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Learn about Vampire Power - the unseen energy consumption of devices on standby mode. Discover the impact, causes, and solutions for reducing vampire loads in this informative guide.
Vampire Power: Slay the Beast! Scott Vokey, NEAC October 23, 2008 NEAC
Vampire Power: What is it? • Electric power used by electrical devices when they are in standby mode or switched off • Many devices that are “always on” while seemingly “off” draw power so that they can spring into action on demand • Also called phantom, standby power
Vampire Power: What causes it? • Certain components must have power to respond while appliances are in standby mode. In addition, many appliances are not designed to be efficient, meaning that some components might be left active even though they are not needed.
Vampire Power: What causes it? • Any device in your home or office. Some examples of features that require standby power are: • internal clocks and sensors; • external clock displays and panel display LEDs; • remote control sensors; • battery rechargers and power-conversion packs; • communications between a base unit and a portable unit (as in a portable phone).
Vampire Power: What causes it? • “It’s obvious, when your microwave oven has a clock, that it uses some energy to run that clock,” said Amory B. Lovins, chief executive of the Rocky Mountain Institute. “It’s less obvious that when you think your TV is turned off, it’s actually doing things like remembering the last channel you turned it to and the last volume setting. It’s running at lower power so it can turn on a few seconds faster.”
Vampires, Warts, other ugliness • In the lingo of energy experts, devices that draw power even when turned off or idling are called “vampire loads,” because they suck energy constantly. • There are also “wall warts,” devices like cellphones, digital music players and personal digital assistants that require a small charger or adapter; many of those adapters deliver only half of the power they draw in, with the rest wasted. • Then there are devices that are left on continuously, like DSL or cable modems and even computers.
Vampire Power: Effects • Thunder Bay Hydro study (2008) found 10%+ of average home’s consumption (1019 kWh out of 8500 kWh) could be traced to vampire power. • 10% figure supported by IEA and USEPA studies as well.
Detailed Example: Computers • The average desktop computer consumes about 120 watts of electricity. • monitor consumes 75 watts • CPU consumes 45 watts. • Factors contributing to decreases: • Technology is allowing for more efficient power consumption. • The LCD (flat panel) monitor (which consumes less electricity) is slowly replacing the CRT (TV-tube) montior.
Detailed Example: Computers • Factors contributing to increases: • computers are becoming more powerful (faster, more calculations per second) • typical monitor size is increasing (larger monitors, LCD or CRT, require more electricity). • Laptop computers consume less than desktop computers (15-45 Watts), primarily because they are designed to run as long as possible in portable mode (i.e., on a battery).
Shut Off or Put to Sleep • In sleep mode (also called hibernate, standby, or power down mode), a computer consumes only about 15 watts, a savings of over 80%. • The hardware of most modern computer systems include this ability, which is controlled software (typically the operating system). • Typically it takes only a few seconds for a computer to wake up from sleep mode.
Computers by the Numbers • Trent University Exercise: CPU on all the time: • outside of business hours on workdays:500 CPUs X 45 Watts X 365 days X 16 additional hours = 131,400 kWh • non-work days: 500 CPUs x 45 Watts X 115 non-workdays X 24 hours = 62,100 kWh • during workday: 500 monitors X 45 Watts X 250 workdays X 4 hours sleeping = 22,500 kWh
Computers by the Numbers • Monitor sleeping after default setting of 20 minutes instead of ideal 5 minutes • during workday (average 10 times user stops using computer for more than 5 minutes) • 500 monitors X 75 Watts X 250 workdays X 0.25 additional hours X 10 times = 23,437 kWh
Computers by the Numbers • TOTAL Savings Ideal Power Management: • 131,400 + 62,100 + 22,500 + 23,437 = about 240,000 kWh of electricity • $0.10 per kWh X 240,000 kWh of electricity per year = $24,000 in electricity costs annually • 0.302 kg CO2 released per kWh X 240,000 kWh of electricity per year = 72.5 tonnes of CO2 released annually. It would take 10,000 - 51,000 trees to offset the same amount of CO2.
Add in effects of storage • A medium-sized server has a similar carbon footprint to an SUV achieving 15 miles to the gallon. Servers also require as much energy to cool them as they directly consume. • http://www.globalactionplan.org.uk/upload/resource/Exec-Summary.pdf An Inefficient Truth study
Vampire Power: Effects • Electricity lost to vampire power in the US is estimated to be $4 billion annually. • The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates the global energy consumption due to standby power at between 200-400 terawatts per year.
A Trend on the Rise • In 1980, consumer electronics accounted for about 5% of our total home energy use. • Its now 13%.
What does it cost ME? • Avg Vampire Load per house=1019 kWh • Cost of Power delivered = $0.10 kWh • 1019 Kwh x $0.10 = $101.90 • 1019 Kwh x 0.302 kg CO2 = 0.31 tonnes of CO2 released annually. • It would take 44 trees to offset the same amount of CO2. (source: Trees Canada)
What does it cost Newmarket? • 1019 Kwh x $0.10 x 24,000 residences = $2,445,600 • 1019 Kwh x 0.302 kg CO2 x 24,000 residences = 7385 tonnes of CO2 released annually. • It would take 1,056,000 trees to offset the same amount of CO2.
Slay that Vampire: Operation • Turn Off Computer and use conservation software to reduce up to 60% power used by a PC • Unplug appliances not used often • Turn off powerbar for those used more frequently
Computer Myths Debunked • Turning off a computer is bad for the computer • Computers don't need a lot of power if they are on but not used • Turning your computer off uses more energy than leaving it on • Screen savers save energy • Network connections are lost when a PC goes into low-power/sleep mode
Slay that Vampire: Purchasing • Buy new equipment that is energy-efficient. • Buy a computer that has the Energy Star logo or is Energy Star certified (should state in specifications).
Slay that Vampire: Operation #2 • If you have a cellphone, have you ever noticed that your charger stays warm even when you are not charging your phone with it? That's because it is still draining electricity. • Unplug it!
Slay that Vampire: Operation #3 • Entertainment centres in rec rooms particularly bad—should have powerbars • Set up Charging Station for charging batteries on a powerbar • If renovating or in new homes consider configuring receptacles to a wall switch
Slay the Vampire: Tech Tools #1 Electricity Usage Monitors
Slay the Vampire: Tech Tools #2 • The Wattstopper has 6 outlets controlled by occupancy and two normal; uses a motion detector to monitor and manage energy use. US $90. • The Smart Strip monitors power consumption and can sense the difference between when computers and other devices are on or off. US $32 to $35
Slay the Vampire: Tech Tools #3 • Monitoring Overall Consumption: • NH customers can access data via the web—24 hour delay • PowerCost Monitors www.bluelineinnovations.com
Slay that Vampire: Conclusions • Same Thunder Bay study found 883 kWh of typical 1019 kWh vampire load could easily be eliminated • If we eliminated half of the estimated vampire load in Newmarket, we could save $ 1,222,800 and reduce 3692.5 t CO2e
Every Kilowatt Counts Coupons • The Fall Every Kilowatt Count Power Savings Event is on now until November 16th, 2008
EKC Coupons • 60 worth of electricity-savings coupons lets you save: • $15 on ENERGY STAR® qualified indoor light fixtures • $15 on programmable thermostats for electric baseboard heaters • $8 on T8 Fluorescent light fixtures and electronic ballasts for fluorescent light fixtures • $5 on power bars with automatic shutoff or built-in timer • $5 on heavy-duty outdoor timers • $4 on ENERGY STAR qualified dimmable, or 3-way compact fluorescent light bulbs • $4 on ENERGY STAR qualified compact fluorescent floodlights or spotlights • $4 on ENERGY STAR qualified decorative or covered fluorescent light bulbs including chandelier, globe, etc. http://www.everykilowattcounts.com/residential/powersavings/
EKC Coupon Retailers • Participating Retailers include: Ace Hardware Canadian Tire Castle Building Centres Costco Home Hardware Homewise Lowes Rona Home Depot TIM-BR-mart True Value Walmart Zellars
A Great One-Stop Resource • World Wildlife Fund’s The Good Lifehttp://thegoodlife.wwf.ca/Home.cfm • Lists of actions with probable impacts; very user friendly—social networking site feel.
Newmarket Hydro Tips • Turn off lights, TVs and other appliances when they are not needed. • Wash laundry in cold water. This does just as good a job, keeps your colours bright, and saves lots of energy. • Take short showers instead of baths. A five-minute shower uses about half as much water as a bath.
Newmarket Hydro Tips • You can also control the intensity of your bulbs with dimmer switches to save money. A bulb dimmed by 25% uses 10 % less energy. • Using a low-flow shower head can save up to 15% of hot water costs; aerators on your sink faucets can reduce water by 10%. • Use small appliances instead of the stove.
Newmarket Hydro Tips • Replace incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient compact fluorescents, which are four times more efficient and last about eight times as long. • Shower and run your dishwasher, washer and dryer early in the morning or late at night.
Resources • http://www.energystar.gov./ • http://www.everykilowattcounts.com/ • http://standby.lbl.gov/data.html • http://www.cbc.ca/spark/blog/2008/01/show_notes_january_23_2008.html • http://www.trentu.ca/admin/eab/energy.shtml • http://www.treecanada.ca/