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Looking for help in Radiology Charge Entry and Capture? The wait ends!

Radiology is a medical specialty which uses imaging techniques such as X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, PETs, and/or ultrasounds to diagnose and check for injuries or diseases/abnormalities within the human body; and the physicians/imaging experts are known as radiologists.

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Looking for help in Radiology Charge Entry and Capture? The wait ends!

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  1. Radiology is a medical specialty which uses imaging techniques such as X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, PETs, and/or ultrasounds to diagnose and check for injuries or diseases/abnormalities within the human body; and the physicians/imaging experts are known as radiologists. • For the practice to thrive, the billing and coding experts have to be aware of the latest rules and regulations, along with being updated on the individual payer guidelines. Moreover, a coherent charge entry and charge capture process must be followed as it is one of chief areas in radiology medical billing. ‘The charges entered will determine the reimbursements for physician’s service. Therefore, care should be taken to avoid any charge entry errors which may lead to denial of the claims.' www.medicalbillersandcoders.com info@medicalbillersandcoders.com

  2. Charge entry in radiology: 1.Ensure that all encounter/patient visit forms have been received on a daily basis. Also ensure that all the services that were rendered by the radiologist have been documented. 2. Acknowledge all the forms and review them thoroughly for any errors or incomplete information. This includes verification of the patient account number before charges are entered in the system. 3. Review daily logs and enter the charges which are mentioned on the charge sheet. 4. Remember that all charges must be posted on the day of service. www.medicalbillersandcoders.com info@medicalbillersandcoders.com

  3. 5. Before posting, thoroughly check all the fields afresh for accuracy. 6. Ensure that the correct account has been selected of patients' while entering the charges. Verify all the demographics data such as patient name, date of birth, address etc. Also verify the 'patient account number' recorded in the medical document (consisting of face sheets, physician diagnosis, labels etc.) while selecting the account and patient. 7. Ensure that charge reconciliation is completed by the next day (maximum) of the charge entry process. This will keep ample time as provisions to correct any errors before bill submission. 8. Billing errors need to be identified, along with a defined process set for improving them in future. www.medicalbillersandcoders.com info@medicalbillersandcoders.com

  4. 9. In radiology, the person responsible for charge entry is also responsible for coding charge slips with the appropriate ICD-10 and CPT codes for apt reimbursements. Charge capture in Radiology: • Firstly, a charge description master (CDM) must be in place (especially for hospitals). An unambiguous CDM must have one procedure definition per procedure code. After checking prices and codes, incorrect coding if still occurs, is mainly due to a problematic charge capture process. • ‘There typically is an unintentional disconnect between finance and radiology when it comes to charging. The radiology IT staff is focused on providing what technologists need to capture what they’re doing and not necessarily focused on the resulting charges.’ www.medicalbillersandcoders.com info@medicalbillersandcoders.com

  5. Secondly, diagnostic and interventional radiology procedures are being billed in as bundled codes. CDM must be updated regularly (every year) with the set of charges for the new bundled codes. • Third, is the front-end edit resolution. Either clearing houses/claim scrubbers/front-end editors or radiology medical billing and coding experts must review all fields before submission, be it for modifiers, unbundling codes or other payer issues. • Lastly, denial management. Radiology experts must ensure that radiology specific denials and rejections are identified, tracked and dealt with along with all charges captured for garnering appropriate reimbursements. • In radiology, charge capture and entry is extremely critical. It is essential to provide patient satisfaction along with having a high financial success. www.medicalbillersandcoders.com info@medicalbillersandcoders.com

  6. Contact Us Today for Expert Radiology Billing Services 108 West, 13th street, Wilmington, DE 19801 4625 Morse RD., Suite 208, Gahanna, Ohio 43230 info@medicalbillersandcoders.com Follow Us on www.medicalbillersandcoders.com info@medicalbillersandcoders.com

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