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जीएसटी (GST) का पूरा नाम क्या है और जीएसटी पूर्ण रूप और परिभाषा ?

GST full form and definition<br>GST stands for Goods and Services Tax (Goods and Services Tax). Goods and service tax (GST) is a type of tax introduced in India from July 2017. GST is a consumption-based tax that is ultimately borne by the end consumer of an item or service.<br>What is the full form of GST?<br>The full form of GST is Goods and Service Tax (GOODS AND SERVICE TAX). GST is applicable on the purchase of goods or services in India.<br><br>Why was GST implemented?<br>Before the GST came into force, there were various INDIRECT TAX systems such as VAT, service tax, central excise, luxury tax, etc. Some of these indirect taxes such as VAT and luxury (SERVICE) tax were governed by the state governments, Whereas service tax or the like tax was governed by Central Excise Central Government.<br>GST vs Income Tax<br>GST is a consumption-based tax levied on the sale of a goods or services. Therefore, GST is applicable to all people purchasing goods or services at the same rate in India (APPLIED).<br>Who pays GST?<br>GST is a consumption-based tax and the end consumer of a commodity or service pays GST. However, businesses have been made responsible for collection of GST from consumers and payment to the government.<br>How to calculate GST?<br>The GST rate for goods is applicable in 7 slabs - like 0%, 0.25%, 3%, 5%, 12%, 18% and 28%. The GST rate for goods is linked to the HSN code, an internationally used system for classifying goods during international trade.<br>Send feedback<br>History<br>Saved<br>Community<br>Source :- https://taxjankari.com/gst-details-in-hindi/

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जीएसटी (GST) का पूरा नाम क्या है और जीएसटी पूर्ण रूप और परिभाषा ?

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  1. T A X J A N K A R I जीएसट? (GST) का पूरानाम?याहै? www.taxjankari.com

  2. जीएसट?पूण? ?पऔरप?रभाषा GST कामतलबगुड्सएंडस?व?सेजटै?स (व?तुएवंसेवाकर।) है। गुड्सएंडस?व?सटै?स (जीएसट?) भारतम?जुलाई 2017 सेशु??कया गयाएक?कारकाटै?सहै।जीएसट?को?सु?शनआधा?रतकरहैजो अंततः?कसीव?तुयासेवाक ेअं?तमउपभो?ा?ारावहन?कयाजाता है।मू?य?ृंखलाक ेदौरान, ?वसायऔरउपभो?ाअपनीखरीदपर GST काभुगतानकरतेह? www.taxjankari.com

  3. GST कापूण??प ?याहै? GST काफ ु लफॉम?  गुड्सएंडस?व?सटै?स (GOODS AND SERVICE TAX) है।भारतम?व?तु?यासेवा?क?खरीदपर जीएसट?लागूहै। www.taxjankari.com

  4. GST ?य?लागू?कया गया? GST क ेलागूहोनेसेपहले, ?व?भ?अ??य?कर (INDIRECT TAX) ?णा?लयांथ?जैसेवैट, सेवाकर, क ? ??यउ?पादशु?क, ?वला?सताकरइ?या?द, इनम?सेक ु छअ??य?करजैसे?कवैटऔर?वला?सता (SERVICE) कररा?य सरकार??ाराशा?सतथे www.taxjankari.com

  5. जीएसट?बनामआयकर जीएसट?एकमालयासेवाक??ब??परलगायाजानेवाला उपभोगआधा?रतकरहै।इस?लए, जीएसट?भारतम?एकहीदर परसामानयासेवा?कोखरीदनेवालेसभीलोग?क े?लएलागू (APPLIED) है।उदाहरणक े?लए, स??जय?परजीएसट?क े तहतकरनह?लगायाजाताहै। www.taxjankari.com

  6. GST काभुगतान कौनकरताहै? जीएसट?एकउपभोग (Consumption) आधा?रतकरहैऔर ?कसीव?तुयासेवाकाअं?तमउपभो?ाजीएसट?काभुगतान करताहै।हालां?क, ?वसाय?कोउपभो?ा?सेजीएसट?क े सं?हऔरसरकारकोभुगतानक े?लए?ज?मेदारबनायागयाहै। www.taxjankari.com

  7. GST क?गणना क ै सेकर?? मालक े?लएजीएसट?दर 7 ?लैब?म?लागूहै - जैसे 0%, 0.25%, 3%, 5%, 12%, 18% और 28%।मालक े?लएजीएसट?दर एचएसएनकोडसेजुड़ी?ईहै, जोअंतरा??ीय?ापार (International trade) क ेदौरानमालकोवग?क ृ तकरनेक े?लए एकअंतररा?ीय?तरपरइ?तेमालक?जानेवाली?णालीहै। www.taxjankari.com

  8. Our Contact Info EMAIL ADDRESS cavirendrabarwar@gmail.com WEBSITE www.taxjankari.com

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