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Tom Peters on… the future shape of the winner ™. Re-imagine! Speech: Story Line in 100 Words or Less Wildly altered context (technology, China-India, global terrorism, etc) Only answer: adaptive skills and bold-breathtaking innovation
Tom Peters on… the future shape of the winner™
Re-imagine! Speech: Story Line in 100 Words or Less • Wildly altered context (technology, China-India, • global terrorism, etc) • Only answer: adaptive skills and bold-breathtaking innovation • (top-line focus rather than cost-cutting focus) • 3. Race way, way up the value-added curve (implemented “game-altering solutions” rather than “services,” “experiences” rather than “transactions,” and much more) • 4. As part of value-added exercise, pursue Ripe & Enormous “new” markets—Women, Boomers & Geezers • 5. Radical (!!!) use of IS-IT • A “Roster” of Weird & Wondrous & Entrepreneurial “Talent” engaged in “Wow Projects” • “Metabolic Leadership” (Passionate-Radical Leaders who instill a Discipline of Execution, a Quick Tempo-Adaptive Culture and • an appetite to “Eat Radical Change for Breakfast”) • (96 words by my count)
“Excellence can be obtained if you: ... care more than others think is wise; ... risk more than others think is safe; ... dream more than others think is practical; ... expect more than others think is possible.” Source: Anon. (Posted @ tompeters.com by K.Sriram, November 27, 2006 1:17 AM)
“enterprises that Matter & changethe game … offer solutions & experiences that surprise , amaze, and transform perceptions of what’spossible—and sticklikesuper-glue in customers’ minds.* such offerings are brilliantly conceived and flawlessly delivered by unconventional, creative, hyper-committed, energetic talent from within & outside the organization.”—Tom PetersE.g.: Apple, Whole Foods, Cirque du Soleil, Starbucks, Wegmans, London Drugs, Griffin Hospital/Planetree Alliance, John Laing Homes, RE/MAX, Sewell Autos, Jim’s Group, The Met/Big Picture, Virgin, Commerce Bank, Google, Basement Systems Inc., Ford (circa 1917), IBM (circa 1970), Wannamaker’s (circa 1880)
Future Shape: Gyroscope The Gyroscope as an organisational concept is trademarked by Tom Peters Company
Future Shape: Gyroscope™ Ambition Architecture Talent Experience Brand Execution Performance
pursue a mission that rocks the world (Pharmaceuticals, Moldy basements)Hire awesome/weird People for 100% of jobs (Resilient, Passionate) (Wegmans) (Women RULE!)give ’em lots of room to experiment, fail, growmake “respect” “decency” “integrity” our watchwordstryaLot of Stuff, fast tempo(S.A.V./Screw Around Vigorously, R.F.A./Ready. Fire. Aim.)Emphasize revenue(Organic growth, Sales/“Top line” rules)have fun/exude joydemand excellence/Makeaccountability instinctive(“Insane” standards for our mates’ and community’s sake)never, never forget the “it” (It’s the PRODUCT, Stupid.) (25!)be “of [‘gaspworthy’] service” (Cirque du Soleil is our standard— “even” in finance.) (My customer is my partner.) (Remember “She”; remember “Me.”) (“Servant”/“Host” Leadership)Have effective/imaginative/minimalist infrastructure(K.I.S.S./Keep It Simple, Stupid) (Systems/No bull: beauty, grace, elegance) re-imagine as “routine” ”enjoy It WhileItLasts
Talent We take talent first as there is no future for an organisation without great people. The talent is the organisation. We need to foster a community in which a diverse group of talented people have the freedom to excel in what they do best, in ways that are distinctive to them. A FSW organisation works to attract, develop, stimulate, engage and reward a wide array of talented people. Talent is the leaders’ number one obsession and they spend time on it. Seven Elements of Future Shape of the Winner are Trademarked by Tom Peters Company
Muhammad Yunus:“All human beings are entrepreneurs. When we were in the caves we were all self-employed . . . finding our food, feeding ourselves. That’s where human history began . . . As civilization came we suppressed it. We became labor because they stamped us, ‘You are labor.’ We forgot that we are entrepreneurs.” Source: Muhammad Yunus/The News Hour—PBS/1122.2006
“Human creativity is the ultimate economic resource.”—Richard Florida,The Rise of the Creative Class
“The key difference between checkers and chess is that in checkers the pieces all move the same way, whereas in chess all the pieces move differently. … Discover what is unique about each person and capitalize on it.”—Marcus Buckingham,The One Thing You Need to Know
“The only thing you have power over is to get good at what you do. That’s all there is; there ain’t no more!”—Sally Field
“The Firststep in a ‘dramatic’ ‘organizational change program’ is obvious—dramaticpersonal change!”—RG
Questions:What do others think of you?[Are you sure?]What do you think of you?[Are you sure?]What is your impact on others?[Are you sure?]What is your impact on others?[Are you sure?] What is your impact on others?[Are you sure?]What are the “little things” you (perhaps unconsciously) do that cause people to shrivel—or blossom?[Are you sure?]What do you want?[Are you sure?]Are you aware of your changing moods?[Are you sure?]How fragile is your ego?[Are you sure?]Do you have a true confidant?[Are you sure?]Do you perform brief or not-so-brief self-assessments? Do you talk too much?[Are you sure?]Do you know how to listen?[Are you sure?]Do you listen?[Are you sure?]What is your style of “hashing things out”? Are you perceived as (a) arrogant, (b) abrasive (c) attentive, (d) genuinely interested in people, (e) etc?[Are you sure?]Are you flexible? Have you changed your mind about anything important in a while? Are you comfortable-uncomfortable with folks on the front line? Do you think you’re “in touch with the pulse of things around here”?[Are You Sure?]Are you too emotional/intuitive? Are you too unemotional/rational? Do you spend much time with people who are new to you?[Do you think questions like this are “so much BS”?]
The Core Argument1. We are in a War for Talent.2. The war will intensify.3. Women are under-represented in our leadership ranks.4. Women and men are different.5. Women’s strengths match the New Economy’s leadership needs—to a striking degree.6. Women are also the principal purchasers of goods and services—retail and commercial.7. Ergo, women are a large part of “the answer” to the War for Talent issue/opportunity.
The Top 5 “Revelations”Better talent wins.Talent management is my job as leader.Talented leaders are looking for the moon and stars.Over-deliver on people’s dreams – they are volunteers.Pump talent in at all levels, from all conceivable sources, all the time.Source: Ed Michaels et al., The War for Talent
Ambition Talented people will energise themselves around a cause that matters to them. Their shared ambition is what galvanises people into concerted collective action. If the ambition has unique appeal and demonstrates to people how the organisation can make a dramatic difference to their contribution. People will willingly sign up and play their part in fulfilling the cause. Seven Elements of Future Shape of the Winner are Trademarked by Tom Peters Company
“People want to be part of something larger than themselves.They want to be part of something they’re reallyproudof, that they’llfight for,sacrifice for ,trust.”—Howard Schultz, Starbucks (IBD/09.05)
“A key – perhaps the key – to leadership is the effective communication of a story.—Howard Gardner, Leading Minds: An Anatomy of Leadership
“In classical times when Cicero had finished speaking, the people said, ‘How well he spoke,’ but when Demosthenes had finished speaking, they said, ‘Let us march.’”—Adlai Stevenson
Charles Handy on the “Alchemists”“Passion was what drove these people, passion for their product or their cause.If you care enough, you will find out what you need to know. Or you will experiment and not worry if the experiment goes wrong.Passionas the secret to learning is an odd secret to propose, but I believe that it works at all levels and at all ages. Sadly,passionis not a word often heard in the elephant organizations, nor in schools, where it can seem disruptive.”
Performance When talented people are working together and committed to achieving the ambition, they want to be sure that they are making progress and rewarded for delivering the right stuff. Measuring the output of all the elements and visibly tracking progress towards the ambition is key. People can take pride in executing on their personal accountabilities when they can see progress being made and when they feel well rewarded for delivering the right inputs and outcomes. Seven Elements of Future Shape of the Winner are Trademarked by Tom Peters Company
“A focus on cost-cutting and efficiency has helped many organizations weather the downturn, but this approach will ultimately render them obsolete.Only the constant pursuit of innovation can ensure long-term success.”—Daniel Muzyka, Dean, Sauder School of Business, Univ of British Columbia (FT/09.17.04)
1-10 of The Planning, Planning Systems, Intelligence & Measures 50 K.I.S.S. (!!) (450/8.) (500/50—GB.) (Lee’s Blackberry.) Complexity accretes one day/person/item at a time! There must be a “Systems & Measures Un-designer.” (Rem Koolhaas: “Often my job is to undo things.”) Focus!!!! 5 or fewer key indicators. (Enrico’s “Rule of Three.”) Key indicators must be backed up by unmistakable impact on evals and compensation! (JW & 6-sigma) Prune 50% of your measures … TODAY. “Measurement Architecture” = (Real) Corporate Strategy. (PERIOD.) CIOs & CFOs & C“R”Os will become Soulmates in effective organizations! *Can a fourth grader understand it (Paul Sherlock,JW)?
A review of Jack and Suzy Welch’s Winning claims there are but two key differentiators that set GE “culture” apart from the herd: First:Separating financial forecasting and performance measurement.Performance measurement based, as it usually is, on budgeting leads to an epidemic of gaming the system. GE’s performance measurement is divorced from budgeting—and instead reflects how you do relative to your past performance and relative to competitors’ performance; ie it’s about how you actually do in the context of what happened in the real world, not as compared to a gamed-abstract plan developed last year. Second:Putting HR on a par with finance and marketing.I.e., it’s the people.
Incentives that work: Clear/ unequivocal. Huge consequences. Different from now. Stable (for a few years). Stand out (1 of 1). Giant aspirations (B.H.A.G.) Basis for “deep dip” promotion/s.
It’s T-H-R-E-E, Stupid!“I used to have a rule for myself that at any point in time I wanted to have in mind — as it so happens, also in writing, on a little card I carried around with me — the three big things I was trying to get done.Three.Not two. Not four. Not five. Not ten. Three.”— Richard Haass,The Power to Persuade
Brand To be noticed organisations need to express clearly who they are and what they stand for. A good brand helps us to reach out into new markets, to win new business, and to excite and retain our existing clients/customers and talented people. Everyone in the organisation understands their role in bringing the brand to life and honouring our brand promises. The brand symbolises what we all stand for, believe in, and love doing. Seven Elements of Future Shape of the Winner are Trademarked by Tom Peters Company
Rules of “Radical Marketing”Love + Respect Your Customers!Hire only Passionate Missionaries!Create a Community of Customers!Celebrate Craziness!Be insanely True to the Brand!Sam Hill & Glenn Rifkin, Radical Marketing(e.g., Harley, Virgin, The Dead, HBS, NBA)
“Branding, in the simplest sense, is the application of a story to a product or a service—and is utilized whenever there is a surplus of interchangeable goods.”—Branded Nation: The Marketing of Megachurch, College Inc., and Museumworld, James Twitchell
“The branding of cultural capital may be the next step in the evolution of community.”— “When All Business Is Show Business, What’s Next,”Branded Nation: The Marketing of Megachurch, College Inc., and Museumworld, James Twitchell
“We’re now entering a new phase of business where the group will be a franchising and management company where brandmanagement is central.”—David Webster, Chairman, InterContinental Hotels Group“InterContinental will now have far more to do with brandownership than hotel ownership.”—James Dawson of Charles Stanley (brokerage)Source: International Herald Tribune, 09.16, on the sacking of CEO Richard North, whose entire background is in finance
Experience The clients’/customers’ needs are truly understood. Talented people find ways to package and deliver those needs within an experience that makes a positive difference. Future Winners go beyond effective business transaction and create ‘relational’ experiences with their clients/customers. There is a genuine desire to become partners in business success and to enable all parties to achieve their ambitions. Seven Elements of Future Shape of the Winner are Trademarked by Tom Peters Company
“Experiencesare as distinct from services as services are from goods.”—Joe Pine & Jim Gilmore, The Experience Economy: Work Is Theatre & Every Business a Stage
Duet … Whirlpool … “washing machine” to “fabric care system”… white goods: “a sea of undifferentiated boxes”… $400 to $1,300 … “the Ferrari of washing machines” … consumer: “They are our little mechanical buddies. They have personality. When they are running efficiently, our lives are running efficiently. They are part of my family.” …“machine as aesthetic showpiece” … “laundry room” to “family studio” / “designer laundry room”(complements Sub-Zero refrigerator and home-theater center)Source: New York Times Magazine/01.11.2004
“The [Starbucks] Fix” Is on …“We have identified a ‘third place.’ And I really believe that sets us apart. The third place is that place that’s not work or home. It’s the place our customers come for refuge.”Nancy Orsolini, District Manager
“We share the Zingerman’s experience selling food that makes you happy, giving service that makes you smile—in passionate pursuit of our mission, showing love and caring in all our actions to enrich as many lives as we possibly can.”—Zingerman’s Guide to Giving Great Service/ Ari Weinzweig/Ann Arbor MI
“We don’t sell insurance anymore.Wesell speed.”Peter Lewis, Progressive
Thesaurus of WOW!: Commerce Bank Style “They” hate it if you call them “bankers.” “They” love it, on the other hand, when you ask to see their #s—stupendous. “They” are … Commerce Bank. These absurdly fast growing, insanely profitable “retailers,” rewriting the rules of East Coast retail banking, sent me a copy of their booklet, “Traditions.” It explicates their “Wow the Customer Philosophy.” At the end there’s “A Collection of Commerce Lingo.” I won’t define (use your imagination), but simply offer a small sample: “Fans, Not Customers.” “Say YES … 1 to say YES, 2 to say NO.” (A staffer has to get a supervisor’s approval to say “no” to anything.) “Recover!!! To Err Is Human; To Recover Is Devine.” “Leave ’Em Speechless.” “Positive Behavior.” “Positive Language.” “Kill A Stupid Rule.” (Get cash rewards for exposing dumb internal rules “that impede our ability to WOW!”) Make the ‘WOW! Answer Guide’ Your Best Friend.” “Buzz Bee.” “CommerceWOW!Zone.” (A K-12 financial education program.) “Doctor WOW!” “Ten-Minute Principle.” (“Stores” open 10 minutes before posted hours, stay open 10 minutes after posted hours—and the hours, such as open 7 days a week, are already incredibly generous & tradition-shattering.) “Wall of WOW!” “WOW! Awards.” (The annual recognition ceremony—Radio City Music Hall, with the Rockettes, in ’05.) “WOW! Patrol.” “WOW! Spotlight.” “WOW Van.” “WOW Wiz.” (A service superstar.) Etc.
Cirque du Soleil: Talent(12 full-time scouts,database of 20,000).R&D(40% of profits; 2X avg corp).Controls(shows are profit centers; partners like Disney offset costs; $100M on $500M). Scarcity builds buzz/brand(1 new show per year. “People tell me we’re leaving money on the table by not duplicating our shows. They’re right.”—Daniel Lamarre, president).Source: “The Phantasmagoria Factory”/Business 2.0/1-2.2004
Architecture The organisation structure, its orientation, and supporting IT systems is in place to connect people together and equip them to be able to do the great things that they want to do. Infrastructure and operating networks support the essential ongoing relationships and interactions inside and outside the organisation. People feel supported by the organisation to live out their personal bias for action. Seven Elements of Future Shape of the Winner are Trademarked by Tom Peters Company
“How we feel about the evolving future tells us who we are as individuals and as a civilization: Do we search for stasis—a regulated, engineered world? Or do we embrace dynamism—a world of constant creation, discovery and competition? Do we value stability and control? Or evolution and learning? Do we think that progress requires a central blueprint? Or do we see it as a decentralized, evolutionary process? Do we see mistakes as permanent disasters? Or the correctable byproducts of experimentation? Do we crave predictability? Or relish surprise? These two poles, stasis and dynamism, increasingly define our political, intellectual and cultural landscape.” —Virginia Postrel, The Future and Its Enemies
“The organizations we created have become tyrants. They have taken control, holding us fettered, creating barriers that hinder rather than help our businesses. The lines that we drew on our neat organizational diagrams have turned into walls that no one can scale or penetrate or even peer over.”—Frank Lekanne Deprez & René Tissen, Zero Space: Moving Beyond Organizational Limits