Slide 2:Background
Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation (RBFF), an independent, not-for-profit 501 (c) (3) organization, was formed to promote recreational angling and boating, as well as to increase awareness and appreciation of the need for protecting, conserving and restoring the nation’s aquatic resources. In 2001, the RBFF developed and launched the “Water Works Wonders” advertising campaign, targeted towards men between the ages of 25 and 54 who own fishing tackle and/or a type of boat appropriate for fishing. In 2005, the campaign was re-named “Take Me Fishing”, and females were added to the primary target. The “Take Me Fishing” campaign has included both television and print advertising, and includes an informative website (www.takemefishing.org). In order to monitor advertising effectiveness, the RBFF has conducted an annual advertising tracking study. This report represents results from the 2005 wave.
Slide 3:Research Purpose & Objectives
The purpose of this research study was to measure changes in “brand”/advertising awareness and attitudes/perceptions over time. Specifically, the study was designed to: Evaluate levels of awareness, trial and participation of recreational fishing and boating Provide an assessment of “brand” attitudes and perceptions of boating and fishing Determine measures of awareness, recall and effect of RBFF’s advertising and marketing communications Evaluate “brand” behavior Determine differences between national market versus test markets which had increased advertising expenditures Evaluate key metrics among the general population which will be measured over time
Slide 4:Methodology (Cont’d.)
Field work for the study was conducted using an online methodology. All interviewing was conducted on Russell Research’s survey website. A total of 4,454 interviews were conducted for the 2005 study: Total Wave 1 Wave 2 Target Anglers/Boaters 2139 1134 1005 Avid 271 148 123 Semi-Avid 573 329 244 Occasional 657 319 338 Lapsed 638 338 300 General Population 1297 787 510 Male 624 364 260 Female 673 423 250 Test Markets* 1018 497 521 Avid/Semi-Avid 557 261 296 Lapsed/Occasional 461 236 225 Total 4454 2418 2036 For the purposes of this report, “target anglers” refers to the occasional and lapsed anglers. * The test markets for the study were the Kansas City, Nashville and Norfolk DMA’s.
Slide 5:Methodology (Cont’d.)
In order to qualify for study inclusion, all respondents were screened to meet the following criteria: Target Anglers/Boaters (National and Test Markets) Avid: Ages 25 – 54 and have fished 10 or more times in the past 12 months Semi-Avid: Ages 25 – 54 and have fished 3 – 9 times in the past 12 months Occasional: Ages 25 – 54 and have fished 1 – 2 times in the past 24 months Lapsed: Ages 25 – 54 and have fished as an adult, but not in the past two years, and would consider* General Population Adults 18 or older Do not work in a competitive industry Pre-wave interviewing was conducted from February 14 – 23, 2005. The post-wave was conducted from June 15 – 24, 2005. *Note: The definition of lapsed anglers has changed from previous waves.
Slide 6:Sample
Online sample for the study was randomly drawn from Survey Sampling’s SurveySpot online consumer panel. Survey Sampling is recognized as the premier sample provider in the market research industry. The SurveySpot panel currently has over 2.1 million panel households. The panel members are recruited using a wide variety of online and offline methods, including website registrations, email invitations and RDD telephone recruiting. For this research study, invitations were emailed to potential respondents targeted by gender, age and geographic location. As an incentive to participate in the study, each respondent was entered into a monthly drawing with over $10,000 in prizes once the survey was completed.
Slide 7:Study Comparability
Results of Waves I and II of 2003-2005 studies may not be comparable to the waves conducted in 2001 and 2002 due to changes in methodology. In the past, the study was conducted using a random-digit dialing telephone methodology. However, for cost and timing efficiencies, the study was changed to an online methodology. While we have found that in most consumer research studies telephone and online methodologies are comparable, we do not have empirical evidence which proves that no significant differences exist among this segment (anglers). We have included results from previous waves when the data was determined to be comparable. Additionally, the definition of lapsed anglers has been changed for the 2005 wave. While the modification was minor, it may account for some potential behavioral and attitudinal differences from previous years.
Executive SummarySlide 9:Executive Summary
The results of the study indicate that the “Take Me Fishing” advertising campaign was very successful in 2005. Within each angler segment, campaign awareness significantly increased and is at its highest level since the inception of the annual tracking study in 2001. Both media components of the 2005 campaign clearly resonated with target anglers, as there were significant increases for television and print advertising awareness. Advertising likeability remains high for each of the television and print executions. However, females are significantly more likely than males to like the advertising very much. Note: Likeability of advertising has been found to be the most accurate measure in determining which ads perform best in generating higher sales/usage by the Advertising Research Foundation. Awareness of the campaign tagline “Take Me Fishing” significantly increased among every angler segment. Specifically, recall of the tagline doubled among target anglers. Key Findings Campaign Awareness Pre Post Avid/Semi-Avid 24% 39% Occasional/Lapsed 15% 29% Television Awareness Pre Post Avid/Semi-Avid 19% 31% Occasional/Lapsed 12% 21% Print Awareness Pre Post Avid/Semi-Avid 18% 32% Occasional/Lapsed 11% 22% “Take Me Fishing” Awareness Pre Post Avid/Semi-Avid 27% 36% Occasional/Lapsed 10% 20%
Slide 10:Executive Summary
The message of the 2005 campaign appears to have resulted in a positive attitudinal shift among target anglers. There was a significant increase in the percentage of target anglers who strongly agreed that fishing is worth setting time aside for, good to do with family and is good to do with children. Female anglers are significantly more likely to agree that fishing is good to do with family. However, males in the target angler segment were significantly more likely to agree with the statement compared to last year. Target anglers were also significantly more likely to agree that boating is a good activity to do with family. When compared to other outdoor activities, target anglers continue to most closely associate fishing with the idea of personal enjoyment and superiority. The idea of “connections” which is communicated in the 2005 campaign is equally associated with fishing, camping and hiking. Key Findings Fishing Worth Setting Time Aside For 2004 2005 Avid/Semi-Avid 70% 67% Occasional/Lapsed 32% 36% Good To Do With Family 2004 2005 Avid/Semi-Avid 72% 78% Occasional/Lapsed 44% 56% Good To Do With Children 2004 2005 Avid/Semi-Avid 76% 76% Occasional/Lapsed 53% 62%
Slide 11:Executive Summary
Awareness of advertising for fishing and boating significantly increased among target anglers in 2005. Additionally, there was a significant increase in advertising awareness for boating among avid/semi-avid anglers. The post-wave levels of advertising awareness are consistent with the findings from the 2003 and 2004 post-waves. Key Findings Advertising Awareness Fishing Pre Post Avid/Semi-Avid 59% 65% Occasional/Lapsed 35% 46% Boating Pre Post Avid/Semi-Avid 49% 62% Occasional/Lapsed 32% 47%
Slide 12:Executive Summary
However, the findings of the 2005 study indicate that increased advertising expenditures do not result in higher levels of campaign awareness. These results are consistent with the 2004 findings. There were virtually identical increases in campaign awareness in the national and test markets for all angler segments. Additionally, there were no significant differences in the awareness of the phrase “Take Me Fishing”. Key Findings Campaign Awareness Avid/Semi-Avid Pre Post National 24% 39% Test Markets 23% 29% Occasional/Lapsed Pre Post National 15% 29% Test Markets 17% 31% “Take Me Fishing” Awareness Avid/Semi-Avid Pre Post National 27% 36% Test Markets 25% 37% Occasional/Lapsed Pre Post National 10% 20% Test Markets 16% 23%
Slide 13:Executive Summary
Based on the results of the 2005 study, we would recommend continuing with the current advertising campaign. The vast majority of target anglers like the advertising, find it motivating, and it appears the campaign has started to positively impact attitudes toward fishing and boating. However, we do not believe that increasing advertising expenditures in the future would be warranted. The differences in key metrics are not significant and therefore the same results could be achieved with the current level of spending.
Detailed Findings Outdoor Activity Awareness A significantly higher percentage of semi-avid anglers mentioned fishing top-of-mind in the post-wave. There were no other significant changes in unaided fishing awareness among the four segments.Slide 16:Unaided Fishing Awareness
Base: Total Respondents Q.1a. When you think about outdoor leisure or recreational activities, which one first comes to mind? What other outdoor leisure or recreational activities can you think of? Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed
When grouped, there was a significant increase in top-of-mind mentions for fishing among avid and semi-avid anglers. There were no changes among target anglers and total national respondents.Slide 17:Unaided Fishing Awareness
Base: Total Respondents Q.1a. When you think about outdoor leisure or recreational activities, which one first comes to mind? What other outdoor leisure or recreational activities can you think of? Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Total
There was a significant increase in top-of-mind mentions of fishing among avid and semi-avid males. This increase appears to be driving the overall top-of-mind increase among the avid/semi-avid group.Slide 18:Unaided Fishing Awareness
Base: Total Respondents Q.1a. When you think about outdoor leisure or recreational activities, which one first comes to mind? What other outdoor leisure or recreational activities can you think of? Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed
Unaided mentions of fishing as an outdoor or recreational activity slightly decreased among avid and semi-avid anglers from 2004 to 2005. After a significant decrease in mentions of fishing among occasional anglers from 2003 to 2004, it remained steady in 2005.Slide 19:Unaided Fishing Awareness
Base: Total Respondents Q.1a. When you think about outdoor leisure or recreational activities, which one first comes to mind? What other outdoor leisure or recreational activities can you think of? Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed B=Significantly higher than “2004” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “2005” at a 95% confidence level C BC BC BC C
Base: Total Respondents Q.1a. When you think about outdoor leisure or recreational activities, which one first comes to mind? What other outdoor leisure or recreational activities can you think of? Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence levelSlide 20:Unaided Boating Awareness
Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed Unaided mentions of boating as an outdoor leisure or recreational activity increased significantly among semi-avid and lapsed anglers. There was no change among avid and occasional anglers.
Base: Total Respondents Q.1a. When you think about outdoor leisure or recreational activities, which one first comes to mind? What other outdoor leisure or recreational activities can you think of? Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence levelSlide 21:Unaided Boating Awareness
When grouped, unaided boating awareness increased significantly among avid/semi-avid, occasional/lapsed and total anglers. Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Total
Base: Total Respondents Q.1a. When you think about outdoor leisure or recreational activities, which one first comes to mind? What other outdoor leisure or recreational activities can you think of? Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence levelSlide 22:Unaided Boating Awareness
Mentions of boating increased significantly among all males and among target female anglers in the post-wave of the 2005 study. Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed
Base: Total Respondents Q.1a. When you think about outdoor leisure or recreational activities, which one first comes to mind? What other outdoor leisure or recreational activities can you think of?Slide 23:Unaided Boating Awareness
Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed Despite the increases from the pre to post-wave, there have been no changes over time in unaided boating awareness from 2004 to 2005. B=Significantly higher than “2004” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “2005” at a 95% confidence level B BC BC
Outdoor Leisure/Recreational Activity Top-Of-Mind Unaided Awareness Q.1a. When you think about outdoor leisure or recreational activities, which one first comes to mind? What other outdoor leisure or recreational activities can you think of? Camping had the highest level of top-of-mind unaided awareness among lapsed, occasional and semi-avid anglers, followed by fishing. Fishing had the highest top-of-mind recall among avid anglers. S = Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Outdoor Leisure/Recreational Activity Total Unaided Awareness Q.1a. When you think about outdoor leisure or recreational activities, which one first comes to mind? What other outdoor leisure or recreational activities can you think of? Among target anglers, camping, fishing and hiking had the highest levels of unaided activity awareness. Fishing was mentioned most often by avid anglers, while three out of five semi-avid anglers mentioned camping. S = Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Outdoor Activity Advertising AwarenessSlide 27:Fishing Advertising Awareness
Base: Total Respondents Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Q.1b. What outdoor or recreational activities have you seen or heard advertising for in the past three months? Q.1c. Have you seen or heard advertising for any of the following outdoor leisure or recreational activities in the past three months? Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed There was a significant increase in advertising awareness among both occasional and lapsed anglers, with slightly less-than one half of these respondents recalling an advertisement from the past three months. However, advertising awareness remained the same for avid and semi-avid anglers.
Slide 28:Fishing Advertising Awareness
Base: Total Respondents Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Q.1b. What outdoor or recreational activities have you seen or heard advertising for in the past three months? Q.1c. Have you seen or heard advertising for any of the following outdoor leisure or recreational activities in the past three months? A significantly higher percentage of target anglers, as well as anglers overall, recall seeing or hearing fishing advertising compared to the pre-wave. There was no change among avid/semi-avid anglers. Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Total
Slide 29:Fishing Advertising Awareness
Base: Total Respondents Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Q.1b. What outdoor or recreational activities have you seen or heard advertising for in the past three months? Q.1c. Have you seen or heard advertising for any of the following outdoor leisure or recreational activities in the past three months? A significantly higher percentage of both male/female target anglers and female avid/semi-avid anglers recall fishing advertising compared to the pre-wave. There was no change among avid/semi-avid males. Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed
Slide 30:Fishing Advertising Awareness
Base: Total Respondents Q.1b. What outdoor or recreational activities have you seen or heard advertising for in the past three months? Q.1c. Have you seen or heard advertising for any of the following outdoor leisure or recreational activities in the past three months? Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed There was a significant decrease in the unaided advertising recall among avid anglers from 2003 to 2005. All other numbers remain relatively stable. C C C C C=Significantly higher than “2005” at a 95% confidence level
Advertising awareness for boating significantly increased among semi-avid, occasional and lapsed anglers over the past three months. Additionally, unaided advertising awareness increased among avid, semi-avid and lapsed anglers.Slide 31:Boating Advertising Awareness
Base: Total Respondents Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Q.1b. What outdoor or recreational activities have you seen or heard advertising for in the past three months? Q.1c. Have you seen or heard advertising for any of the following outdoor leisure or recreational activities in the past three months? Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed
Advertising awareness for boating significantly increased from the pre-wave for target anglers, avid/semi-avid anglers and all anglers in total.Slide 32:Boating Advertising Awareness
Base: Total Respondents Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Q.1b. What outdoor or recreational activities have you seen or heard advertising for in the past three months? Q.1c. Have you seen or heard advertising for any of the following outdoor leisure or recreational activities in the past three months? Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Total
Boating advertising awareness significantly increased among avid/semi-avid and occasional/lapsed females, and also among occasional/lapsed males. Unaided advertising recall increased significantly among males and females of all angler groups.Slide 33:Boating Advertising Awareness
Base: Total Respondents Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Q.1b. What outdoor or recreational activities have you seen or heard advertising for in the past three months? Q.1c. Have you seen or heard advertising for any of the following outdoor leisure or recreational activities in the past three months? Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed
Boating advertising awareness is consistent with 2003 and 2004 for all angler groups.Slide 34:Boating Advertising Awareness
Base: Total Respondents Q.1b. What outdoor or recreational activities have you seen or heard advertising for in the past three months? Q.1c. Have you seen or heard advertising for any of the following outdoor leisure or recreational activities in the past three months? Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed C B B=Significantly higher than “2004” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “2005” at a 95% confidence level
Unaided advertising awareness of camping increased significantly among semi-avid and occasional anglers, while there was a significant decrease in recall of hunting advertising among lapsed anglers. Outdoor Leisure/Recreational Activity Unaided Advertising Awareness S = Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Q.1b. What outdoor or recreational activities have you seen or heard advertising for in the past three months? There was a significant increase in total advertising awareness among all angler groups for camping and sports participation, while total advertising awareness for hunting significantly decreased among all four angler segments. Outdoor Leisure/Recreational Activity Total Advertising Awareness S = Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Q.1c. Have you seen or heard advertising for any of the following outdoor leisure or recreational activities in the past three months? Past Three Month Fishing/Boating Advertising Recall Q.21. What specifically do you recall about that advertising? Approximately one out of every ten anglers who recall fishing/boating advertising mentioned the idea of “connections” in the advertisements. Two out of five respondents mentioned the advertising execution, including ads for boating or fishing boats or trips/travel. Also mentioned were advertising featuring boat/fishing equipment, advertising sources (TV, magazines, etc.) and visual elements of the ad. RBFF Campaign AwarenessSlide 39:RBFF Total Advertisement Awareness
Q.24/27/30/33. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? RBFF campaign awareness increased significantly among all four angler segments, with approximately three out of ten target anglers recalling at least one RBFF advertisement. Base: Total Respondents Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed
Slide 40:RBFF Total Advertisement Awareness
Base: Total Respondents – Wave 2 Q.24/27/30/33. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? RBFF campaign awareness is at an all-time high for all four angler groups. Each group has significantly higher levels of awareness than in 2002-2003, and semi-avid and lapsed anglers have significantly higher levels of awareness than 2004. 2001: n=144 2002: n=159 2003: n=243 2004: n=189 2005: n=123 2001: n=45 2002: n=140 2003: n=342 2004: n=306 2005: n=300 2001: n=91 2002: n=198 2003: n=320 2004: n=306 2005: n=338 2001: n=88 2002: n=105 2003: n=448 2004: n=358 2005: n=244 A=Significantly higher than “2001” at a 95% confidence level B=Significantly higher than “2002” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “2003” at a 95% confidence level D=Significantly higher than “2004” at a 95% confidence level ABC B ABC B B B BC B B B ABC ABCD BC BCD
Slide 41:RBFF Total Advertisement Awareness - Grouped
Q.24/27/30/33. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? There were significant increases in awareness for both angler groups, with campaign awareness nearly doubling among target anglers. Overall one out of three anglers recall an RBFF advertisement. Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Total Base: Total Respondents
Slide 42:RBFF Total Advertisement Awareness - Grouped
Q.24/27/30/33. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Base: Total Respondents A A A A A=Significantly higher than “Avid” at a 95% confidence level The 2005 campaign awareness levels are significantly higher than in 2003, when approximately one in five avid/semi-avid and target anglers were aware.
Slide 43:RBFF Total Advertisement Awareness - Grouped
Q.24/27/30/33. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? There were significant increases in awareness for both males and females within the avid/semi-avid and occasional/lapsed angler groups. Awareness among males increased approximately 50%, while awareness among females increased by over 100%. Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Base: Total Respondents
Slide 44:RBFF Television Advertisement Awareness
Q.24/27. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? The percentage of semi-avid, occasional and lapsed anglers who saw an RBFF television advertisement significantly increased from the pre-wave, while there was no change among avid anglers. Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed Base: Total Respondents
Slide 45:RBFF Television Advertisement Awareness
Q.24/27. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? RBFF television advertising among semi-avid, occasional and lapsed anglers is at an all-time high, and remains consistent with 2004 percentages for avid anglers. Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed Base: Total Respondents A A A AB A A A A A=Significantly higher than “2003” at a 95% confidence level B=Significantly higher than “2004” at a 95% confidence level
Slide 46:RBFF Television Advertisement Awareness - Grouped
Q.24/27. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? Television advertising awareness increased significantly among target anglers, avid/semi-avid anglers and in total (one-quarter of all anglers). Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Base: Total Respondents Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Total
Slide 47:RBFF Television Advertisement Awareness - Grouped
Q.24/27. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? Television advertisement awareness increased significantly among both avid/semi-avid anglers from 2004 to 2005, and awareness among target anglers remains unchanged from 2004. Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Base: Total Respondents A AB A A A=Significantly higher than “2003” at a 95% confidence level B=Significantly higher than “2004” at a 95% confidence level
Slide 48:RBFF Television Advertisement Awareness – Grouped by Gender
Q.24/27. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? Television advertising awareness increased significantly among male and female target anglers (doubling among females) and among female avid/semi-avid anglers (also doubling). Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Base: Total Respondents Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed
Slide 49:RBFF PrintAdvertisement Awareness
Q. 30/33. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? Awareness of print advertising increased significantly from the pre-wave among all four angler groups. Specifically, awareness doubled among both occasional and lapsed anglers. Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed Base: Total Respondents
Slide 50:RBFF PrintAdvertisement Awareness
Q. 30/33. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? RBFF print awareness is significantly higher than in 2003-2004 among semi-avid anglers, and is significantly higher for lapsed anglers when compared to 2003. Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed Base: Total Respondents A A AB A A=Significantly higher than “2003” at a 95% confidence level B=Significantly higher than “2004” at a 95% confidence level
Slide 51:RBFF Print Advertisement Awareness - Grouped
Q.30/33. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? Print advertising awareness is significantly higher overall, and among both the avid/semi-avid and target angler groups. Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Base: Total Respondents Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Total
Slide 52:RBFF Print Advertisement Awareness - Grouped
Q.30/33. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? RBFF print awareness increased significantly among both angler groups from 2004 to 2005 and are both at all-time highs. Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Base: Total Respondents AB AB A A=Significantly higher than “2003” at a 95% confidence level B=Significantly higher than “2004” at a 95% confidence level
Slide 53:RBFF Print Advertisement Awareness - Grouped
Q.30/33. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? Awareness of RBFF print advertising increased significantly among both males and females within the avid/semi-avid and occasional/lapsed angler groups. Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Base: Total Respondents Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed
Slide 54:“Water Works Wonders” Aided Recall
Base: Total Respondents Q.22b. Do you recall the phrase “Water Works Wonders”? Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed There were no significant changes in recall of the phrase “Water Works Wonders” among the target segment. However, there was a significant increase among semi-avid anglers. Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level
Slide 55:“Water Works Wonders” Aided Recall
Base: Total Respondents Q.22b. Do you recall the phrase “Water Works Wonders”? Overall, awareness of “Water Works Wonders” increased significantly. Despite this increase, only one out of ten avid/semi-avid and one out of twenty-five target anglers are familiar with the phrase. Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Total
Slide 56:“Water Works Wonders” Aided Recall
Base: Total Respondents Q.22b. Do you recall the phrase “Water Works Wonders”? There was a significant increase in recall of “Water Works Wonders” among females in the target angler segment. Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed
Slide 57:“Water Works Wonders” Aided Recall
2001: n=145 2002: n=150 2003: n=243 2004: n=189 2005: n=123 2001: n=46 2002: n=147 2003: n=342 2004: n=306 2005: n=300 2001: n=94 2002: n=198 2003: n=320 2004: n=306 2005: n=338 2001: n=90 2002: n=105 2003: n=448 2004: n=358 2005: n=244 Base: Total Respondents – Wave 2 As expected (with the exclusion of the phrase from this year’s advertising), there were no significant increases in recall of the phrase “Water Works Wonders” among the four angler segments. Q.22b. Do you recall the phrase “Water Works Wonders”? A=Significantly higher than “2001” at a 95% confidence level B=Significantly higher than “2002” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “2003” at a 95% confidence level A A ABC B
Slide 58:“Take Me Fishing” Aided Recall
Base: Total Respondents Q.22c. Do you recall the phrase “Take Me Fishing”? Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed Recall of “Take Me Fishing”, the phrase from this year’s RBFF campaign, increased significantly among target anglers. Additionally, there was a significant increase among semi-avid anglers. Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level
Slide 59:“Take Me Fishing” Aided Recall
Base: Total Respondents Q.22c. Do you recall the phrase “Take Me Fishing”? Overall, one-quarter of anglers recall the “Take Me Fishing” phrase. This is significantly higher than respondents in the pre-wave of the 2005 study. Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Total
Slide 60:“Take Me Fishing” Aided Recall
Base: Total Respondents Q.22c. Do you recall the phrase “Take Me Fishing”? Awareness of the campaign phrase increased significantly among all female anglers, and additionally among males in the target angler segment. Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed
RBFF Campaign Awareness(National vs. Test Markets)Slide 62:RBFF Total Advertisement Awareness (Test Markets)
Q.24/27/30/33. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? Base: Total Respondents Avid/Semi-Avid Lapsed/Occasional Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level There was a significant increase in awareness of the 2005 RBFF Campaign in the three test markets among both avid/semi-avid and occasional/lapsed anglers.
Slide 63:RBFF Total Advertisement Awareness
Q.24/27/30/33. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? Base: Total Respondents National Avid/Semi-Avid Test Market Avid/Semi-Avid A=Significantly higher than National Wave 1 at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than Target Wave 2 at a 95% confidence level Despite the additional advertising expenditures, the campaign awareness levels in the national and test markets are virtually the same among avid and semi-avid anglers. A C
Slide 64:RBFF Total Advertisement Awareness
Q.24/27/30/33. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? Base: Total Respondents National Lapsed/Occasional Test Market Lapsed/Occasional A=Significantly higher than National Wave 1 at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than Target Wave 2 at a 95% confidence level Consistent with the avid/semi-avid findings, the campaign awareness among target anglers is nearly the same nationally as in the test markets. A C
Slide 65:RBFF Television Advertisement Awareness (Test Markets)
Q.24/27/30/33. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? Base: Total Respondents Avid/Semi-Avid Lapsed/Occasional Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Awareness of RBFF television advertising doubled among both avid/semi-avid and target anglers in the test markets.
Q.24/27/30/33. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? Base: Total Respondents Avid/Semi-Avid Lapsed/Occasional Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence levelSlide 66:RBFF Print Advertisement Awareness (Test Markets)
There was a significant increase in the awareness of RBFF print advertising among both avid/semi-avid and target anglers in the test markets.
Slide 67:“Take Me Fishing” Aided Recall
Base: Total Respondents Q.22c. Do you recall the phrase “Take Me Fishing”? National Avid/Semi-Avid Test Market Avid/Semi-Avid There was a nearly identical increase in the awareness of “Take Me Fishing” among avid/semi-avid anglers in national and test markets.
Slide 68:“Take Me Fishing” Aided Recall
Base: Total Respondents Q.22c. Do you recall the phrase “Take Me Fishing”? National Lapsed/Occasional Test Market Lapsed/Occasional There was no difference in the level of recall of “Take Me Fishing” among target anglers in the national and test markets.
RBFF Execution AwarenessSlide 70:“Wedding” TelevisionAdvertisement Awareness
Q.24. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement? Among the four individual angler segments, awareness of the “Wedding” television ad significantly increased only among semi-avid and occasional anglers. Base: Total Asked Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level
Slide 71:“Wedding” TelevisionAdvertisement Awareness
Q.24. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement? Awareness of “Wedding” increased significantly among all semi-avid anglers from 2004 to 2005, while awareness remained the same among the other three angler groups. Base: Total Asked Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed A A A A A A A AB A=Significantly higher than “2003” at a 95% confidence level B=Significantly higher than “2004” at a 95% confidence level
Slide 72:“Wedding” TelevisionAdvertisement Awareness
Three out of ten anglers recall seeing the “wedding” television advertisement, a significant increase. There were also significant increases in awareness among both target anglers and avid/semi-avid anglers in 2005. Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Q.24. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement? Base: Total Asked Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Total
Slide 73:“Wedding” TelevisionAdvertisement Awareness
Awareness of the “Wedding” advertisement increased significantly among avid/semi-avid anglers from 2004 to 2005, while there was no significant change among target anglers. Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Q.24. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement? Base: Total Asked A AB A A A=Significantly higher than “2003” at a 95% confidence level B=Significantly higher than “2004” at a 95% confidence level
Slide 74:“Wedding” TelevisionAdvertisement Awareness
The were significant increases in awareness among both female segments in 2005. However, there were no significant differences among males. Q.24. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement? Base: Total Asked Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level
Slide 75:“Wedding” Likeability Rating
Q.26. How much would you say you like this advertisement? Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed The vast majority of anglers liked the “Wedding” advertisement, with three out of four occasional anglers and seven out of ten lapsed anglers indicating they liked it. Base: Total Asked 80 85 75 69 A=Significantly higher than “Avid” at a 95% confidence level B=Significantly higher than “Semi-Avid” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “Occasional” at a 95% confidence level D=Significantly higher than “Lapsed” at a 95% confidence level AD CD AB B D
Slide 76:“Wedding” Likeability Rating
Q.26. How much would you say you like this advertisement? Overall, three out of four anglers like the “Wedding” advertisement. Avid/Semi-avid anglers are significantly more likely than lapsed anglers to like the ad very much. Base: Total Asked 84 72 76 Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Total Significantly higher than other cell at a 95% confidence level
Slide 77:“Wedding” Likeability Rating
Q.26. How much would you say you like this advertisement? The advertisement is liked most by female avid/semi-avid anglers and least by male target anglers. However, the likeability ratings are high among all segments. Base: Total Asked 81 87 68 76 Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Significantly higher than other cell at a 95% confidence level
Slide 78:“Miss My Boy” Television Advertisement Awareness
Q.27. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement? Awareness of the “Miss My Boy” advertisement increased significantly among semi-avid and occasional anglers. Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed Base: Total Asked Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level
Slide 79:“Miss My Boy” Television Advertisement Awareness
Q.27. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement? There has been no change in the awareness of the “Miss My Boy” television spot between 2004 and 2005. Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed Base: Total Asked A A A A A A=Significantly higher than “2003” at a 95% confidence level
Slide 80:“Miss My Boy” TelevisionAdvertisement Awareness
A significantly higher percentage of target and avid/semi-avid anglers in the post-wave have seen the “Miss My Boy” advertisement when compared to the 2005 pre-wave. Q.27. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement? Base: Total Asked Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Total Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level
Slide 81:“Miss My Boy” TelevisionAdvertisement Awareness
One-quarter of avid/semi-avid anglers and one out of six target anglers recall the “Miss My Boy” advertisement in 2005, no change from the 2004 wave. Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Q.27. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement? Base: Total Asked A A A A A=Significantly higher than “2003” at a 95% confidence level
Slide 82:“Miss My Boy” TelevisionAdvertisement Awareness
A significantly higher percentage of female avid/semi-avid anglers have seen the “Miss My Boy” advertisement when compared to the 2004 pre-wave. Q.27. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement? Base: Total Asked Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level
There was a very positive response to the “Miss My Boy” advertisement, with one out of three occasional anglers and three out of ten lapsed anglers indicating they liked it very much. Nearly one-half of avid and semi-avid anglers liked the ad very much.Slide 83:“Miss My Boy” Likeability Rating
Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed Q.29. How much would you say you like this advertisement? Base: Total Asked 77 81 73 68 A=Significantly higher than “Avid” at a 95% confidence level B=Significantly higher than “Semi-Avid” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “Occasional” at a 95% confidence level D=Significantly higher than “Lapsed” at a 95% confidence level CD A A CD B B
Overall, three out of four anglers liked the “Miss My Boy” advertisement. This includes four out of five avid/semi-avid anglers and seven out of ten target anglers.Slide 84:“Miss My Boy” Likeability Rating
Q.29. How much would you say you like this advertisement? Base: Total Asked Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Total 79 70 74 Significantly higher than other cell at a 95% confidence level
Females in each segment are significantly more likely than males to like the “Miss My Boy” television advertisement.Slide 85:“Miss My Boy” Likeability Rating
Q.29. How much would you say you like this advertisement? Base: Total Asked 76 83 65 76 Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Significantly higher than other cell at a 95% confidence level
The “Boris” print advertisement particularly resonated with respondents, as awareness significantly increased among all four segments.Slide 86:“Boris” Print Advertisement Awareness
Q.30. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed Base: Total Asked
Awareness of the advertisement in 2005 is significantly higher than in 2003 and 2004 for the avid, semi-avid and lapsed angler segments. There was no significant change among occasional anglers.Slide 87:“Boris” Print Advertisement Awareness
Q.30. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed Base: Total Asked AB AB AB A A=Significantly higher than “2003” at a 95% confidence level B=Significantly higher than “2004” at a 95% confidence level
Slide 88:“Boris” PrintAdvertisement Awareness
Awareness doubled among all anglers in the 2005 post-wave, a significant increase from the 2005 pre-wave. Additionally, awareness nearly tripled among target anglers. Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Q.30. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? Base: Total Asked Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Total
Slide 89:“Boris” PrintAdvertisement Awareness
Awareness of the “Boris” print advertisement is significantly higher in 2005 when compared to the 2003 to 2004 waves for both target and avid/semi-avid anglers. Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Q.30. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? Base: Total Asked AB AB A=Significantly higher than “2003” at a 95% confidence level B=Significantly higher than “2004” at a 95% confidence level
Slide 90:“Boris” PrintAdvertisement Awareness
Awareness doubled among both males and females in the 2005 post-wave, a significant increase from the 2005 pre-wave. Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Q.30. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? Base: Total Asked Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed
Slide 91:“Boris” Likeability Rating
Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed This advertisement was very well liked by all four target segments. Three out of five avid anglers liked the ad very much, as do over one-half of semi-avid anglers. Q.32. How much would you say you like this advertisement? Base: Total Asked 84 85 77 78 A=Significantly higher than “Avid” at a 95% confidence level B=Significantly higher than “Semi-Avid” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “Occasional” at a 95% confidence level D=Significantly higher than “Lapsed” at a 95% confidence level AB AB CD A CD C
Slide 92:“Boris” Likeability Rating
Approximately three-quarters of target anglers indicated they liked the advertisement very much/somewhat. Overall, four out of five anglers liked the advertisement. Q.32. How much would you say you like this advertisement? Significantly higher than other cell at a 95% confidence level Base: Total Asked Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Total 85 77 79
Slide 93:“Boris” Likeability Rating
A significantly higher percentage of females like the “Boris” advertisement very much when compared to males. Q.32. How much would you say you like this advertisement? Significantly higher than other cell at a 95% confidence level Base: Total Asked 82 89 72 82 Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed
Slide 94:“Ashley” PrintAdvertisement Awareness
Q.33. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? There was little movement in the awareness of the “Ashley” print advertisement. The only significant increase in awareness was among the semi-avid angler segment. Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed Base: Total Asked
Slide 95:“Ashley” PrintAdvertisement Awareness
Q.33. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? Awareness levels of the “Ashley” print advertisement remained consistent with the 2004 wave. Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed Base: Total Asked A A A A A A=Significantly higher than “2003” at a 95% confidence level
Slide 96:“Ashley” PrintAdvertisement Awareness
When grouped, awareness of the execution increased significantly for both target and avid/semi-avid anglers. Overall, nearly one-quarter of respondents recall seeing the print advertisement. Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Q.33. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? Base: Total Asked Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Total
Slide 97:“Ashley” PrintAdvertisement Awareness
Awareness of the “Ashley” advertisement was about the same in 2005 as it was in 2004. However, awareness of the ad is significantly higher than in 2003. Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Q.33. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? Base: Total Asked A A A A A=Significantly higher than “2003” at a 95% confidence level
Slide 98:“Ashley” PrintAdvertisement Awareness
There was a significant increase in awareness of the advertisement among females, with one-quarter of avid/semi-avid and occasional/lapsed female anglers recalling the ad. There was no increase in awareness among either male angler segment. Significantly higher than other wave at a 95% confidence level Q.33. Before today, have you ever seen this advertisement or one similar? Base: Total Asked Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed
Slide 99:“Ashley” Likeability Rating
Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed Four out of five occasional and three out of four lapsed anglers liked the advertisement very much/somewhat. Over one-half of avid and semi-avid anglers liked the ad very much. Q.35. How much would you say you like this advertisement? Base: Total Asked 85 88 80 74 A=Significantly higher than “Avid” at a 95% confidence level B=Significantly higher than “Semi-Avid” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “Occasional” at a 95% confidence level D=Significantly higher than “Lapsed” at a 95% confidence level D ABC B D D
Slide 100:“Ashley” Likeability Rating
Overall, four out of five anglers indicated they like “Ashley” print advertisement. Avid/semi-avid anglers were significantly more likely than target anglers to like it very much. Q.35. How much would you say you like this advertisement? Base: Total Asked Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Total 87 77 81 Significantly higher than other cell at a 95% confidence level
Slide 101:“Ashley” Likeability Rating
Females are significantly more likely than males to like the “Ashley” print advertisement very much. Q.35. How much would you say you like this advertisement? Base: Total Asked 83 91 73 81 Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Significantly higher than other cell at a 95% confidence level
Campaign Diagnostics Approximately one-third of lapsed anglers found the advertising to be unique, three out of ten found it interesting and two out of five think it is memorable. One-half of avid anglers are interested in the advertising and found it memorable, while two out of five believe it is unique. Two out of five semi-avid anglers find it unique, memorable and interesting. Base: Total RespondentsSlide 103:Advertising Uniqueness / Memorability /Interest Rating – Top Two Box
Q.36. Overall, how unique would you say this advertising is? Q.37. How memorable was this advertising? Q.38. How interested were you in this advertising? A=Significantly higher than “Avid” at a 95% confidence level B=Significantly higher than “Semi-Avid” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “Occasional” at a 95% confidence level D=Significantly higher than “Lapsed” at a 95% confidence level CD CD CD CD BCD CD
Among all anglers in the study, one out of three found the RBFF advertising unique and interesting, and two out of five think it is memorable. Base: Total RespondentsSlide 104:Advertising Uniqueness / Memorability /Interest Rating – Top Two Box
Q.36. Overall, how unique would you say this advertising is? Q.37. How memorable was this advertising? Q.38. How interested were you in this advertising? B=Significantly higher than “Occasional/Lapsed” at a 95% confidence level B B B
Female anglers are significantly more likely than male anglers to find the RBFF advertising to be unique memorable or interesting. Base: Total RespondentsSlide 105:Advertising Uniqueness / Memorability /Interest Rating – Top Two Box
Q.36. Overall, how unique would you say this advertising is? Q.37. How memorable was this advertising? Q.38. How interested were you in this advertising? Significantly higher than other cell at a 95% confidence level
Slide 106:Six Month Fishing Likelihood (Based On Advertising)
Q.39. Based on this advertising, how likely will you be to go fishing in the next six months? Base: Total Respondents There was very little change in the campaign effect from 2003 and 2004 as anglers remain motivated by the advertising. More than two in five of the target anglers indicated they would be more likely to go fishing in the next six months based on the advertising, and more than one-half of avid and semi-avid anglers indicated they would be more likely. Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed A=Significantly higher than “2003” at a 95% confidence level B=Significantly higher than “2004” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “2005” at a 95% confidence level AB C C C AB C C AB AC C B
Slide 107:Six Month Fishing Likelihood (Based On Advertising)
Q.39. Based on this advertising, how likely will you be to go fishing in the next six months? Base: Total Respondents Nearly one-half of all anglers found the RBFF advertising campaign to be motivating. Significantly higher than other cell at a 95% confidence level Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Total
Slide 108:Six Month Fishing Likelihood (Based On Advertising)
Q.39. Based on this advertising, how likely will you be to go fishing in the next six months? Base: Total Respondents There was no difference between males and females in terms of the motivation created by the campaign. Significantly higher than other cell at a 95% confidence level Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed
Slide 109:Six Month Likelihood Of Taking Some-one Fishing (Based On Advertising)
Base: Total Respondents Q.40. Based on this advertising, how likely will you be to take someone fishing in the next six months? The advertising message clearly worked -- nearly half of target anglers indicated that they would be more likely to take someone fishing based on the RBFF advertising. Two out of three avid and semi-avid anglers also indicated they would be more likely to take someone fishing. Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed A=Significantly higher than “2003” at a 95% confidence level B=Significantly higher than “2004” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “2005” at a 95% confidence level AB C AB C C AB C
Slide 110:Six Month Likelihood Of Taking Some-one Fishing (Based On Advertising)
Q.40. Based on this advertising, how likely will you be to take someone fishing in the next six months? Base: Total Respondents Over one-half of anglers indicated they would take someone fishing based on the 2005 RBFF advertising campaign. Significantly higher than other cell at a 95% confidence level Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Total
Slide 111:Six Month Likelihood Of Taking Some-one Fishing (Based On Advertising)
Q.40. Based on this advertising, how likely will you be to take someone fishing in the next six months? Base: Total Respondents There were no significant gender differences regarding advertising motivation to take someone else fishing. Significantly higher than other cell at a 95% confidence level Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed
Slide 112:Six Month Boating For The Purpose Of Fishing Likelihood (Based On Advertising)
Base: Total Respondents Q.41. Based on this advertising, how likely will you be to go boating for the purpose of fishing in the next six months? Avid Semi-Avid Occasional Lapsed A=Significantly higher than “2003” at a 95% confidence level B=Significantly higher than “2004” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “2005” at a 95% confidence level A There was no change in boating likelihood when compared to 2003 and 2004 -- one in three target anglers, two in five semi-avid anglers and one-half of the avid anglers indicated they would be more likely to go boating for the purpose of fishing in the next six months.
Slide 113:Six Month Boating For The Purpose Of Fishing Likelihood (Based On Advertising)
Base: Total Respondents Q.41. Based on this advertising, how likely will you be to go boating for the purpose of fishing in the next six months? In total, one out of three anglers will be more likely to go boating for the purpose of fishing based on the advertising. Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Total Significantly higher than other cell at a 95% confidence level
Slide 114:Six Month Boating For The Purpose Of Fishing Likelihood (Based On Advertising)
Base: Total Respondents Q.41. Based on this advertising, how likely will you be to go boating for the purpose of fishing in the next six months? Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Significantly higher than other cell at a 95% confidence level There were no significant differences between male and female anglers in regards to going boating based on the 2005 campaign.
Current/Past BehaviorSlide 116:Ages Ever Fished
Base: Total Respondents Q.2a. Have you ever gone fishing as… C=Significantly higher than “Occasional” at a 95% confidence level D=Significantly higher than “Lapsed” at a 95% confidence level Avid and semi-avid anglers were significantly more likely than target anglers to fish as a teenager, and avid anglers were significantly more likely to fish as a child. CD CD D CD
Slide 117:Ages Ever Went Boating
Base: Total Respondents Q.2b. Have you ever gone boating as… B=Significantly higher than “Semi-Avid” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “Occasional” at a 95% confidence level D=Significantly higher than “Lapsed” at a 95% confidence level Most anglers have gone boating as an adult, and four-fifths of avid and semi-avid anglers have went boating as a teenager. Lapsed anglers are significantly less likely to have gone boating as an adult compared to the other three angler segments. D CD BCD D CD CD D D
Twelve Month Fishing/Boating Likelihood Mean Frequency Q.8a. How likely will you be to go fishing in the next twelve months? Q.8b. How likely will you be to go boating for the purpose of fishing in the next six months? B=Significantly higher than “Semi-Avid” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “Occasional” at a 95% confidence level D=Significantly higher than “Lapsed” at a 95% confidence level The average avid angler will go fishing 36 times next year and will go boating 17 times. Semi-avid anglers are likely to fish 6 times and go boating 3 times. The average target angler will go fishing 3 times and go boating once in the next 12 months.Slide 119:Rod & Reel Ownership
Base: Total Respondents Q.9. Do you own a fishing rod and reel? 2001: n=287 2002: n=321 2003: n=570 2004: n=429 2005: n=271 2001: n=76 2002: n=268 2003: n=702 2004: n=635 2005: n=638 2001: n=178 2002: n=359 2003: n=739 2004: n=616 2005: n=657 2001: n=165 2002: n=227 2003: n=986 2004: n=836 2005: n=573 Nearly all avid and semi-avid anglers own a fishing rod and reel. Approximately seven out of ten occasional anglers and three out of five lapsed anglers own one. Ownership has remained stable since 2003. A=Significantly higher than “2001” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “2003” at a 95% confidence level D=Significantly higher than “2004” at a 95% confidence level E=Significantly higher than “2004” at a 95% confidence level DE ACDE A
Slide 120:Fishing License Ownership
Base: Total Respondents Q.10. Do you currently own a fishing license? Q.11. Are you planning to renew or purchase a fishing license? B=Significantly higher than “Semi-Avid” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “Occasional” at a 95% confidence level D=Significantly higher than “Lapsed” at a 95% confidence level While most target anglers do not own a fishing license, three out of five indicate they are planning to purchase one. Three out of five avid anglers and two-fifths of semi-avid anglers own fishing licenses, and the vast majority of these segments plan to purchase or renew. BCD CD CD CD D
Slide 121:Fishing License Ownership
Base: Total Respondents Q.10. Do you currently own a fishing license? Q.11. Are you planning to renew or purchase a fishing license? Males are significantly more likely than females to own fishing licenses among both the avid/semi-avid and occasional/lapsed angler segments. However, intent to renew or purchase a license is about the same between males and females. Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Significantly higher than other cell at a 95% confidence level
Slide 122:Boat Ownership
Base: Total Respondents Q.12. Do you own a boat? 2001: n=287 2002: n=321 2003: n=570 2004: n=429 2005: n=271 2001: n=76 2002: n=268 2003: n=702 2004: n=635 2005: n=638 2001: n=178 2002: n=359 2003: n=739 2004: n=616 2005: n=657 2001: n=165 2002: n=227 2003: n=986 2004: n=836 2005: n=573 Boat ownership has remained unchanged among the other three angler segments. However, ownership increased among semi-avid anglers. BCDE C C BCDE BCDE BCDE CD CD CDE CDE B=Significantly higher than “2002” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “2003” at a 95% confidence level D=Significantly higher than “2004” at a 95% confidence level E=Significantly higher than “2004” at a 95% confidence level
2003 – 2005 Behavioral Summary Q2a. Have you ever gone fishing as… Q9. Do you own a fishing rod and reel? Q11. Are you planning to renew/purchase a fishing license? Q2b. Have you ever gone boating as… Q10. Do you currently own a fishing license? Q12. Do you own a boat? A=Significantly higher than “2003” at a 95% confidence level B=Significantly higher than “2004” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “2005” at a 95% confidence level Anticipated BehaviorSlide 125:Fishing Consideration (Top-Two Box: Extremely/Very Likely)
Base: Total Respondents 2001: n=287 2002: n=321 2003: n=570 2004: n=429 2005: n=271 2001: n=76 2002: n=268 2003: n=702 2004: n=635 2005: n=638 2001: n=178 2002: n=359 2003: n=739 2004: n=616 2005: n=657 2001: n=165 2002: n=227 2003: n=986 2004: n=836 2005: n=573 Fishing consideration has remained relatively unchanged among the four angler segments since 2003. Q.7. How likely would you be to consider going fishing in the next 12 months? A=Significantly higher than “2001” at a 95% confidence level B=Significantly higher than “2002” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “2003” at a 95% confidence level D=Significantly higher than “2004” at a 95% confidence level E=Significantly higher than “2005” at a 95% confidence level A ABCE AB AB A A A A A A A CDE
Slide 126:Boating For The Purpose Of Fishing Consideration
Q.8. How likely would you be to consider going boating for the purpose of fishing in the next 12 months? Three out of four avid anglers, three out five semi-avid anglers, two out of five occasional anglers and one-quarter of lapsed anglers indicated they would be more likely to go boating for the purpose of fishing in the next six months. BCD CD D ACD A A A=Significantly higher than “Avid” at a 95% confidence level B=Significantly higher than “Semi-Avid” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “Occasional” at a 95% confidence level D=Significantly higher than “Lapsed” at a 95% confidence level Base: Total Extremely/ Very/ Somewhat Likely To Go Fishing In The Next 12 Months CD CD D
Slide 127:Boating For The Purpose Of Fishing Consideration
Q.8. How likely would you be to consider going boating for the purpose of fishing in the next 12 months? Overall, two out of five anglers will be extremely or very likely to go fishing in the next 12 months. B B=Significantly higher than “Occasional/Lapsed” at a 95% confidence level Base: Total Extremely/ Very/ Somewhat Likely To Go Fishing In The Next 12 Months B
Slide 128:Boating For The Purpose Of Fishing Consideration
Q.8. How likely would you be to consider going boating for the purpose of fishing in the next 12 months? There is no difference in boating consideration between gender. Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Base: Total Extremely/ Very/ Somewhat Likely To Go Fishing In The Next 12 Months
Slide 129:Planning To Purchase A Boat In Next Twelve Months
Base: Total Respondents Q.15a. Are you planning to purchase a boat in the next 12 months? B=Significantly higher than “Semi-Avid” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “Occasional” at a 95% confidence level D=Significantly higher than “Lapsed” at a 95% confidence level One out of five avid anglers are planning to purchase a boat in the next 12 months, significantly higher than the other three segments. BCD CD
Slide 130:Planning To Purchase A Boat In Next Twelve Months
Base: Total Respondents Q.15a. Are you planning to purchase a boat in the next 12 months? B=Significantly higher than “Semi-Avid” at a 95% confidence level Approximately one out of ten anglers are planning to purchase a boat in the next twelve months. B
Slide 131:Planning To Purchase A Boat In Next Twelve Months
Base: Total Respondents Q.15a. Are you planning to purchase a boat in the next 12 months? There is no difference in boat consideration by gender. Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed
Slide 132:Fishing & Boating Participation
Base: Total Respondents Q.15. Which of the following recreational outdoor activities do you participate in on a regular basis? B=Significantly higher than “Semi-Avid” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “Occasional” at a 95% confidence level D=Significantly higher than “Lapsed” at a 95% confidence level Nearly one out of five occasional anglers and one out of twenty lapsed anglers fish on a regular basis. Nearly all avid anglers and the majority of semi-avid anglers fish on a regular basis. Avid and semi-avid anglers are most likely to boat on a regular basis. BCD BCD CD CD D D
Slide 133:Fishing & Boating Participation
Base: Total Respondents Q.15. Which of the following recreational outdoor activities do you participate in on a regular basis? B=Significantly higher than “Occasional/Lapsed” at a 95% confidence level Only one out of ten target anglers fish on a regular basis. Overall, one-third of anglers say they fish on a regular basis, and one in five boat on a regular basis. B B
Slide 134:Fishing & Boating Participation
Base: Total Respondents Q.15. Which of the following recreational outdoor activities do you participate in on a regular basis? An equal number of males and females within each segment fish and boat on a regular basis. Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed
Slide 135:Activities Wish Could Participate In More Often – Fishing & Boating
Base: Total Respondents Q.16. Which of the following recreational outdoor activities do you wish you could participate in more often? B=Significantly higher than “Semi-Avid” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “Occasional” at a 95% confidence level D=Significantly higher than “Lapsed” at a 95% confidence level Approximately two out of three avid and three out of five semi-avid anglers wish they could fish more often compared to approximately one-half of occasional and lapsed anglers. Approximately one-half of all four angler segments wish they could boat more often. BCD C C
Slide 136:Activities Wish Could Participate In More Often – Fishing & Boating
Base: Total Respondents Q.16. Which of the following recreational outdoor activities do you wish you could participate in more often? B=Significantly higher than “Occasional/Lapsed” at a 95% confidence level Among all anglers, slightly over one-half wish they could fish more often, and slightly less than one-half wish they could boat more often. B B
Slide 137:Activities Wish Could Participate In More Often – Fishing & Boating
Base: Total Respondents Q.16. Which of the following recreational outdoor activities do you wish you could participate in more often? A significantly higher percentage of males wish they could fish more often compared to females among both angler groups. There are no gender differences for boating. Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Significantly higher than other cell at a 95% confidence level
Outdoor Leisure/Recreational Activities Participate In/Wish Could Do More Often B=Significantly higher than “Semi-Avid” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “Occasional” at a 95% confidence level D=Significantly higher than “Lapsed” at a 95% confidence level Q.15. Which of the following recreational outdoor activities do you participate in on a regular basis? Q.16. Which of the following recreational outdoor activities do you wish you could participate in more often? Camping and hiking are the other outdoor recreational activities which anglers participate in on a regular basis and wish they could participate in more often. Approximately two out of five avid anglers also consider themselves hunters. Attitudes & ImagerySlide 140:Agreement Ratings – Target Anglers (Top-Two Box)
Base: Total Target Anglers 2003 (n=1441) 2004 (n=1251) 2005 (n=1295) Q.17a-d. How much do you agree with each of the following statements regarding the recreational activities below? In 2005, target anglers are significantly more likely to believe fishing is worth setting time aside for, good to do with family and good to do with children. Additionally, compared to 2003 and 2004, a significantly higher percentage believe boating is good to do with family. Worth Setting Time Good to Do Good to Do Good to Do Aside For With Family With Children With Friends A=Significantly higher than “2003” at a 95% confidence level B=Significantly higher than “2004” at a 95% confidence level AB A AB AB AB
Slide 141:Agreement Ratings – Avid/Semi-Avid (Top-Two Box)
Base: Total Target Anglers 2003 (n=1556) 2004 (n=1265) 2005 (n=2139) Q.17a-d. How much do you agree with each of the following statements regarding the recreational activities below? Among avid/semi-avid anglers, in 2005 they are significantly more likely to believe fishing and boating is good to do with family when compared with 2003 and 2004. Worth Setting Time Good to Do Good to Do Good to Do Aside For With Family With Children With Friends A=Significantly higher than “2003” at a 95% confidence level B=Significantly higher than “2004” at a 95% confidence level B AB AB B
Slide 142:Agreement Ratings – Is Worth Setting Time Aside For (Top-Two Box)
Q.17a. How much do you agree with each of the following statements regarding the recreational activities below? Females are significantly more likely than males to believe boating is an activity worth setting time aside for. Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Base: Total Respondents Significantly higher than other cell at a 95% confidence level
Slide 143:Agreement Ratings – Is A Good Activity To Do With My Family (Top-Two Box)
Q.17b. How much do you agree with each of the following statements regarding the recreational activities below? Females are significantly more likely than males to believe fishing and boating is a good activity to do with family. Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Base: Total Respondents Significantly higher than other cell at a 95% confidence level
Slide 144:Agreement Ratings – Is A Good Activity To Do With Children (Top-Two Box)
Q.17c. How much do you agree with each of the following statements regarding the recreational activities below? There are no significant differences by gender regarding the belief that fishing and boating is a good activity to do with children. Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Base: Total Respondents
Slide 145:Agreement Ratings – Is A Good Activity To Do With My Friends (Top-Two Box)
Q.17d. How much do you agree with each of the following statements regarding the recreational activities below? Males in the target angler segment are significantly more likely than females in the segment to believe that fishing is a good activity to do with friends, while females in both angler groups are significantly more likely than males to believe boating is a good activity to do with friends. Avid/Semi-Avid Occasional/Lapsed Base: Total Respondents Significantly higher than other cell at a 95% confidence level
Agreement Ratings Summary (Top-Two Box) Q17a-d. How much do you agree with the following statements regarding the recreational activities below? Anglers in the semi-avid, occasional and lapsed segments in 2005 are significantly more likely than in 2003 to 2004 to believe fishing is a good activity to do with family, and anglers in the occasional and lapsed segments are significantly more likely to believe fishing is a good activity to do with children. A=Significantly higher than “2003” at a 95% confidence level B=Significantly higher than “2004” at a 95% confidence level C=Significantly higher than “2005” at a 95% confidence levelSlide 147:Factor Analysis
Personal Enjoyment Is an activity I feel comfortable doing Is a fun outdoor activity Is for people like me Is a very relaxing activity Connections Is a chance to spend quality time with family and friends Is affordable Gives me a chance to share what I know with others Environment Let’s me feel at one with nature Is a good way to learn about the environment Through the usage of factor analysis in 2003, eight unique factors have been identified which encompass the attitudes toward outdoor recreational activities (Note: Two attributes have been deleted in 2005 because it was determined they do not affect the factors): Superiority Is better than all other outdoor activities Is simply the best way to spend leisure time Is the best way to enjoy being on the water Dynamic Is getting more popular than ever Is exciting and exhilarating Dull/Boring Is boring Is for older people Lack Of Skill I would feel better about (activity) if I were more skilled Can Not Relate Is not something I can relate to
Agreement Ratings – Fishing (Top-Two Box) Q.18-20. How much do you agree with each of the following statements regarding the following recreational activities? Regarding fishing, anglers still agree most with statements that describe personal enjoyment. There has been a small increase in connections among all four angler groups, while there was an increase in superiority and dynamic among avid and semi-avid anglers. Agreement Ratings – Boating (Top-Two Box) Q.18-20. How much do you agree with each of the following statements regarding the following recreational activities? Anglers most agree with statements about boating which refer to personal enjoyment, the same as in 2003 and 2004. There has been an increase in dynamic among avid anglers and an increase in connections among all four angler groups.Slide 150:Correspondence Analysis
Correspondence analysis is a mapping technique in which the results of cross-tabulation are plotted on two axes. The map places characteristics (in the case of this study – eight different factors) in map areas that correspond to the brands with which they are most closely associated. From an analytical standpoint, they are used as a tool to identify a brand’s competitive strengths. For this study, the maps illustrate where attributes and outdoor recreational activities are relational in space. Therefore, the closer an attribute and an activity are on the map, the more closely they are associated with one another. The results of the correspondence analysis for this study are consistent with the 2003 findings. These findings indicate that among target anglers, fishing’s greatest strengths in relation to the other five outdoor recreational activities are the personal enjoyment and superiority factors. To a lesser extent, this is also true for boating. Additionally, they closely relate dynamic with boating. (Note: One attribute “Is the best way to enjoy being on the water” was only asked of boating and fishing this year, which probably resulted the Superiority factor’s closer association with fishing and boating) Camping and hiking are most closely associated with connections and environment among anglers. Sports is most closely associated to lack of skill. Hunting is most closely associated to can not relate.
Slide 151:Correspondence Maps - Avid
Slide 152:Correspondence Maps - Semi Avid
Slide 153:Correspondence Maps - Occasional
Slide 154:Correspondence Maps - Lapsed
Slide 155:Correspondence Maps - Avid/ Semi Avid
Slide 156:Correspondence Maps - Occasional/ Lapsed
Advertisements Used In Study “Miss My Boy” / “Wedding” “Boris” / “Ashley”