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10 ways to reduce and control e-waste _ The Better Earthlings

It's difficult to imagine a future without cellphones, GPS navigation systems, computers, and other digital devices since technology has grown so swiftly in recent years. E-waste reduction has become a major issue for environmental activists, municipal and state governments. Even the United Nations due to the constantly growing amount of obsolete electronics being discarded. Electronic trash, sometimes known as "e-waste," is increasingly a serious problem.

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10 ways to reduce and control e-waste _ The Better Earthlings

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  1. 10 ways to reduce and control e-waste

  2. INTRODUCTION It's difficult toimaginea futurewithoutcellphones,GPSnavigation systems, computers, and other digital devices since technology has grown so swiftly in recent years. E-waste reduction has become a major issue for environmental activists, municipal and state governments..Electronictrash,sometimesknownas "e-waste,"isincreasinglyaseriousproblem. India's waste management industry has a lot of space for expansion because currently only 30% of the country's recyclable rubbish gets recycled. The country's waste management is inefficient for a variety of reasons, including a lack of efficient legislation for the collection, storage, and recycling of garbage, aswell as outdated infrastructure.

  3. 1.Purchasefeweritems Themostcommonsource of e-waste isthe purchase of items we donot require.Avoid buying new electronic devices that the maker can’t reuse or discard. Opting for recyclable or long-lasting electronic products is a sustainablestep towards e-waste management. 2.Organizeyourpossessions If you don't manage your electronics, cords, connections, and DVDs, you'll never know what you have. Purchasing something you think you need only to find that you already have a copy in your cabinet is the very lastthing youshould do.

  4. 3.Donateorgiveawayyoure-waste Donateeverything youdon't need sothat someone elsecan benefit fromit. Sincethe sum donatedis typically closetotheasset'svalueifsold,donationsmakegoodtaxdeductions. 4.Returnthemtothestore A buy-back program creates a binding agreement between the buyer and the seller, implying that the seller has consented to subsequently purchase the goods from the buyer. Several stores provide this. Check to see whetherthe shop willpurchase your used camera, computer, or other productsbefore you go outand buy one.

  5. 5.Sellunusedproducts Assoon asyou are doneusing your devices,sell them sincethe value ofnewer ones decreasesfast. Numerous businesses would happily buy your used laptops, video cameras, wearables, video game consoles, fitness bands, and otherelectronic devices.They promise togive services for "money in exchangefor merchandise." 6.Findmoreaboutrecyclingpossibilitiesinyourregion Nomatter where youlive, look intoyour local recycling optionsand tell yourfamily and neighborsabout them. For instance, the Environmental Protection Agency's website in the US provides details on regional prospects for recycling electronics.

  6. 7. YoucannowstoredataintheCloud Thereis no needto spendmoneyon a large serveror powerful equipmentfor business orpersonal storage. Cloud data solutions are excellent for preserving and syncing your information across many devices without the involvement ofaserver. 8.Learnasmuchasyou canandbealittle scared Itis crucialto properlydispose of electricalequipment becausethe majority ofthem containdangerous components. Educate your family, your friends, and yourself. These substances ought to heighten our awareness of dangers of e-watse.

  7. 9.Recognizesecurity concernsanddispose ofpersonal computersandcell phonesat recyclingplants Becauseall of your personallyidentifiable information is preserved onelectronic devices even after youwipe it, there is another reason not to throw away your electronic devices. Recycling facilities may thoroughly clean your device before recyclingit, preventing access to the data bycybercriminals. 10.Preservewhatyou'vegot Youmaykeep what'sworking forlonger bymaking littletweaks. Cleanyourcomputersometimes, andavoid overloading it, to increase the lifespan of your battery. The lifespan of electrical products may be considerably increasedby regularservice and maintenance.

  8. Conclusion Weneedtokeepemphasizingthatoutdatedmodelsshouldberecycledrather thantossedsinceweknowthat customerswillcontinueto buynewgadgets.Weputthe environmentinperilifwethrowawayourtechnologyinalandfill.Ontheotherside,recycling providesseveralbenefitsfortheenvironment.Thealternativeistogivethesegadgetstoareliable businesswithyearsofexperiencerecyclingelectronicequipmentinawaythatdoesn'tharmthe environment.

  9. Aboutus • By 2030humanpopulationisexpectedtoreach8billion,meaningmore demand,consumption and waste. Humans arealready shaping the climateand indenial.The BetterEarthlingsis created to makepeopleaware of mindful living,stop making ourplanet a dumpyard and livablefor everyearthling! • We do awareness programs as we believe in more and more people should start living less-waste ifnotzero. Weenvisioneliminatingsingle useplasticfrom ourdailylife.Unrealisticgoalever, right? (Not really ifwe think one stream at atime.) but youandThe Better Earthlings aretaking on it. • Businesses create 10 times more waste than individuals. Ouraim isto create awareness and eliminateplastic wastefrombusinesses.

  10. CONTACTUS PHONE +918017883733 E-MAIL info@thebetterearthlings.com ADDRESS 515,Bidhanpallyroad,Garia,Kolkata700084

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