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BDRPC Ministries. Administration Division. Personnel Ministry Team. Mission Statement: Advisory committee for the church in its personnel assets. This ministry Teams meets on an advisory and as needed basis. Members: Chairpersons: Glen Cutler, Tom Crawford
Personnel Ministry Team Mission Statement: Advisory committee for the churchin its personnel assets. This ministry Teams meets on an advisory and as needed basis. Members: Chairpersons: Glen Cutler, Tom Crawford Responsibilities: Guidance & advice on operational aspects of the preschool. Technical advise for personnel issues involving the church staff. Leadership of management & updating the Church’s employee handbook.
Property Ministry Team Mission Statement: The Property Ministry Team oversees all property of the church, including lawn care and landscaping, cleaning, maintenance, renovation and repairs. We work with the Facilities Manager to care for the physical plant. This ministry team meets on the 2nd Thursday at 1:30 a.m. Members: Chairperson: Wes Branning Lead Elder: James Ansley Elder: Lewis Sayre Carl Behrens Connie Braisted Steve Letterman Lawrence Braisted Jean Hart William Jennings Beth McLeod (Preschool Director) Steve Sales (Facilities Manager) Responsibilities: To identify the necessary maintenance, repairs and improvements needed for the facilities. To develop a budget that is required to accomplish the above responsibilities. Objective: To insure church property is a safe and comfortable place to worship.
Special Funds Management Committee Mission Statement: To administer bequests made to the church for the General Endowment Fund, the Mission Endowment Fund, other large undesignated bequests, the smaller Undesignated Memorial Donations, to inform church members periodically of the opportunities for designated gifts. The administration of these funds reflects the wishes of the donors and the financial needs of all aspects of our church’s mission. This ministry team meets on the second Thursday of the month at 10:30 am. Current members: Chairperson: John Rowe Don Bieger, Brenda Monk, Phillip Jerome, Bob Maxwell Responsibilities: Inform church members of opportunities to make bequests to the church in their wills. Invest the proceeds of bequests appropriately for the intended purpose of the bequest. Monitor the investments made with the assistance of a professional investment person Recommend to the Session how earnings on the invested bequests should be used. Recommend to the Session how undesignated bequests should be used. Decide how Undesignated Memorial contributions should be used within the church. Report to the Session annually on the status of the permanent Endowment Funds.
Committee on ministry Mission Statement: Address concerns of and about the ordained ministry and facilitate potential solutions with Christian love. COM meets on a Quarterly basis. Members: Chairperson: Ginny Bradford Lois Hunley Glenn Cutler Tom Crawford Fran Kirk Gary Greene Responsibilities: To provide a confidential means of listening and communicating to the ordained ministry about concerns and to help in resolving these concerns.
Finance ministry team Mission Statement: It is the mission of the Finance Ministry Team, with Jesus’ teaching to guide us and the Holy Spirit to help us, both to reflect God’s love and grace to the congregation in our stewardship and long-term giving programs and to manage the return of God’s financial gifts to our church in a way that will enable us to minister most effectively to each other, while extending God’s loving and gracious outreach to our community and the world at large. Meetings Times are the Second Tuesday of the month; 9:00 a.m. Members: Chairperson & Lead Elder: Tom Taylor Elder: John Hachbold Nita Padgett (Finance Administrator) Rick Mills, John Rowe, Betsy Smith Responsibilities: Count and record gifts Development of an annual budget. Track and report financial developments An annual review of the church's financial records Provide recommendations to the Session regarding operating surpluses or shortfalls. Manage the financial aspects of major spending projects and debt service programs. Oversee the Weekday Children’s Ministry financial operations.
Stewardship ministry team Mission Statement: To glorify God by providing opportunities that lead our members to use their time, talents and money to serve God. This Ministry Team meets on s seasonal basis. Members: Chairperson & Lead Elder: Tom Taylor Other members: Sara Champion, Carolyn Winchester. (Additional members needed.) Responsibilities: Plan and oversee a stewardship educational effort within the congregation. Conduct a stewardship campaign each fall to provide members with an opportunity to financially support God’s work through B-DRPC. Monitor the progress of giving periodically throughout the year. Plan for and oversee activities to celebrate God’s bounty to us and our response to Him. Objective: Increase awareness of opportunities for gifts of time, talents and treasure year around. Increase level of giving at B-DRPC to the PCUSA average.
Congregational care ministry team Mission Statement: Provide love and care for individuals in need, according to God’s call and Jesus’ teachings. This ministry team meets at 5:00 PM on the second Tuesday of each month in Room Ed 6. Members: Chairperson: Nancy McManus Lead Elder: Carolyn Turner Mary Beth Cox Pam Dashiell Jane Kennedy Mary Ann McGarry Marilyn Massey Roberta Schlacks Susie Stiebing Congregational Care Responsibilities: - Assist Deacons by providing tools and programs to care for our congregation - Establish ongoing contact as required with shut-ins, the sick, and the bereaved - Visitations to nursing homes and homebound members - Oversees care giving groups: Prayer Chain, Shawl Ministry, Hands of Faith - Share responsibility with Presbyterian Women for funeral receptions - Arrange transportation for members in need to attend worship services and other church activities and for medical appointments Objective: To make each member in need feel a part of the congregation of Brevard- Davidson River Presbyterian Church
Fellowship Relations Committee Mission Statement: Institute a process to identify and address members’ areas of conflict, dissatisfaction or misunderstanding with other members of the congregation, or with decisions concerning the operation of the church. This committee meets Quarterly Members: To be announced. Responsibilities: Ongoing education and training in coordination with the Communications Ministry Team on issues of church operation, fellowship relations, problem solving and conflict resolution. Assists in problem identification/clarification. If the problem area concerns church operation, then referral to the appropriate ministry team or Session member for clarification and/or problem resolution. Identification and provision of trained personnel, if needed, to facilitate processes that may lead to relationship healing in our church. The referral of any concerns regarding ordained ministry or non-ordained staff to the Committee on Ministry.
Mission Statement: Membership Ministry seeks to ensure that our congregation is caring, friendly, and involved in the life of the church ; and that as our congregation grows in numbers it also grows in becoming more loving, welcoming, and hospitable. We meet the first Monday of each month at 4pm in the church lounge at 10:00am Members: Chairperson: Edna Bell Lead Elder: Don Gentle Elder: Tammy Nye Linda Goodwin Ann Hinze Sara Kellar Eunice James Corinne Hachbold Responsibilities: INQUIRERS CLASS:We held two classes in 2009; 18 people attended. BREAD CART AND CALLING VISITORS:We welcome visitors with a loaf of bread. NEW MEMBER PACKETS:Twenty-two members joined in 2008; six members for 2009. NEW MEMBER PICTURE BOARD:We try to get a picture of new members when they join. DINNERS/LUNCHES: New members are invited to upcoming dinners and lunches. PICTORIAL DIRECTORY/UPDATES:Membership administers the Olan Mills Picture Directory. We require almost no dollars. Our service is a reflection of our overflowing love for Christ in our life. Come join us in this mission, it is very rewarding!
Church family fellowshipministry team Mission Statement: Church Family Fellowship Ministry initiates, plans and carries out fellowship activities that draw us together as a community of believers. We do not meet monthly, but rather by task groups based on events throughout the year. Members: Chairperson & Lead Elder:Don Gentle, acting chair Elder: Tammy Nye, Jinks Ramsey, Betsy Smith, Missy Ellenberger, (YOU!!!) Responsibilities: The Church Coffee Hour Church League Basketball Epiphany Sunday Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras Easter Egg Hunt and Family Picnic Pentecost Picnic Church Family Retreat Breaking-Bread Groups The Kirkin’ o’ the Tartans Brunch Children’s Christmas Gift-Making Workshop
Communications ministry team Mission Statement: To ensure effective communication at all levels of church life and with the community: to invite, inform, include, inspire, and to listen, always guided by the Word of God and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Meeting times are the 1st Wed of the month at 10:00 am Members: Chairperson & Lead Elder: Don Stinchcomb Elder: Ginny Bradford Sadie Carlson, Don Gentle, Paula Jackson, Julie Singdahlsen, Carolyn Turner, Staff Contacts: Pastor Thompson and Denise Byrd Responsibilities: For the content produced in newsletter production, Sunday Bulletin announcement insert, bulletin boards, website, fliers, other forms of written communications throughout the church. To constantly critique the way we communicate information with our church family and look for ways to improve upon it.
To further develop the content of the church website and provide training in the use of the data base. To provide assistance with the Sunday bulletin, Communicator, and other office duties as needed. To encourage evaluation of church-wide events. To develop guidelines for a Newsletter Staff Team. To produce a monthly Session Brief in hard copy and on the website. To provide a kiosk on casters. Objective: To promote effective communication within the church.
Mission Division Mission Statement: Responding to God’s call, Mission Division takes the responsibility for informing and involving the congregation in ministries of mission. Each ministry team serves as a liaison to denominational mission service workers and other partners in service in the local, national and world communities. Mission Division meets quarterly as a group including Local Outreach MT, Peace & Justice MT and Worldwide Ministries MT Members: Lead Elder: Ginny Bradford Elder: Don Stinchcomb Objective: To learn about, encourage and support each Ministry Team of Mission so that they can involve every member of the congregation in mission needs and service.
Disaster relief Disaster Relief is an ad hoc Ministry Team. It meets as needed.
Local outreach Mission Statement: Involve our congregation in an exciting ministry to the needy of our community for the Glory of God. Meeting dates are the 1st Monday of the month at 10 am Members: Chairperson: Luck Shepherd Lead Elder: Ginny Bradford Elder: Don Stinchcomb Sue Barrett Gail Blunt Kristen Clanton Edwin Jones Alice Dalton Corinne Hachbold Betty Strickland Horty Menser Faye & Frank Paden Sharon Tuers Ruth Waugaman Responsibilities: - Minister to the needy in our community by supporting local organized charitable organizations, both financially and with leadership and volunteers -Stay in touch with organizations we support to understand their need & accomplishments - Keep our congregation informed about our community's health and our involvement -Cooperate with other local churches to optimize resources for care of the needy - Continue to expand our House Call Ministry Objective: To inspire our congregation and the people of the community to make a difference in the lives of their neighbors through their financial generosity and volunteer commitment.
Worldwide ministries Mission Statement: Be a liaison to denominational mission service workers and other partners in service in world communities. Regular meetings on 2nd Friday of the month @ 10:30 am Members: Lead Elder and Acting Chairperson: Ginny Bradford Elder: Don Stinchcomb Louise Morgan Judy Nebrig Doris Reeves Betty Strickland Responsibilities: To help support 4 missionaries: Adams, Braaksma, Nagy and Tilton To continue to inform the congregation about our mission service workers. To encourage church members to help Guatemala children attend school by their sponsorship. To continue B-DRPC’s partnership through the Presbytery with Horeb Church in Tecun Uman, Guatemala. To provide members the opportunity to learn about and give through special offerings of PC-USA during the year. To provide a special way to honor someone at Christmas through the Alternative Gift Bazaar. Objective: To make each member aware of the needs of our brothers and sisters worldwide.
Peace and justice Mission Statement: Inform and involve the members of the congregation in ministries related to peacemaking and justice in families, the congregation, community, and the world. Peace & Justice meets on 2nd Tuesday at 9:00 am. Members: Chairperson: Judith West Lead Elder: Ginny Bradford Elder: Don Stincomb Glenn Winston, Larry Goodwin, Betty Strickland Responsibilities: Promote Annual Peacemaking Offering Promote and maintain Fair Trade Coffee and Chocolate Memorial Day worship service Keep congregation informed about issues of peace and justice and provide opportunities for involvement in same Recommend allocation of funding from General Budget Objective: To promote peacemaking and justice asChristian values and support congregational involvement in education and action consistent with these values.
Presbyterian preschool Division
Weekday Children’s ministry Mission Statement: The mission of the preschool is to provide a safe, Christian-based atmosphere in which children will learn through play in a developmentally appropriate curriculum. Meeting dates & Times are the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:00 pm Members: Chairperson: Celia Ansley Lead Elder: Sara Winston Elder: Freddie Hart Judy Caldwell Clif Boyd Anita Dorfman Carolyn Winchester Director: Beth McLeod Associate Director: Sara Freeman Teacher Representative: Jill Swartz Church Staff: Kristen Clanton Parent Representative: Laura Franklin, Elizabeth Gentle
Responsibilities: Coordinate and oversee the Presbyterian Weekday Preschool Programs. Make recommendations to the Directors and to the Session regarding hiring and salaries. Establish operating policies. Meet monthly for review of programs. Support directors and assist in special events. Help promote awareness of the preschool in the community and in the church. Insure a safe Christian environment for the children. Review budget monthly. Quarterly review income and expenditures of Children First Fund. Ensure that all personnel have seen and understand the DVD “Reducing the Risk: Making Your Church Safe from Sexual Abuse”.
Worship ministry team Mission Statement: It is the mission of the Worship Ministry Team to work closely with the pastor, church staff, and the other ministry teams of the church to insure that the worship services and related activities meet the spiritual needs of the congregation.. Meeting Times: To Be Announced Members: Chairperson: Mary Johnson Lead Elder: Larry Goodwin Jacolyn Campbell, JoAnne Chase, Pat Crawford, Brenda Monk, Helen Russell, Joyce Weaver Staff Contacts: Charlie Steele, Pastor Keith Thompson Responsibilities: -Directs and coordinates the order and content of all worship experiences -Oversees music programs, ushers & greeters, Young Children's Worship, nursery, acolytes, communion, baptisms, Kirkin' o' the Tartan, hearing aids, tape, hymnals, and Bibles -Coordinates with other Ministry Teams, friendship registers, community, worship services, and flowers -Coordinates use of sanctuary for weddings, funerals, and musical performances Objective: To make each and every worship service meaningful for the congregation of Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church
Christian education ministry team Mission Statement: “To provide opportunities for learning in which all ages are encouraged to learn and apply the teachings of Jesus Christ as revealed in Scripture.” Meeting Time: To Be Announced Members: Chairperson: Martha Taylor Lead Elder: Larry Goodwin Elder: Tammy Nye Kristen Clanton, Staff, Marie Engelson, Sue Heglar, Edwin Jones, Glenn Winston Responsibilities: Oversee and administer: Adult and Children’s Sunday school: Coordinate teachers and select/approve curricula, Youth activities: PYC, field trips, conferences, service projects, Confirmation classes, Vacation Bible school, Library/resource center, Loan/Scholarship Student Program, Third grade Bibles, Midweek Manna Planning Team Objective: To increase the percentage of the B-DRPC congregation growing spiritually by regular participation in Christian education.
Mid-Week Manna Mission Statement: To grow spiritually as disciples of Jesus Christ through worship, Bible study, and fellowship. This ministry team meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm. Members: Chairperson: Cathy Gary Lead Elder: Larry Goodwin Mary Jane Bennett, Kristen Clanton, Judy Dasta, Freddie Hart, Paula Jackson, Kathy Kelley, Charlie Steele, Martha Taylor, Carolyn Winchester Responsibilities: Arrange schedule for Midweek Manna, Jesus & Me, Life Connections for Youth. Coordinate curricula and leaders for Wed. night adult, children, and youth activities. Coordinate cooking teams for Midweek Manna meals. Objective: Increase congregational participation in Wednesday night programs.