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The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of several types of chemical compound insecticide<br>combined with food bait to Iridomyrmex cordatus population as the agent of pod rot disease, Phytophthora<br>palmivora, in the cocoa plant. The research is expected to find out better insecticide trial in pressing ant population.<br>This research was conducted in Muktisari region (North Luwu district). Research design consisted of 5 trials (5<br>replications per trial) and to analyze data, regression analysis was used. Ant populations were measured based on<br>scoring referred to Way and Khoo (1989) method; score 1= less than 50 population, score 2= 50 – 200 population,<br>score 3= 200 – 500 population and score 4= more than 500 population observed. The average of ant population<br>reached the highest score in the treatment of Fenvalerate with score 3.0 (about 350 population), meanwhile the<br>lowest score was in the treatment of Chlorpyrifos reaching score 2.1 (about 200 population). All trials seemed to<br>reduce population of I. cordatus. However, a noticeable reduction of ant population was shown in Chlorpyrifos trial<br>(A2) and Carbaryl (A4).
Available e online ww ww.jocpr.com m Jo ournal of Chemical l and Pha armaceuti ical Resea arch, 2014 4, 6(3):90 6-911 ISS SN : 0975-7 N(USA) : J 7384 JCPRC5 Research h Article CODEN Adso orption m echanism m of low co oncentrat zeolite tion pollu e tants in w water on m modified Han nxin Huo, H Hai Lin*, Y Yingbo Don g, Quanli L Liu and Ha an Wang Schoo _______ ol of Civil and ____________ d Environme ____________ ental Enginee ____________ ering, Unive ____________ rsity of Scien ____________ nce and Tech ____________ hnology, Beij ____________ jing, China ___________ _ ABSTRA Na-Citra nitrate n ammonia absorptio modified of nitrate Key wor _______ ACT ate and FeCl3 nitrogen and a-nitrogen、n on experiment zeolite was b e nitrogen wer as active age COD on m itrate nitroge ts. The results basically cons re strongly con ents were used modified zeoli n and COD in s suggested th istent with La nsistent with F d to modify na ite improved n water on m hat: the adsor angmuir isothe Freundlich ad atural zeolite. rapidly. In odified zeolite rption mechan erm model, w dsorption isoth The adsorpti this paper, e were studied nism of ammo hich was chem herm, which w ion of ammon adsorption m d under static onia nitrogen misorption; T was multilayer nia-nitrogen、 mechanism of c and dynamic and COD on The adsorption r absorption. f c n n rds: zeolite, am mmonia-nitro gen, nitrate ni itrogen and CO OD, adsorptio on isotherm ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ___________ _ I INTRODUCT TION Eutrophic solve the sewage d done, esp large in a by zeolite Based on ammonia cation is the m e problems o discharging an pecially resear adsorption rat e [8]. main water p of avoiding eu nd alleviating rches in nitro tio surface are ollution probl utrophication water shortag gen and COD ea [4-7]. In re lem of lake, r by biologica ge, Researches D. Zeolite is a cent years, re reservoir and al treatment e s of advance s a natural mine esearchers wer ocean, etc. in effluent, reus sewage treatm eral, full of ho re focusing on n many count se of wastewa ment in many c oles and chan n adsorbing m tries [1-3]. To ater, reducing countries were nnels inside, is materials made o g e s e n the static a a-nitrogen、ni and dynamic itrate nitrogen adsorption ex n and COD by xperiments, T y modified zeo This paper st olite in water. tudies on the adsorption m mechanism of f EXPE ERIMENT S SECTION 2.1 Expe Zeolite f modifyin Main e Electroth and SX-1 2.2 Expe (1) Remo were prep flasks in eriment mate from Shenyan ng zeolite with rial ng was chosen h Na-Citrate an n for sample nd FeCl3, zeo materials. Th lite was dryin he particle si ng in 105℃, re ze was 0.074 eserved to cha 4mm. After p ange to modifi preparation by fied zeolite. y xperiment a hermal–homoi 10-13 Chambe apparatuses w iothermal Air- er Electric Fur were HZQ-F -blast Dry Bo rnace. F160 Full ox, WFZ-UV-2 Temperature 2000 Ultravio Oscillation olet Spectroph Incubator, hotometer, 32 DHG-9053A 0 pH Monitor A r eriment meth oval efficiency pared. First, w incubator and hod y experiments water samples d stirred for 4 s. Ammonia n were input in 4 hours in 200 nitrogen、nitr nto several 20 0rpm.Then fil rate nitrogen a 00mL triangula ltered by 0.45 and COD wat ar flasks with 5μmembrane ter sample of h 1g zeolite. Se e and measure 6, 3, 60 mg/L econd, put the ed the residua L e l 906
Hai Lin et al ______________________________________________________________________________ J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2014, 6(3):906-911 content. (2) Adsorption isotherm experiment. In 25℃ condition, ammonia nitrogen、nitrate nitrogen and COD water sample of 5, 10, 20, 40, 50, 70, 100, 150 mg/L were prepared. First, water samples were input into several 300mL triangular flasks. Then the flasks were putted in incubator and were stirred for 24 hours in 200rpm condition to make sure adsorption equilibrium. Last, filtered by 0.45μmembrane and measured the concentration of ammonia nitrogen、 nitrate nitrogen and COD in water, drew the adsorption isotherm separately. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Synchronization removal efficiency of low concentration pollutants in Water Figs.1 showed synchronization removal efficiency of ammonia-nitrogen、nitrate nitrogen and COD by zeolite and modified zeolite in water by comparison. 100 90 80 Natural Zeolite 70 Removal rate/% Modified Zeolite 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Ammonia-nitrogen Nitraten itrogen COD Fig.1 Synchronization removal efficiency of ammonia-nitrogen、 、nitrate nitrogen and COD by zeolite and modified zeolite in water Figs.1 show that the ammonia-nitrogen、nitrate nitrogen and COD removal efficiencies of modified zeolites exhibited qualitative changes compared with natural zeolites. The ammonia-nitrogen and the nitrate nitrogen removal rates increased from 53.15%、2.01%to 89.19%、15.26%, and the ammonia-nitrogen removal rate increased from 5.02% to 46.11%. 3.2 Adsorption isotherm experiment of ammonia-nitrogen 24hours absorption experiments of modified zeolite were done in 30℃ conditions. When adsorption equilibrium was achieved, the concentrations of ammonia nitrogen in the water sample were measured. After that, adsorption experiment results were analyzed according to Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherm models [9-11]. Here is the Langmuir adsorption isotherm model: C a K q (1) Freundlichadsorption isotherm model is showed in the following: 1 lg lg (2) Langmuir and Freundlich modified zeolite adsorption isotherms of ammonia nitrogen by were plotted by using experiment results. See Fig. 2 and 3. C 1 e L K e e L L lg q K C e e n 907
Hai Lin et al ______________________________________________________________________________ J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2014, 6(3):906-911 1.2 1.0 1/q[g/mg(NH4+)] 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1/C[L/mg(NH4+)] 1.5 2.0 2.5 Fig. 2 Ammonia-nitrogen Langmuir adsorption curve of modified zeolite 0.6 0.5 lg(q)[lg(mg(NH4+)/g] 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 lg(C)[lg(mg(NH4+)/L)] Fig. 3 Ammonia-nitrogen Freundlich adsorption curve of modified zeolite Langmuir adsorption isotherm of phosphorus is showed in the following: 1/q=0.336/C+0.321 R2=0.998 (3) Freundlich adsorption isotherm of phosphorus is showed in the following: lgq=0.200lgC+0.272 R2=0.875 (4) The experiment results showed the ammonia nitrogen adsorption isotherms are similar with Langmuir adsorption isotherm model, which means the ammonia nitrogen adsorption type of modified zeolite is chemisorption. 3.3 Adsorption isotherm experiment of nitrate nitrogen 24hours absorption experiments of modified zeolite were done in 30℃ conditions. When adsorption equilibrium was achieved, the concentrations of nitrate nitrogen in the water sample were measured. Fig. 4 and 5 showed that Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms of nitrate nitrogen by modified zeolite. 908
Hai Lin et al ______________________________________________________________________________ J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2014, 6(3):906-911 2.5 2.0 1/q[g/mg(NO3-)] 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1/C[L/mg(NO3-)] 1.5 2.0 2.5 Fig. 4 Nitrate nitrogen Langmuir adsorption curve of modified zeolite 1.7 1.2 lg(q)[lg(mg(NO3-)/g] 0.7 0.2 -0.3 -0.8 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 lg(C)[lg(mg(NO3-)/L)] -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 Fig. 5 Nitrate nitrogen Freundlich adsorption curve of modified zeolite Langmuir adsorption isotherm of nitrate nitrogen is showed in the following: 1/q=0.701/C+0.651 R2=0.87 (5) Freundlich adsorption isotherm of nitrate nitrogen is showed in the following: lgq=3.021lgC+0.718 R2=0.997 (6) The experiment results showed the nitrate nitrogen adsorption isotherms are similar with Freundlich adsorption isotherm model, which means the ammonia nitrogen adsorption type of modified zeolite is multilayer absorption. 3.4 Adsorption isotherm experiment of COD 24hours absorption experiments of modified zeolite were done in 30℃ conditions. When adsorption equilibrium was achieved, the concentrations of COD in the water sample were measured. Fig. 6 and 7 showed that Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms of nitrate nitrogen by modified zeolite. 909
Hai Lin et al ______________________________________________________________________________ J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2014, 6(3):906-911 0.20 0.16 1/q[g/mg(COD)] 0.12 0.08 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 1/C[L/mg(COD)] Fig. 6 COD Langmuir adsorption curve of modified zeolite 2.2 2.0 lg(q)[lg(mg(COD)/g] 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 lg(C)[lg(mg(COD)/L)] Fig. 7 COD Freundlich adsorption curve of modified zeolite Langmuir adsorption isotherm of COD is showed in the following: 1/q=2.673/C+0.010 R2=0.998 (7) Freundlich adsorption isotherm of COD is showed in the following: lgq=0.611lgC+0.110 R2=0.981 (8) The experiment results showed the COD adsorption isotherms are similar with Langmuir adsorption isotherm model, which means the COD adsorption main type of modified zeolite is chemisorption. CONCLUSION (1)After modified by Na-Citrate and FeCl3, the removal efficiencies of modified zeolites had improved obviously. The ammonia nitrogen and the nitrate nitrogen removal rates increased from 53.15%、 2.01%to 89.19%、 15.26%, and the ammonia-nitrogen removal rate increased from 5.02% to 46.11%. (2)The modified zeolite adsorption isotherm shows, to nitrate nitrogen and COD adsorption, modified zeolite was fit with Langmuir isotherm model, and the main type of modified zeolite is chemisorption; to ammonia nitrogen adsorption, modified zeolite was fit with Freundlich isotherm model, and the main type of modified zeolite is multilayer absorption; 910
Hai Lin et al ______________________________________________________________________________ J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2014, 6(3):906-911 Acknowledgments This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51174017). REFERENCES [1]Mizuta K., Matsumoto T., Hatate Y., Nishihara K., Nakanishi T. Bioresource Technology, v.3, n.95, pp. 255-257, 2004. [2]Zhao T. G., Wu D. Y., Chen J. G., Kong H. N., Zhang B. H., Wang Z. S.. Environmental Science, v.4, n.27, pp.696-700, 2006. [3]Drizo A; Forget C., Chapuis R.P., Comlan Y. Water Research, v.8, n.40, pp.1547-1554, 2006. [4]Yang H., Ning H. L., Pei L. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, v.2, n.5, pp.343-346, 2011. [5]Cheng X. W., Zhong Y., Wang J., Guo J., Huang Q., Long Y. C.. Microporousand Mesoporous Materials, v.3, n.83, pp.233-243, 2005. [6]Li X., Fan Q., Yang Y. L., Chen L., Zhang L.. Journal of Beijing University of Technology, v.6, n.35, pp.825-829, 2009. [7]Lin H., Guo L. L., Jiang L. Y.. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, v.5, n.32, pp.644-649, 2010. [8]Yousefa. R. I., El-Eswedb. B., Al-Muhtaseb A. H.. Chemical Engineering Journal, v.3, n.171, pp.1143-1149, 2011. [9]Huang H.,Xiao X., Yan B., Yang L. Journal of Hazardous Materials,v.3, n. 175, pp. 247-252, 2011. [10]Han R. P., Zhang J. J., Han P., Wang Y. F., Zhao Z. H., Tang M. S.. Chemical Engineering Journal, v.3, n. 145, pp. 495-504, 2009. [11]Nibou D., Mekatel,H., Amokrane S., Barkat M., Trari M.. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v.3, n.173, pp. 637-646, 2011. 911