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Streaming Media

Streaming Media. Audio and Video on the Web. Objectives. Discuss technicalities of streaming media Convert a video clip to .rm format using RealProducer Basic Upload the .rm clip to the streaming server Decipher the streaming server address. Who can use the streaming server?.

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Streaming Media

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  1. Streaming Media Audio and Video on the Web

  2. Objectives • Discuss technicalities of streaming media • Convert a video clip to .rm format using RealProducer Basic • Upload the .rm clip to the streaming server • Decipher the streaming server address

  3. Who can use the streaming server? • All faculty members • 25 gigabyte per class per semester • Three classes in Fall – 75 GB • One class in Spring – 25 GB • Chartered student organizations • Live streaming server space • Full-time faculty • No student organizations

  4. When to use streaming media • Video/audio over 10 megabytes • Multiple audio/video clips • Numerous people watching an audio/video clip at the same time

  5. What can go on the streaming server? • RM (supported by AU) • SMI (Flash, RealPix, RealText, SMIL) • MPG (video) • MP3 (audio) • MP4 (video) • WMV (Windows video) • RV (video)

  6. How to get access to the server • E-mail HelpDesk (helpdesk@auburn.edu) with the following information: • Name • AU username • AU department or organization • You will receive your information at the AU username you specified (username@auburn.edu)

  7. RealProducer Basic 11 • http://www.realnetworks.com/products/producer/basic.html • Limited to three target audience/bit rate streams • Free

  8. Copy the video clip to the desktop • Open “My Computer” on the desktop • Go to Seminar Files > Streaming Media • Copy the chem_clip.mpg to the desktop

  9. Converting video to .rm • Open RealProducer Basic • Click Browse; a dialog box will appear • Navigate to the desktop • Choose the video source file

  10. Save as a .rm file • Double click file under Destination on the right panel • Enter a name for the file • Enter your username(the part before @auburn.edu)for the file name • Add the extension .RM • username.rm

  11. Converting video to .rm, cont. • Click Audience to choose the three preset speeds • A good mix is 56k/256k/512k

  12. Converting video to .rm, cont. • Click Clip Information to enter any information you would like to be shown: • Title • Author • Copyright • Keywords • Description • Rating

  13. Converting video to .rm, cont. • Click Encode to begin the encoding process • Saves the file to the same location as the source video as default (important for CD/DVDs) • RealProducer makes two passes • Analyze pass: a quick pass to analyze the video • Encode pass: a longer pass which does the actual encoding • Please be aware of the time requirement when encoding any lengthy video

  14. Uploading to the streaming server • Two ways to upload to the streaming server • Secure FTP (WinSCP from AU Download) • Drive Mapping (only on campus)

  15. Upload through Drive Mapping • Right click “My Computer” and select Map Network Drive • Select an empty drive letter and then enter the server address in the “Folder” box • \\realmedia1.auburn.edu\homes • Enter your login information • Username: imgtest • Password: 1898Main

  16. Upload through Drive Mapping, cont. • Drag the files to the mapped folder • Works exactly like any other Windows folder • Again, only works on campus

  17. Viewing streaming media • http://rm.auburn.edu:7070/ramgen/real#/path/username.rm • real# is the server your file is on. OIT will give you this address • IMG’s is real6 • Path is the path to the filename from the real volume • IMG’s is imgtest • Filename.rm is whatever you named your RM file • The rest is always the same • http://rm.auburn.edu:7070/ramgen/real6/imgtest/simmorb.rm

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