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The mining process of diamonds and gemstones is a fascinating one. They are extracted from primary as well as secondary deposits located across the globe
Find out how stones are mined across the globe The mining process of diamonds and gemstones is a fascinating one. They are extracted from primary as well as secondary deposits located across the globe. Process of mining is laborious and very time consuming. Methods of mining a gemstone is selected based on the type of stone being mined. KGK Group has investments in primary gemstone mining in Africa and South America. KGK is one of the biggest List of Diamond Jewellery Wholesalers and other parts of the world. KGK believes in doing sustainable and ethical mining only. Some of the mining methods used globally are: Open cast mining In this method, minerals or rocks are removed to reach the gem bearing rocks. In the next step, gemstone containing rocks are washed by jets of water under high pressure through a traditional method to attain the gem gravels. Afterwards gravels are washed and mixed in the treatment plants. Terrace mining Gem-bearing rocks are exposed by digging horizontal terraces in circular formations. Blasting or digging is done and the debris is then washed to obtain the gemstone gravels. This is a common method used for mining emeralds in Columbia. Underground mining It includes alluvial and pipe deposits mining. Alluvial deposits mining use pits method where deeper pits of over 10 metres are dug for the mining. Then tunnelling technique used when there is a gem bearing rock either as an outcrop or as a seam running close to the surface and the tunnel is constructed from the surface of gem rock and then mining is done by blasting. River Diggings This is done artificially by blocking the river at two ends and creating a canal to divert the water. The rock bed is allowed to dry and then the gravel is sieved to obtain the gemstones. Wet Diggings In such diggings the gravel is removed from the flowing river and then sieved to separate the rough gemstone. After an arduous mining process, rough gemstones and diamonds reach the processing units across the globe. KGK, which is a wholesale designer jewelry in india, processes some of the best quality stones available in the market. Reference…https://goo.gl/6nTzed