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The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms

The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms. Juan F. Yepes, DDS, MD, MPH Assistant Professor Department of Diagnostic Radiology University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms. Well defined Corticated Space occupying Displacement of teeth

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The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms

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  1. TheRadiologyofBenign Neoplasms

    Juan F. Yepes, DDS, MD, MPH Assistant Professor Department of Diagnostic Radiology University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center
  2. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms Well defined Corticated Space occupying Displacement of teeth Directional resorption of teeth Displacement of anatomical structures
  3. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms Displacement of periosteum Internal structure: trabeculae & calcification Unilocular / multilocular
  4. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms Displacement of periosteum Internal structure: trabeculae & calcification Unilocular / multilocular
  5. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms Displacement of periosteum Internal structure: trabeculae & calcification Unilocular / multilocular
  6. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms Displacement of periosteum Internal structure: trabeculae & calcification Unilocular / multilocular
  7. Cyst or Benign Neoplasm Benign Neoplasm Malignant Neoplasm The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms
  8. TheRadiologyofBenign Neoplasms

    I. Odontogenic
  9. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms


    Epithelial Epithelial with induction/Mixed (epithelial and mesenchymal) Mesenchymal
  10. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms


    Epithelial Epithelial with induction/Mixed (epithelial and mesenchymal) Mesenchymal
  11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Root sheath of Hertwig Ameloblastic fibroma . . . . . . . . . . . Dental Lamina Ameloblastoma Enamel organ Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor Dental Lamina Odontoma
  12. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms Odontogenic Epithelial Ameloblastoma Squamous odontogenic tumor Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor Clear cell odontogenic tumor [Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy]
  13. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms


    Age: 20 - 50 years (predominantly 30s and 40s) Mandible:Maxilla = 85:15 60% mandibular molar-ramus area
  14. Ameloblastoma 3% 2% 10% 60% 15% 10%
  15. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms


    Unilocular Multilocular (coarse septa) Soap bubble Honeycomb
  16. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms
  17. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms
  18. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms
  19. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms


    Displacement or resorption of teeth Extends beyond radiographic limits Superior aspect often lost
  20. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms
  21. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms
  22. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms
  23. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms
  24. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms

    Keratocyst Ameloblastoma

  25. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms

    Simple Bone Cyst Ameloblastoma

  26. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms Odontogenic Epithelial Ameloblastoma Squamous odontogenic tumor Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor Clear cell odontogenic tumor [Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy]
  27. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms

    Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor(AOT)

  28. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms

    Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor(AOT)

    10-20 (18 years of age) anterior maxilla or mandible radiolucent with radiopaque foci may mimic dentigerous cyst
  29. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms
  30. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms
  31. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms Odontogenic Epithelial Ameloblastoma Squamous odontogenic tumor Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor Clear cell odontogenic tumor [Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy]
  32. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms

    Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (CEOT)

  33. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms

    Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (CEOT, Pindborg tumor)

    10-90 (mean 40) maxilla:mandible = 1:2 ramus-molar region
  34. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms

    Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (CEOT, Pindborg tumor)

    usually associated with impacted teeth unilocular or multilocular radiolucent or with radiopaque foci
  35. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms
  36. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms Odontogenic Epithelial Epithelial with induction/Mixed (epithelial and mesenchymal) Mesenchymal
  37. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms Odontogenic Epithelial with induction Ameloblastic fibroma Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma Compound odontoma Complex odontoma
  38. Tooth a tooth a radiopaque mass surrounded by a radiolucent line surrounded by a radiopaque line The Radiology of Odontomas Radiographically, the appearance of is that of
  39. a radiopaque mass surrounded by a radiolucent line surrounded by a radiopaque line The Radiology of Odontomas Odontoma (Odontome) Radiographically, the appearance of an odontoma is that of
  40. several radiopaque masses surrounded by a radiopaque line The Radiology of Odontomas Odontoma (Odontome) Or, radiographically, the appearance of an odontoma is that of surrounded by a radiolucent line
  41. The Radiology of Odontomas Compound Odontoma
  42. The Radiology of Odontomas Complex Odontoma
  43. The Radiology of Odontomas
  44. The Radiology of Odontomas
  45. The Radiology of Odontomas Radiographically, an odontoma is a radiopaque mass (or several masses), surrounded by a radiolucent line, surrounded by a radiopaque line.
  46. The Radiology of Odontomas Complex Odontoma
  47. The Radiology of Odontomas Complex Odontoma A malfomation in which all the dental tissues are represented, individual tissues being mainly well-formed, but occurring in a more or less disorderly pattern.
  48. The Radiology of Odontomas
  49. The Radiology of Odontomas
  50. The Radiology of Odontomas
  51. The Radiology of Odontomas Compound Odontoma
  52. The Radiology of Odontomas Compound Odontoma A malfomation in which all the dental tissues are represented in a more orderly pattern than in the complex odontoma, so that the lesion consists of many toothlike structures.
  53. The Radiology of Odontomas Compound Odontoma Most of these structures do not represent, morphologically, the teeth of the normal dentition, but in each one, enamel, dentin, cementum and pulp are arranged as in a normal tooth.
  54. The Radiology of Odontomas
  55. The Radiology of Odontomas
  56. The Radiology of Odontomas
  57. The Radiology of Odontomas
  58. The Radiology of Odontomas
  59. The Radiology of Odontomas
  60. The Radiology of Odontomas
  61. The Radiology of Odontomas
  62. The Radiology of Odontomas
  63. The Radiology of Odontomas
  64. The Radiology of Odontomas
  65. Ameloblastic Fibroma primitive myxoid connective tissue resemblance to dental pulp strands of odontogenic epithelium 2 cells wide Ameloblastic Fibro-odontoma primitive myxoid connective tissue resemblance to dental pulp strands of odontogenic epithelium 2 cells wide cells differentiate to produce enamel and dentin The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms
  66. Ameloblastic Fibro-odontoma prominent enamel matrix often seen before final maturation of hard tissue enamel and dentin in the form of compound or complex odontoma Compound Odontoma Complex odontoma prominent enamel matrix often seen before final maturation of hard tissue enamel and dentin in the form of compound or complex odontoma The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms
  67. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms


    Epithelial Epithelial with induction/Mixed (epithelial and mesenchymal) Mesenchymal
  68. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms Odontogenic Mesenchymal Odontogenic fibroma Odontogenic myxoma Benign cementoblastoma Cementifying fibroma
  69. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms

    Odontogenic myxoma

  70. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms

    Odontogenic myxoma

    10-50 years (15-35, mean 30) maxilla:mandible 1:1 may be infiltrative and aggressive
  71. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms

    Odontogenic myxoma

    “tennis racket” appearance (neither coarse nor fine septa) cortical expansion root displacement rather than resorption
  72. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms
  73. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms
  74. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms
  75. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms
  76. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms

    Benign cementoblastoma

  77. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms

    Benign cementoblastoma

    second or third decade, usually before 25 continuous with root , which is resorbed pulp vitality unrelated
  78. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms

    Benign cementoblastoma

    radiopaque mass surrounded by radiolucent line surrounded by radiopaque line
  79. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms
  80. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms
  81. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms
  82. The Radiology of Benign Neoplasms
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