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Why Use Robert's Rules?. Robert's Rules help with large group decision making, and with organization of meetings.Understanding Robert's Rules will help you:Run SGA Meetings more efficientlyProvide everyone with an opportunity to speak.Give members opportunity to make informed decisions.Prevent
2. Why Use Robert's Rules? Roberts Rules help with large group decision making, and with organization of meetings.
Understanding Robert's Rules will help you:
Run SGA Meetings more efficiently
Provide everyone with an opportunity to speak.
Give members opportunity to make informed decisions.
Prevent chaos, unnessary debate, etc.
3. The Purpose of Robert's Rules Conduct business efficiently
Protect the rights of the absent
Protect the rights of the minority
Rule by the majority (not of the outspoken)?
Allow all to be heard
4. Basic Concepts to Cover Motions
Amending Motions
How/When Members can Speak
Putting Off Discussion
Calling the Question (Asking for a vote)
Types and Rules for Voting
Appealing the Decision of the President/Chair
5. Making Motions Motions are required for any discussion
States what action should be taken to make a motion, say I move that we ..., followed by a statement of the action you want the assembly to take.
Motions should only state the action you want the assembly to take, not the reasons for it yet
6. Taking Action on Motions Most motions require a SECOND to start debate this prevents the assemblys time from being taken up by something that only one person wants to do
When a member makes a SECOND, they are only stating that she/he feels a motion should be discussed. She/he is not stating that she/he agrees that the motion should be carried.
7. Taking Action on MotionsCONTINUED... The President/Chair will recognize the maker of the motion to speak first, then go in order.
Speeches should only talk about why the body should or should not take this action
The President/Chair will select speakers based on oppossing sides (in order to make sure each side is heard).
Each debate should have a designated time-frame to stay within.
8. Amending a Motion By motioning to amend, a member is asking the assembly to change what action to take.
The motioner should have a planned statement/amendment thought out before making this motion.
An amendment must be germane: one can't completely change the focus of the original motion
Speeches should only talk about the difference between the original and the proposed change
9. Amending MotionsCONTINUED... Amendments require a SECOND and vote.
Friendly amendments (agreed upon by the originator and seconder) can be made, but are not strictly correct. These are used to keep discussion going.
Often times these are made in order to more correctly express the intent of the original motion
Anyone can object to these, and formal action should be taken in these cases.
10. When/How Members can Speak Two Turn Rule for Speaking on Motions
Members are only allowed to speak twice on each motion
Once unconditionally
Once after everyone who wishes to have spoken has had the opportunity
An amendment is a new motion
If motion is successfully amended, it's a new motion, so limits reset
11. How/When Members can SpeakCONTINUED
Two speech rule, continued:
After a member has spoken twice, the President/Chair can still recognize her/him, but should question the purpose
Members are allowed to make amendments, call for the question, etc
Members are not allowed to debate again
12. How/When Member can SpeakCONTINUED
Additional Opportunities for Members to Speak
Point of Order
Asks the President/Chair to enforce the rules, this should bring the assembly back on topic
EXAMPLE: Point of order: aren't we supposed to be discussing the amendment?
13. How/When Members can SpeakCONTINUED
Point of Information
These are used strictly for asking clarifying questions, or state a relevant fact for the discussion.
Members do not have to wait for turn when making a Point of Information
Example: Point of information: how many meetings has this group recorded absences at?
Example: Point of information: we agreed to transfer an additional $200 to that budget last year.
These are not used as continued debate time for a member.
14. How/When Members can SpeakCONTINUED
Point of Parliamentary Inquiry
Members can always ask the President/Chair or Parliamentarian a question of procedure
Example: Point of inquiry: dont we need a 2/3rds vote on this?
Members often use this when they want to do something, but aren't sure how.
Sometimes members use this when they believe the President/Chair is heading down the wrong procedural path.
15. Putting Off Discussion When members think that there is not enough information for an immediate decision, they can make a motion to postpone: I move that we postpone this discussion until ...
This requires a SECOND and majority vote
Most of the time, using table is incorrect: tabling postpones a discussion within a meeting, not until another meeting.
16. Calling for the Question(Asking for a Vote) If a member thinks that each argument has been fully heard, she/he can ask the chair to call for the question
Example: I call for the question
This action requires a SECOND and majority vote.
17. Types and Rules of Voting Ways to Vote:
Unanimous consent (without objection)?
Ayes and nays
Division of the Assembly (raising of hands)?
18. Types and Rules of VotingCONTINUED... Unanimous Consent
This can be used when a member thinks that there's a strong possibility that no one would object to a motion
Example: I'd like to ask for unanimous consent to postpone discussion on this topic until next meeting
The President/Chair would ask for any objections
If anyone objects, vote fails, but can move to another form of voting
19. Types and Rules of VotingCONTINUED... Ayes and nays
President/Chair asks those in favor and those opposed to speak up accordingly
President/Chair makes a ruling on who he thinks carried the vote - the chair rules that the ayes have it
Ruling may be appealed by calling for division
20. Types and Rules of VotingCONTINUED... Division of the Assembly
Can be done by standing, or raising hands
Paper Ballot
21. Types and Rules of VotingCONTINUED... President/Chair should state what is being voted on
There must be a majority (or 2/3rds) of members in favor: abstentions count as nay
If there are 16 members present, and the vote is 7 to 5 in favor, the motion fails: majority requires 9 votes in favor
Chair votes when done by ballot, or to break a tie
22. Types and Rules of VotingCONTINUED... A failed vote means the default action occurs.
Most of the time (approving a motion, changing policy), the default action is to do nothing.
There are situations where bylaws or policies set up a different default action.
In that case, if the motion was to do some different action. If it fails, the original action still occurs.
23. Appealing the President/Chairs Decision The chair makes rulings to speed discussion, but the body has the ultimate authority
If you think the chair is wrong, bring it up as soon as possible with a point of order
If the chair disagrees, you can overrule the decision: I appeal the decision of the chair
The discussion turns to whether or not the chair's ruling is correct
Chair may participate in discussion
If a majority is in favor of the appeal, chair's decision is overruled.
24. SGA Cheat Sheet Passing a club requires a majority vote.
Passing the budget presented by the Treasurer requires a majority vote.
No voting is official unless a quorum exists.
A quorum is reached if the majority of members are present at the meeting.
The President/Chair only votes in case of a tie.
See the Motions Guide for more information.