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Sub Consciousness

Have you ever driven home without remembering the actual journey? Let’s learn more about subconsciousness to understand why this happens.

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Sub Consciousness

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  1. What Is Sub consciousness? How Can Understanding It Improve Our Lives? Have you ever driven home without remembering the actual journey? Let’s learn more about subconsciousnessto understand why thishappens. Psychologists and researchers rave about the power of the subconscious. But it’s only recently that the subject has become an area of interest among thepublic. The power of the subconscious has initiated a modern movement of introspection. People want to learn how to harness the power of their subconsciousminds. If you’re interested in unlocking the potential of your subconsciousness, it’s best to start with thebasics.

  2. So, what exactly is the subconsciousmind? What Is The Subconscious Mind? American neurologist, Dr. Marcus Raichle, explains that the subconscious mind is what conducts autopilot thinking. There are times during the day when our conscious minds switch off. When we sleep or daydream, we’re less aware of our surroundings. We go onautopilot. But even when we’re on autopilot, we continue to register information within the brain. The sounds you hear, the scents you inhale, and the vibrations you feel are all registered in your subconsciousmind. So, now you know what the subconscious mind is. But why does it matter? And how does the subconscious manifest inreality?

  3. How Subconsciousness Surfaces In The Day To Day The subconscious mind guides every reaction that seems impulsive or sudden. Yelled at a colleague? Feeling low for no apparent reason? These are all signs of subconsciousactivity. Your mind subconsciouslystores all the subtle sensory information from your day to day experiences. When you act on impulse, this is often the subconscious mind at work. Your response to your colleague may have been a result of repressed anger caused by an event that occurred earlier in the day. You may have subdued your reaction then, only to subconsciously release it during a conversation with yourcolleague. If you find yourself lashing out more often than not, there is something you can do to alleviate the pressure. Becoming more aware of your subconscious activity can help you avoid impulsive, hurtful behavior in thefuture. Is Subconsciousness A Word? It sure is! The word subconsciousness refers to the state of not being wholly conscious, when your conscious mind is at rest. 50-60% of your mental processes consist of subconscious activity, which applies to any activity outside active conscious awareness. The subconscious plays a crucial role in shaping personality, behavior, and character. It is the storehouse of memories, experiences, and values within themind. Most people suffer from lack of productivity because of their subconsciousness. However, the subconscious can be trained with the help of mindfulness meditationto become more aware of the presentmoment. As Jim Kwik, Author of Mindvalley’s Superbrain Programsays, “All behavior is belief driven. And we need to understand how our minds work so we can work our minds better.”

  4. What Is An Example Of SubconsciousBehavior? Have you ever felt suddenly and inexplicably anxious when meeting someone for the first time? This is the effect of the subconsciousmind. How about your physical response when an attractive person walks into theroom? Pay attention next time and you’ll notice how your posture and disposition changes in the presence of someone you findattractive. Here’s another classic example of the subconscious at work: stress eating. Anxiety is a very normal reaction to daily stressors, but most people don’t have effective strategies for dealing with stress. Stress-eating is a classic example of how your subconscious mind can take thewheel. Do Dreams Come From The Subconscious Mind?

  5. Are you conscious when you’re asleep? Well, this depends on what stage of sleep you’re in. In the deepest stage of sleep, your conscious mind is completely at rest. You become entirely unaware of what’s occurring in your immediateenvironment. This is when your subconsciousness takes over. It maintains your breathing, bodily functions, and everything else required to keep youalive. The subconscious mind never rests. It may be dormant throughout the day, but at night when you’re asleep, the subconscious becomes more active. Your dreams are nothing but a manifestation of accumulated subconsciousthoughts. That’s how nightmares are born. Ever watched a horror movie only to wake up later that night screaming? Now you know that there exists a real, logical connection between the two events. So, can you control your dreams? Absolutely. And that’s because you have the power to reprogram your subconsciousmind. Your subconscious thoughts and ideas are inspired by the books you read, the movies you watch, and the people youmeet. So, pay attention to what you feed your mind, because it’ll shape your dreams and eventually — yourreality.

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