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How to cure Diabetes With Panchakarma Ayurveda

Here are some general concepts of how Panchakarma might be used in an Ayurvedic context to support diabetes management:<br><br>1. Diet and Lifestyle<br>2. Abhyanga (Oil Massage)<br>3. Snehana (Oil Internal Oleation)<br>4. Swedana (Steam Therapy)<br>5. Virechana (Purgation Therapy)<br>6. Basti (Enema Therapy)<br>7. Nasya (Nasal Administration)<br><br>Read more: https://shodhanam.com/

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How to cure Diabetes With Panchakarma Ayurveda

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  1. How to cure Diabetes With Panchakarma Ayurveda -By Shodhanam

  2. Introduction Panchakarma is a traditional Ayurvedic detoxification and rejuvenation therapy that involves a series of treatments designed to balance the body, mind, and spirit.

  3. Diet and Lifestyle Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet, proper digestion, and a healthy lifestyle to manage diabetes. Panchakarma treatments may be combined with dietary changes and physical activities to promote better glucose control.

  4. Abhyanga (Oil Massage) Abhyanga, or oil massage, is often used as a preparatory step before Panchakarma to help stimulate circulation, improve digestion, and relax the body.

  5. Snehana (Oil Internal Oleation) This involves consuming medicated oils internally to help lubricate the body's tissues and promote detoxification.

  6. Swedana (Steam Therapy) Swedana involves sweating therapy that helps in eliminating toxins from the body and improving circulation.

  7. Virechana (Purgation Therapy) Virechana is a therapeutic purgation process that aims to eliminate excess Pitta dosha (one of the three fundamental energies in Ayurveda) from the body. It can help balance metabolism and digestion.

  8. Basti (Enema Therapy) Basti involves the introduction of medicated substances into the colon, which can help in balancing Vata dosha and promoting detoxification.

  9. Nasya (Nasal Administration) Nasya involves administering medicated oils or herbs through the nasal passages to help balance Kapha and Vata doshas and improve respiratory function.

  10. Thank You www.shodhanam.com

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