorded by Gisa Jähnichen in Ho-Chi-Minh City, March 1999, in: Music! The Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv 1900-2000, CD-booklet, Museum Collection Berlin/Wergo , LC 06356: 200-201 - Jürgen Elsner, in: The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd Edition, ed. by Stanley Sadie, Bd. 8, London: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 168-169 1999 - Music of the Talented, 2nd part of documentation, Hoi Am Nhac Thanh Pho Ho Chi Minh [Musikerverband Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt], Berlin (187 S.), als Typoskript zugänglich im Fachreferat Musikethnologie, Völkerkundemuseum Berlin, SMPK - “Hò! #1” – Roady Music from Vietnam, CD booklet, c+p trikont, lc 4270 Articles and monographs
Articles and monographs 1998 Music of the Talented, 1st part of documentation, Hµi âm nhÕc Thành ph¯ H° Chí Minh [Musikerverband Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt] (224 S.) als Typoskript zugänglich im Fachreferat Musikethnologie, Völkerkundemuseum Berlin, SMPK "Rasseln", Eintrag in MGG, Bd. 8, Bärenreiter, Kassel-Basel-London-New York-Prag; Metzler, Stuttgart-Weimar, 73-87 "Schlitztrommeln", Eintrag in MGG, Bd. 8, Bärenreiter, Kassel-Basel-London-New York-Prag; Metzler, Stuttgart-Weimar, 1101-1110 "Schraper", Eintrag in MGG, Bd. 8, Bärenreiter, Kassel-Basel-London-New York-Prag; Metzler, Stuttgart-Weimar, 1137-1144 Die Wiederentdeckung des Klangs - Ensemblemusikinstrumente der südvietnamesischen "Musik der Talentierten", Berichte der Arbeitstagung der Study Group of the ICTM "Folk Musical Instruments" in Kopenhagen, in: Studia instrumentorum musicae popularis, Bd. XIII, Leipzig / Stockholm: Musikinstrumenten-Museum der Universität Leipzig / Musikmuseet Series of Publications, printing in process (14 S.) "Vietnam", Eintrag in MGG, Bd. 9, Bärenreiter, Kassel-Basel-London-New York-Prag; Metzler, Stuttgart-Weimar, 1480-1505 „Canh dep thu do“ [Die Hauptstadt umgeben von Schönheit] – Hau van auf dem Fluß der Düfte, in: Klangfarben der Kulturen, Musik aus 17 Ländern der Erde, ed. by Andreas Meyer, Berlin: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Museum für Völkerkunde, 25-26, 46
Articles and monographs 1997 Studien zu traditionellen vietnamesischen Instrumentalpraktiken des HAT A DAO und desCA VONG CO (Habil.), Schriften und Dokumente zur Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Vietnams Nr.7, ed. by Kurt Schwaen, Gisa Jähnichen und Jörg Wischermann 2 Bde., Berlin: Verlag der Deutsch-Vietnamesischen Gesellschaft e.V. (446 S.) Die Chivoti der Giriama, in: Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee Deutschland, Bd. V, ed. by Marianne Bröcker, Bamberg: Universitätsbibliothek, 149-172 1995 "Sie sangen so jung..."- musikalische Erfahrungen junger Namibier im und nach dem Exil, in: Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee Deutschland, Bd. V, ed. by Marianne Bröcker, Bamberg: Universitätsbibliothek, S. 57-70 Cuoc thu nghiem ve HAT A DAO[Versuch über das HAT A DAO], Hanoi: Nha xuat ban Am Nhac, (94 S.) 1994 Fremde Musikintrumente & Südvietnamesische Ensemblemusik, II. Beobachtungen und Überlegungen zur Entwicklung der südvietnamesischen Ensemblemusikinstrumente, in: Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee Deutschland, Bd. IV, ed. by Marianne Bröcker, Bamberg: Universitätsbibliothek, 133-149
Articles and monographs 1993 Einige Probleme bei der Analyse von Instrumentalpraktiken desHAT A DAO in Vietnam, in: Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee Deutschland, Bd. II, ed. by Marianne Bröcker: Universitätsbibliothek, 35-43 "Die Klong-put-Nummer" - Exotismus in der Präsentation nationaler Musiktraditionen, in: Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee Deutschland, Bd. II, ed. by Marianne Bröcker, Bamberg: Universitätsbibliothek, 69-89 Bompe Kon der Khmer in Hâu Giang und Kiên Giang, in: Studies in Ethnomusicology, ed. by Jürgen Elsner und Gisa Jähnichen, 3. Africa and Asia, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Musikerziehung, Berlin, 56-110 Musikethnologische Fallstudien und "musikalische Fremdsprachentheorie", in: Musik als Text - Bericht über den Internationalen Kongreß der Gesellschaft für Musikforschung, Freiburg i. Breisgau, 85-88 1992 Extensive Ornamentierung - Notizen zu einem Entwicklungsphänomen in der traditionellen vietnamesischen Musikpraxis, in: Studies in Ethnomusicology, ed. by Jürgen Elsner und Gisa Jähnichen, 2. Oriental Music, Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Musikerziehung, 2-131
Articles and monographs 1991 On the History of Vietnamese Vocal Music Practice, in: Studies in Ethnomusicology, ed. by Jürgen Elsner und Gisa Jähnichen, 1. Oriental Music Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin , Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Musikerziehung, 66-115 Studies on South Vietnamese Musical Culture, in: Studies in Ethnomusicology, ed. by Jürgen Elsner und Gisa Jähnichen, 1. Oriental Music Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Musikerziehung, 116-138 Luu Huu Phuoc, in: Studies in Ethnomusicology, ed. by Jürgen Elsner und Gisa Jähnichen, 1. Oriental Music Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin , Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Musikerziehung, 139-159 Die vietnamesische Wölbbrettzither ðàn tranh, in: Festival Saitenklänge, Abteilung Musikethnologie, Völkerkundemuseum Berlin, SMPK / Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, 6-8 1988 Mot vai suy nghi ve lien hoan nhac cu dan toc[Einige Anmerkungen zu einem Festival der Volksmusikinstrumente], in:Am nhac1/2 (1988) , Hanoi, 8-15 Ve viec nghien cuu lich su am nhac Viet Nam[Musikgeschichtsschreibung in Vietnam]; 1. Hoi thao Cao van Lau, Bac Lieu, Vien nghien cuu nghe thuat, Phong van hoa Minh Hai, o.S. (8 S.) [sowie kürzere populärwissenschaftliche Artikel in Zeitschriften, Programmheften, Videoproduktionen]
List of scientific works Editions 2006 (together with Jürgen Elsner) Intercultural Comparison of Maqam and Related Phenomena, Materialien der 5. Arbeitstagung der Study Group "maqam" des International Council for Traditional Music, Samarkand 2001, CD-ROM-Edition (Hrsg.) Nattasin - Basic styles of Lao Dance, National Library of Laos, Vientiane (144 S.) + CD-ROM-Edition 2005 (together with Jürgen Elsner und Sefika Sehvar Besiroglu) The Maqam Tradition of Turkic Peoples, Materialien der 4. Arbeitstagung der Study Group "maqam" des International Council for Traditional Music, Istanbul 1998, Konservatorium Istanbul (ca. 267 S.) 2002 (Editor): Kongdeuane Nettavong: Khen le siangkhen [Mouth organ construction mouth organ playing], National Library of Laos, Vientiane (86 S.) 2001 (Editor): Research Report: Archives of Traditional Music in Laos, Ministry of Information and Culture, National Library of Laos – FH Oldenburg-Ostfriesland-Wilhelmshaven, Vientiane, (446 S.)
Editions 1997 (together with Kurt Schwaen and Jörg Wischermann): Anja Nitzsche: Frauen, Marktwirtschaft und Patriarchat - Auswirkungen der gesellschaftlichen Erneuerung auf die Situation von Frauen in Vietnam, Schriften und Dokumente zur Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Vietnams Nr.8, Berlin, (111 S.) (together with Kurt Schwaen and Jörg Wischermann und Bearb.) Kieu Tan: Cây dan ghita phím lom [Untersuchungen zur ghita phím lom], Schriften und Dokumente zur Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Vietnams Nr.9, Berlin (92 S.) 1996 (together with Kurt Schwaen and Jörg Wischermann): Anja Schepke: Wenn die Wirtschaft die Umwelt bedroht: Stand und Perspektiven des Umweltschutzes in Vietnam, Schriften und Dokumente zur Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Vietnams ; Nr. 6 (74 S.) 1995 (together with Herbert Zinke): Uunona imbeni, Namibian children songs and dances, Herbert Zinke, Berlin/Ascherlsleben (+ MC) (together with Kurt Schwaen and Jörg Wischermann): David G. Marr: Zwischen Marx und Markt – eine kritische Bilanz der wirtschaftlichen, politischen und kulturellen Entwicklung Vietnams seit 1975, Schriften und Dokumente zur Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Vietnams Nr.5, Berlin, (42 S.)
Editions 1993 (together with Jürgen Elsner): Studies in Ethnomusicology, 3. Africa and Asia, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Musikerziehung, Berlin (136 S.) (together with Jürgen Elsner): Studies in Ethnomusicology, 4. Namibia: Oidano yoshiwana Namibia - Tradtionelle Tanzlieder der Ovambo, Sammlung und Transkription: Sabine Zinke, Berlin (189 S.) 1992 (together with Jürgen Elsner): Regionale maqam-Traditionen in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Materialien der 2. Arbeitstagung der Study Group "maqam" des International Council for Traditional Music vom 23. bis 28. März 1992 in Gosen bei Berlin, 2 Bde., (595 S.) (together with Jürgen Elsner): Studies in Ethnomusicology, 2. Oriental Music, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Musikerziehung, Berlin (183 S.) 1991 (together with Jürgen Elsner): Studies in Ethnomusicology, 1. Oriental Music, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Musikerziehung, Berlin (163 S.)
Accessible typoscripts 2002-05 Dokumentation zu Aufnahmen in den „Archives of Traditional Music in Laos“, 3rd part, National Library of Laos, Vientiane / Berlin, Fachreferat Musikethnologie, Ethnologisches Museum, SMPK, (542 Min, Ausdruck, erweiterbare Access-Datenbank) 2000-01 Dokumentation zu Aufnahmen in den “Archives of Traditional Music in Laos”, 1st part, National Library of Laos, Vientiane / Berlin, Fachreferat Musikethnologie, Ethnologisches Museum, SMPK, (1920 Min, 34 S.) und Dokumentation zu Aufnahmen in den „Archives of Traditional Music in Laos“, 2nd part, National Library of Laos, Vientiane / Berlin, Fachreferat Musikethnologie, Ethnologisches Museum, SMPK, (1965 Min, 51 S.) 1997 Dokumentation zu eigenen Aufnahmen „Vietnam 1983-1996“, Fachreferat Musikethnologie, Museum für Völkerkunde, SMPK, Berlin (11.580 Min, 126 S.) Dokumentation zur Ton-Sammlung von Ki«u T¤n „Südvietnam 1968-1996“, Fachreferat Musikethnologie, Museum für Völkerkunde, SMPK, (900 Min, 14 S.) 1996 Pädagogische Aspekte in ostasiatischen Musikkulturen, in: Beiträge zur Tagung Transkulturelle Musikerziehung, ed. by Martina Claus-Bachmann, Universität Bamberg, (16 S.)
1996 Namibia: Dokumentation zur Ton-Sammlung von Sabine Zinke - Gesänge der Ovambo (1981-1994); 3.690 Min, Abteilung Musikethnologie, Museum für Völkerkunde, SMPK (82 S.) 1990 Gegenwärtiges Liedschaffen (ca khúc) in Südvietnam - Musikalisches Denken und gesellschaftliches Musikverständnis, Diss., Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, ins Englische übersetzte Auszüge veröffentlicht in: Studies in Ethnomusicology, 1. Oriental Music, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Musikerziehung, Berlin 1988 Geschichte in Interviews, in: PoL-Festival Berlin, ed. by Birgit Jank, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Forschungszentrum für Populäre Musik, o.S. (58 S.) 1986 Sociokomunikativní procesy za amerického neokolonialismu v Jižním Vietnamu a jejich odráz v narodním vývoji hudby [Soziokommunikative Prozesse während der gesellschaftlichen Amerikanisierung Südvietnams und ihr Niederschlag in der Entwicklung einer nationalen Musikkultur]; Dipl., Karlsuniversität Prag, Philosophische Fakultät, Katheder für Asien- und Afrikastudien (101 S.) 1985 Dosavádní výsledky výzkumu o původě hudby [Bisherige Untersuchungen zur Entstehungsgeschichte der Musik]; Dipl. Karlsuniversität Prag, Philosophische Fakultät, Katheder Musik-, Theater- und Filmwissenschaft (158 S.) Accessible typoscripts
Further conference reports 2005 Chinese Past in Present Saigon, CHIME Conference, Amsterdam, 5 – 9 October 2005 AV-presentation: “The day when General Vu went to heaven”, CHIME Conference, Amsterdam, 5 – 9 October 2005 What does a future specialist on Popular Music & Media has to know about AV-Archiving?, IASA Annual Conference, Barcelona, 10 - 15 September 2005 Longing for the distance and confrontation with the distance: Musical dreams in the passed German Democratic Republic, 38th World Conference of the ICTM, Sheffield, UK, 8 – 13 August, 2005 2004 Abstract motion: Imaging polysonic structures of traditional instrumental music, Theme: Musical Instruments as Insights on Musical Systems, 37th World Conference of the ICTM, Fuzhou and Qianzhou, China, 4 – 11 January, 2004 Video presentation: “...And don’t forget your shoes! - Observations on the fringes of field researches in Laos”, Theme: New research, 37th World Conference of the ICTM, Fuzhou and Qianzhou, China, 4 – 11 January, 2004 2002 Ethnographic archives - commercial and practical realities of running archives within the priorities and pressures of broadcasting organisations, SEAPAVAA-Conference 2002, Vientiane, Laos In memoriam Vûy Ch² - postscriptive documents and sound recordings from Vietnam, SEAPAVAA-Conference 2002, Vientiane, Laos
2002 (mit Bounchao Phichit und Thongbang Homsombat) The ideal Archive: Visions and Hopes – Lao country report, SEAPAVAA-Conference 2002, Vientiane, Laos 2001 I’m archived! Preservation of Traditional Music Practices in Laos, 36th World Conference of the International Council for Traditional Music, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2000 The First Archives of Traditional Music in Laos, SEAPAVAA-IASA Conference 2000, Singapore 1999 Can we save the tradition of hát ä ðào?, 35th World Conference of the International Council for Traditional Music, Hiroshima, Japan 1997 Well-balanced limits: Notes onsouth vietnamese nhÕc tài tØ, 34th World Conference of the International Council for Traditional Music, Nitra, Slovakia 1993 Problems of re-alphabetization at state schools of traditional music in Vietnam (Paper and video presentation), 32nd World Conference of the ICTM, Berlin, Germany 1987 Vietnamese Music: Future without Past?, 29th World Conference of the International Council for Traditional Music, Berlin, Germany Further conference reports
Documented collections • 22 Audio- and video-collections (1983-2005) from • Laos, Portugal, Vietnam, Kenia, Ethiopia, Namibia • altogether containing more than 6200 audio-titles and 90 hours of videos/films • These collections are accessible to the public at the: • Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, SMPK, Ethnologisches Museum, Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv • National Library of Laos (local records) • Institute for Musicology Hanoi (local records) • Namibian National Archive
Documentaries 2005 “The day when General Vu went to heaven”, CHIME Conference, Amsterdam, 5 – 9 October “Children as musicians – documents from the ATML-collection”, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M. “Female performances and media - cultural studies in suburban contexts”, , Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M. 2003 “...And don’t forget your shoes! - Observations on the fringes of field researches in Laos”, (25 Min.), Orig. englisch, Beitrag für die 37. Weltkonferenz des ICTM 1997 "Iskista und andere Freuden" - zu Tänzen in Gojjam und Gonder/ Äthiopien, 24 Min., Orig. englisch, 34th World Conference of the International Council for Traditional Music, Nitra, Slovakia 1996 „Kleine Welten mit großen Sorgen - Kultur der Minderheiten in Vietnam“ (58 Min.), Orig. deutsch, Deutsch-Vietnamesische Gesellschaft e.V., Berlin
Documentaries 1996 „Tanztheater der Khmer Krom“ (38 Min.), Orig. deutsch, Deutsch-Vietnamesische Gesellschaft e.V., Berlin „Die Kunst des hat a dao: zum Gedenken an den Musiker Phó Ðình KÏ“ (52 Min.), Orig. vietnamesisch, State Conservatory Hanoi 1995 „Sie sangen so jung... - Junge Namibier im Exil“ (12 Min.), Orig. deutsch, ICTM-Nationalkomitee Deutschland, Jahrestagung, Leipzig 1994 „Glück und Unglück aus erster Hand - Musik zu den Tempelzeremonien in Nordvietnam“ (47 Min), Orig. deutsch, Deutsch-Vietnamesische Gesellschaft e.V., Berlin „Der Klang der Laute dan day: zum Gedenken an den Künstler Ðình Kh¡c Ban“ (43 Min.), Orig. vietnamesisch, State Conservatory Hanoi 1993 "Falsches Sehen macht taub, falsches Hören macht blind" (22 Min.), Orig. englisch, Beitrag für die 31. Weltkonferenz des ICTM + Further broadcasts and telecasts in: DeutschlandRadio Berlin, Dai truyen hinh Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh, DS Kultur, WDR, Československý rozhlas
Series of regular university lessons 2006/07 alle Lehrveranstaltungen an der Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität Frankfurt - AV-Archiving for Musicologists and Media Scientists II – basic skills and decision management (in English) - Organologie im Kontext einer modernen Musikwissenschaft - Filmmusik und Musikfilm: intra- und extrakulturelle Aspekte audiovisueller Ästhetik - Einführung in die Klangbildanalyse Universität Wien: - Der Mann als Musiker/ The man as a musician (partly in English) 2006 - (in English) AV-Archiving for Musicologists and Media Scientists I – general introduction (in English) - Zwischen Gypsy und *.mp3: Popularmusik und Kulturtransfer in Europa - Von musikalischen Wunderkindern zum Jugendwahn: familiäre, kulturelle und soziale Normative in Film- und Videoinszenierungen - Musik in der Welt des Islams – Persepktiven und interpretationen
2005/06 alle Lehrveranstaltungen an der Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität Frankfurt - AV-Archivierung und -management für musik- und medienwissenschaftliche Berufsfelder/Teil I - Die Sängerin als mediale Konstruktion in inszenierten Spielfilmen - Philosophie und Repertoire des "Gesangs der Schönen" - Pipa - Pekingoper - Pentatonik: Europäische Reflexionen ostasiatischer "Musikgeschichten“ 2005 AV-Archivierung: Grundlegende Prinzipien und aktuelle Entwicklungen, Universität Paderborn - Die Sängerin als mediale Konstruktion, Universität Paderborn - Tanz- und Bewegungsanalyse, Universität Wien - Musikinstrumente im modernen Europa, Universität Paderborn / Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität Frankfurt - Klang - Körper - Bewegung: Darstellungsformen in traditionellen Musikkulturen, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität Frankfurt - Audio and Video Engineering in Low Cost Environment, Summer course (18 August - 5 September 2005), National Library of Laos, Ministry of Culture and Information, Vientiane Series of regular university lessons
2004/05 Generationsspezifik in traditionellen Musikkulturen, Universität Paderborn - Musik- und Kontextanalyse im digitalen Zeitalter, Universität Paderborn / Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität Frankfurt - Männer in traditionellen Musikkulturen, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität Frankfurt - Quellen europäischer Popularmusik, Universität Paderborn 2004 Ethno and/or Musicology: Myths and Reality of modern sciences / Ethnomusicology with AV Technology – a digitally experienced world? DOBES-Summer School, Frankfurt a.M. - Traditionelle Musikinstrumente im modernen Europa - Sampling und Re-Sampling, Universität Paderborn - Analyse kulturintern notierter Musik, Universität Paderborn - Männer in traditionellen Musikkulturen, Universität Paderborn - Frauen in traditionellen Musikkulturen, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität Frankfurt - Analysemethoden nichtschriftlich überlieferter Musik, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität Frankfurt 2003/04 Europa heute: Schauplatz der Musikkulturen, Universität Paderborn - Frauen in traditionellen Musikkulturen, Universität Paderborn - Analyse nicht schriftlich überlieferter Musik, Universität Paderborn Series of regular university lessons
2002 Polysonie – die andere Dimension, Vorlesungen, Universität Wien 2001/02 Kulturanthropologie – Methodologie, Vorlesungen, FH Oldenburg/ Ostfriesland/ Wilhelmshaven 2000 Social Communication – Theory and Practice, Dongdok University of Laos, Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Architecture (Trainingsprogramm, 120 Einheiten/Semester) 1999-01 Trainingsprogramm des Archives für Traditionelle Musik in Laos, Vorlesungen, Übungen, Praktika, National Library of Laos, Ministerum für Kultur und Information (16 Einheiten/Woche in Englisch/Laotisch): Archiving of Sound and Audiovisual Material Introduction into Ethnomusicology - Theory, Methodology and Fieldwork Techniques Audio Engineering (analog/digital sound recording and processing) Video Engineering Transcription and Analysis Instrumental Sound Production / Systematization of Musical Instruments Office Management in Audiovisual Archives Series of regular university lessons
1998 Traditionelle Musiksysteme in Vietnam; Vorlesungen, Universität Wien 1996/97 Einführung in die Musikethnologie; Vorlesungen, Universität Rostock 1996 Musik in Zeremonien - Zeremonien in Musik; Seminar, Freie Universität Berlin 1991/92 Lamaistische Musikpraktiken - Vergleichende Studien zur Zeremonialmusik in Tibet und Tuwa; Vorlesungen, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 1991 Methodische Probleme der Musikethnologie anhand ausgewählter Musikkulturen [Indochina]; Vorlesungen, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 1990 Angewandte Instrumentenkunde - Ostasien (I), für das 3. und 4. Studienjahr Musikwissenschaft/ Musikerziehung; Seminar, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 1989 Spezielle Probleme traditioneller Musikauffassungen, für das 3. Studienjahr Musikwissenschaft; Vorlesungen, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 1988 Geschichte und Musiksystem in Vietnam, für das 3. Studienjahr Musikwissenschaft; Vorlesungen, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 1986 Einführung in die Musik Vietnams, für das 2. Studienjahr Musikwissenschaft; Vorlesungen, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 1985/86 Weihnachtsbrauchtum und Musik der Hussiten Südböhmens, Vorlesungen, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Series of regular university lessons
Guest lectures and seminars 2005 A son is searching for a father: on the unexpected history of the rajao / Colloquium on systematic aspects in Musicology, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lissabon 2004 Der Gesang der Schönen, Ringvorlesung “Kulturdiskurse in Afrika und Asien“, Universität Hamburg Moderne Lauten im pazifischen Raum - Angewandte Instrumentenkunde, Westfälische Friedrich-Wilhelm-Universität Münster 2003 Geschlechterkonstruktionen im Schamanismus, Forum für Geschlechterforschung, Universität Paderborn Wiegenlieder und die weibliche Zivilisation, Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar Detmold-Paderborn 2002 Musik sehen – Die Tanzgesänge der Maasai-Ilmurran, Vortrag, Freie Universität Berlin Feldforschung in Theorie und Praxis Das Archiv für Traditionelle Musik in Laos (ATML): 1999 - ?, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phonogrammarchiv Wien 1999 Sozialpräventive Funktionen traditioneller Musik in Äthiopien, Vorlesung, Fachhochschule Ostfriesland Emden
Guest lectures and seminars 1998 Tanztypen des Iskista im Zentralen Hochland Äthiopiens, Film-Vortrag, Berlin-Brandenburgische Auslandsgesellschaft Nhung van de ky thuat thu thanh phan tich [Zu einigen technischen Problemen analytischer Tonaufnahmen], Hoi nhac si Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh [Musikerverband Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt] 1997 Musikkulturen der Minderheiten in Nordwest-Laos, Vortrag, Fachhochschule Ostfriesland Emden Textfluss-Analysen und intonatorische Strukturbildungen in deutschen Volksliedern und Schlagern, Seminar, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Preservation and documentation of traditional music spheres, University of Addis Abeba 1996 Das Flötenspiel der Giriama/Nordkenia, Film-Vortrag, Berlin-Brandenburgische Auslandsgesellschaft Pekingoper – Pipa – Pentatonik: das musikalische Fremdbild Chinas und der Popmusiker Tenge Er, Vortrag, Deutsch-Chinesische FG Berlin 1995 Traditionelle Tanzlieder und Entwicklung der Mehrstimmigkeit in den Gesängen der Ovambo/Nordnamibia: Klassifizierung und Methoden der Materialauswertung, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Guest lectures and seminars 1994 Traditionelle Tanzmusik der Giriama/Nordkenia: Methoden der Materialauswertung, Seminar, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Mehrstimmig begleitete Sprungtänze der Maasai-Kriegerschulen/Südwestkenia und Tansania, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 1993 Zeremonialmusik in Fujian und Quangdong/China, Gastvorlesung, Deutsches Ostasien-Institut Berlin 1992 Neuere Entwicklungen im Umgang mit tradtioneller Musik in China: Geschichte, Reflexionen in Europa, Überblick musikalischer Gattungen, Kontext-Differenzierung, Gastvorlesung, Deutsches Ostasien-Institut Berlin Musikkultur der Khmer-Krom-Minderheit in Vietnam, Vortrag, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin/Deutsch-Vietnamesische Gesellschaft e.V. 1991 Buddhistische Zeremonialmusik und Schamanengesang in Tuwa, Vortrag, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 1991 Buddhistische Zeremonialmusik in Tibet: Analyse von Anrufungs-Gesängen, Seminar, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Guest lectures and seminars 1987 Krar-begleitete Epengesänge in Äthiopien: Methoden der Materialauswertung, Seminar, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 1986 Mazedonische Heldenlieder im Pirin/Südbulgarien, Vortrag, Karlova Univerzita Praha 1985 Mittelalterliche Volksmusik in Böhmen, Gastvorlesung, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Soudobé skladebníci Vietnamu [Moderne Komponisten Vietnams], Gastvorlesung, Karlova Univerzita Praha