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Streaming Media

Streaming Media. a presentation by Florian Seidel. Agenda. What is Streaming Media? idea alternatives comparison How does Streaming Media Work? broadcasting bandwidth buffering quality Needed Components for Streaming Quiz. The first idea.

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Streaming Media

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Streaming Media a presentation by Florian Seidel

  2. Agenda • What is Streaming Media? • idea • alternatives • comparison • How does Streaming Media Work? • broadcasting • bandwidth • buffering • quality • Needed Components for Streaming • Quiz Streaming Media

  3. The first idea • displaying content like text, graphics, links, etc. is easily realizable with standard browser • displaying audio/video data adds the time aspect which blows up the file size and the download time • another solution was needed Streaming Media

  4. Traditional Method of Media Delivery • Normal Downloading • Entire file is delivered to client’s computer and saved to the hard disk (Temporary Internet Files folder) • In most cases, the media cannot be played until the entire file is downloaded • Quality is always assured Streaming Media

  5. Advantages of Traditional Method • A downloaded file is available for later use by the user • Downloaded media can provide higher image quality if needed • A downloaded media file can be stepped frame by frame • No special software needed Streaming Media

  6. Another idea vs Streaming Media

  7. Another idea • Streaming • Only a small portion of the file is downloaded before the file can be played (buffer) • The media plays as it is being delivered in the background • Different quality (bit rate) streams are sent to the user depending on the limits of the internet connection. Streaming Media

  8. Advantages of Streaming • Streaming files are not saved to your hard disk • After being played, the data is discarded saving disk space • Anyone with a network connection can view a multimedia file through the internet (at different quality levels) Streaming Media

  9. How Does Streaming Work? • Uses special standards-based codecs and protocols to deliver multimedia information over a network • RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol) • Control Protocol to handle bandwidth and error control • RTP (Real-Time Packet) • Standards-based packet (companion to RTSP) • CODECS (that use RTSP\RTP) • Real: RM, RA, RT • MS: ASF, WMA, WMV • Apple: MOV (most) Streaming Media

  10. Each client has an individual stream. Each client uses one stream. Unicast vs. Multicast Streaming Media

  11. 00:57 (listening) 24 min. (download) + 00:57 (listening)= 24:57 min. Example of Streaming Advantage Streaming Media

  12. Bandwidth Streaming Media

  13. A Real Player Stream Streaming Media

  14. Bandwidth sufficiency • Minimum bandwidth needed to view this presentation • This presentation will play on a 28.8Kbps connection, but there will be a lot of “buffering”. 25 Kbps Streaming Media

  15. Bandwidth insufficiency • If connected via a 28.8Kbps connection, RealPlayer will not playback the presentation smoothly, browser download will slow-down and checking email will take longer. 40 Kbps Streaming Media

  16. Buffering - with insufficient bandwidth Streaming Media

  17. Buffering - under ideal conditions Streaming Media

  18. Components for Streaming • Web Server (IIS, NES, Apache, etc.) • stores and serves the multimedia files • stores text files that point to encoded media files • Web Client (any browser) • accesses the internet • lauches the Streaming Media Client Software Streaming Media

  19. Components for Streaming • Streaming Media Client Software (RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, QuickTime) • launched by web browser • decodes, plays and manages streaming media files • Streaming Server (RealMedia Server, Windows Media Services, Quicktime) • runs streaming software • serves encoded multimedia files Streaming Media

  20. In conclusion • Streaming Media is a method to deliver and play multimedia data in real-time • Saves disk space as processed data is discarded after use • Time saving compared to download-before-playing approach • Quality depends on bandwidth, but is leveled out through buffering Streaming Media

  21. Recommended Sites • for internet radio station search: • www.radio-locator.com • for internet radio developers: • www.howstuffworks.com • for people interested in streaming media: • www.streamingmediaworld.com Streaming Media

  22. Almost there... The Quiz

  23. Quiz • Question 1: • Name some differences between traditional downloading and streaming of multimedia files Streaming Media

  24. Quiz • Question 2: • Name some advantages of streaming media. Streaming Media

  25. Quiz • Question 3: • Name components for working with streaming media • Describe their basic functionality Streaming Media

  26. End of Presentation Thank you for your attention Streaming Media

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