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Discover how the collaboration between Looker and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) resulted in a remarkable success story of elevating insurance analytics. Uncover the transformative power of data-driven insights that revolutionized the insurance industry.
Sparity ElevatingInsurance Analytics: ALookerandGCP SuccessStory
Clientisaleadinginsuranceprovider,havinga vast amount of policy and insurance data stored in their existing data lake. They sought Sparity’s expertise to improve data quality, streamline reporting processes, and migrate existingreportstomoreefficientplatforms. Sparity
Needforstandardizationofdataintheirdata lake to facilitate efficient analysis and reportingacrossmultipledashboards. ImplementingETLmeasuresforallthekey performance indicators (KPIs) to ensure accurateandconsistentreporting. Recreation of existing reports to enhance datavisualizationcapabilitiesandimprove overallreportingefficiency. KeyChalenges Sparity
Sparity'steamanalyzedtheclient'sdatalake to find gaps and inconsistencies affecting reportaccuracy. Theyuseddatacleansingtechniquesto address deviations and duplications, improvingdataaccuracy. Collaborated with the client to understand their reporting needs and implemented ETL logicsforkeyperformanceindicators(KPIs). Solution Sparity
Loaded Google Cloud Storage data into BigQuery using scheduled queries and createdconsolidatedaggregatedtablesfor efficientanalysis. Created a centralized reporting infrastructure using Looker Studio and Tableau. They also migrated existing reports from spreadsheets toGoogleSheets,integratingseamlesslywith BigQueryforefficientdataretrieval. Sparity
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