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Grammar is the most important part of the in Writing and speaking English. correct grammar helps others to understand you easily. Here are 6 English Grammar Chapters Explained in Brief.<br>https://www.urbanpro.com/delhi/english-speaking-classes
Introduction • When learning English, the plan to focus on grammar disrupts once the fat books come on the way. • So many topics these grammar books cover that confuses students from where to start and where to end. • Speaking English classes in Delhi framed this list article that covers six basic and important English grammar chapters.
Noun • Noun is a part of speech that refers to any name of place, people, event, creature and so on. • There are several kinds of nouns. • To mention the main two forms of nouns is Proper noun and Common noun. • Proper nouns are names that are very unique and refers to anything in particular. • The next is common noun which refers to any name around us like ‘light’, ‘fan’, ‘tiger’ and so on.
Gender • One of the simple grammar chapters that is easy to learn is, gender. • There are four kinds of gender in English . Masculine (anything related to males) Feminine (anything related to females) Common (referring to both males and females) Neutral (implying non-living objects)
Opposites • One of the first chapters to learn in English grammar is Opposites. • Though initially learning lists of opposites might be boring, but this adds to one's vocabulary and helps to communicate better in English. • There are so many examples of opposites around our daily life like.like ‘black - white’ fat - thin hot - cold’
Adjectives • Another part of speech, adjectives is describing words used before nouns. • when we say ‘Abi is a tall boy’ - ‘tall’ is the adjective that is describing Abi (the noun here). • Adjectives can be used to describe verbs as well. There are kinds and degrees of adjectives.
Synonyms • Synonyms imply words meanings that are exactly similar or close to one another. • To state an example, the word ‘list’ has synonyms like catalog, inventory, record, register, roll, file, index, directory, listing, listicle, checklist, tally, docket, ticket, enumeration and more.
Pronouns • Continuous repetition of nouns make English writing or speaking redundant. • As replacement to nouns, pronouns can be used that makes the language good to hear. • For example: With nouns, it will be ‘Ram goes to school. Ram is a good boy’. • The same with pronouns can be ‘Ram goes to school. He is a good boy.’ Some other words that can be used as pronouns are ‘she’, ‘they’, ‘it’, ‘who’ and more.