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Speaker Guide for PRiSM. Founded in 2013, PRiSM is a group of over 50 speaking professionals. The mastermind group is based out of the Frontier at Park Center in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. The group meets twice a month to discuss platform skills and the business of speaking. The first Friday of the month is a 90-minute facilitated discussion. The third Thursday of the month is a one-hour session for speakers to try out new material and receive feedback. The group also runs speaker showcases in the Fall and Spring. <br>Interested in joining PRiSM? Reach out to Stan Phelps at 919.360.4702 or email stan@purplegoldfish.com for more information on becoming a member.
Founded in 2013, PRiSM is a group of over 50 speaking professionals. The mastermind group is based out of the Frontier a t P a r k C e n t e r i n Research Triangle Park.
The group meets twice a month to discuss platform skills and the business of speaking. The first Friday of the month is a 90-minute facilitated discussion. The third Thursday of the month is a one-hour session for speakers to try out new material and receive feedback. The group also runs speaker showcases in the Fall and Spring. Want more info: email stan@purplegoldfish.com Copyright: Kevin Seifert Photography
Need a SPEAKER for an upcoming event. Here’s an alphabetical list of PRiSM members. Feel feel to reach out to the speakers directly to inquire about a keynote or workshop. Copyright: Kevin Seifert Photography
JEANNE ALLEN Non-Profit Leadership Non-Profit Innovation/Strategy jeanneallenconsulting.com 919.724.9389
BRETT BLAIR High-Performance Life Coaching Living on Purpose coachbrettblair.com 919.452.1331
TROY BUDER Faith-Based Leadership Personal Development acgwealth.com/team-member/troy-buder 919.260.4603
SKIP CARNEY Marketing Innovation For Fun & Profit carneyco.com 252.451.0060
VAN CARPENTER Creativity and Change Your ONE Thing reallywhynot.com 919.539.3499
EVAN CARROLL Technology Experiential Marketing EvanCarroll.net 919.540.3826
SIDD CHOPRA Brain Friendly Communication/Technology High Stakes Presentations siddchopra.com 919.859.3048
ALEX FERGUSON Video Storytelling yourlocalstudio.com 919.824.7861
ROBERT FERGUSON Differentiating Values Servant Leadership FergusonValues.com 919.757.2365
ANNIE FRANCESCHI Branding + Storytelling Small Biz Entrepreneurship greateststorycreative.com/speaking 919.886.7867
WENDY GATES CORBETT Presenting Yourself with Power Reclaiming Our Own Belonging Refresher-Training.com 919.381.5688
DANNY GLOVER Leadership Communication johncmaxwellgroup.com/dannyglover 919.345.6028
Headshot TRACEY GRITZ Productivity Work/Life Balance TheEfficientOffice.com 919.618.4228
BARBARA HEMPHILL Productivity Work-Life Balance BarbaraHemphill.com 919.347.9247
KRISTIN HIEMSTRA Leadership Career Development theartofpotential.com 919.360.7957
ALAN HOFFLER Public Speaking Communication Excellence AlanHoffler.com 919.386.9238
HANK HOFFMEIER Marketing Automation Email Marketing hankhoffmeier.com 336.494.5790
K. MELISSA KENNEDY Innovation Leadership & INTRApreneurship 48innovate.com 919.606.9493
CAROL LINDEN Team Building Organizational Effectiveness effectivewithpeople.com 919.698.8301
CRAIG MATHEWS Innovation Business Strategy bigthinkin.com 919.324.6650
STEPHANIE McDILDA Heart-Based Leadership Employee Engagement flashpointinternational.com 919.521.5484
DR. GARY McGRATH Leadership Compassionate Accountability statarius.com 919.632.3235
THOMAS MILLER Educational Leadership Organizational Health leaders-building-leaders.com 910.431.7441
JAMES MITCHELL Character Leadership goduke.com
TIM MOORE Generational Insights Sales Training timmoorespeaks.com 888.620.6809
GRAEME NEWELL Emotional Marketing Corporate Social Responsibility 602communications.com 919.217.4438
JEFF NISCHWITZ Leadership & Inspiration Lead the Shift to Impact nischwitzgroup.com 216.956.6587
STAN PHELPS Customer Experience Employee Engagement StanPhelpsSpeaks.com 919.360.4702
FRANK POLLOCK Marketing Automation Digital Marketing linkedin.com/in/frankpollock
MARCEY RADER Productivity and Health Behaviors Business Travel Health workwellplaymore.com 484.455.4122
JIM REKLIS Leadership Team Building rekliscoachingandconsulting.com 919.451.5502
DAVE RENDALL Leadership Differentiation drendall.com 919.222.6295
MALCOLM RILEY Corporate Training Presentation Skills ayasphere.com 309.453.9640
DENISE RYAN Motivation Employee Engagement firestarspeaking.com 919.788.0291
KARL SAKAS Agency Management Leadership SakasAndCompany.com 919.410.6224
STEPHANIE M. SCOTTI High Stakes Presentations Speaking Essentials for Business Leaders professionallyspeaking.net 908.347.7812
KEVIN SNYDER Leadership and Innovation Employee Engagement kevincsnyder.com 919.633.9931
RUFUS STEPHENS Intentional Living Life After 50 847.878.5421
GARY TOMLINSON Discovering Execution Art of Telling garyetomlinson.com 919.847.6235
MARY TOMLINSON Customer Service The On-Purpose Person marytomlinson.com 919.529.2705
TIM TOTERHI High Performance Cultures Creating Coachable Moments PlotlineLeadership.com 914.755.6032
THOMAS TRIUMPH Innovation Creativity tomtriumph.com 973.692.8657
GRACE UENG Leadership Personal Development savvygrowth.com 919.319.8538
MELISSA V. WEST Business Building for New Entrepreneurs Leadership XtremeResultsCoaching.com 414.243.3661
KARIN WIBERG Books & Business Strategy Creative Thinking clearsightbooks.com 919.609.2817
JASON WOJO, Ph.D Life Design Business Design lifeonaire.com 919.943.0003