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The Silencer is a specialist in high-performing soundproofing flooring materials and other transmission loss solutions. We carry out extensive market research to isolate the best brands and products on the market for our customers. Our range is diverse to accommodate the needs of the home, building, and venue owners Australia-wide. We also account for factors like energy efficiency by opting for sustainable products that can be recycled. Itu2019s also important that products have to hire fire ratings for utmost protection and peace of mind. The difference between working with us is that our recomm
SoundproofFlooringMaterials Our soundproo?ng ?ooring materials have been applied in a number of busy and productive environments right across SA. While ?oors might not generally be your ?rst point of consideration when it comes to managing disruption, our products are both economical and acoustically e?ective to reduce sound transmission. This is particularly e?ective in multi-story buildings where noise from foot tra?c is a recurring issue. Our ?ooring options come in the form of easy-to-install and abrasion-resistant ?oor mats. These mats are made right here in Australia, and they’re designed to be ignition retardant for your peace of mind. So, are you struggling to control noise within your residential or commercial space? Or perhaps you’ve been unable to achieve the perfect ambiance in your social venue? Have a chat with our professionals and we’ll recommend the most practical and e?ective soundproof ?ooring materials for your space!
Productinformation:Soundmat™ PE One of the most popular soundproof ?ooring materials we recommend and install is the Pyrotek noise control Soundmat™ PE. This product is designed to suit loud industrial environments, successfully creating a high-mass noise barrier. It’s suitable for various applications—including trucks, busses, construction and mining machinery, and even hydraulic tanks. The main bene?ts are of course its high-performing soundproo?ng capabilities, along with its long service life, low installation cost, and versatility. The ?exible closed-cell foam decoupling layer eliminates the ingress of water, which makes the Soundmat™ PE suitable for humid or marine environments. Available in all shapes and sizes, this product can be molded to your exact requirements. It can also be laminated to partitions and walls to increase transmission loss, giving you 360° sound management capabilities. For more information on this product or other soundproof ?ooring material in our range, contact The Silencer today. TheSilencer:soundproo?ngspecialists The Silencer is a specialist in high-performing soundproo?ng ?ooring materials and other transmission loss solutions. We carry out extensive market research to isolate the best brands and products on the market for our customers. Our range is diverse to accommodate the needs of the home, building, and venue owners Australia-wide. We also account for factors like energy e?ciency by opting for sustainable products that can be recycled. It’s also important that products have to hire ?re ratings for utmost protection and peace of mind. The di?erence between working with us is that our recommendations are based on genuine data. The products we recommend are matched to suit the speci?c application and frequency for guaranteed performance. Our experts will also communicate this data with you, giving you complete con?dence in your investment. Start by contacting us and communicating your noise issues and we’ll do our best to customise the perfect solution for you!
TheSilencerisatrusted,andwell-established nameinthesupplyandinstallationofsoundproof ?ooringmaterials.Contactuswithanyofyour noiseconcernsandwe’llpicktherightproductfor yourapplication!Call0468356600orsendus yourenquiriestoday. TalkToAnExpert. CONTACTUSNOW WhyChooseUs Experienced Crew
Fast & Smooth process Over 8 Years in Business Read More CALL US 0468 356 600 EMAIL US info@thesilencer.com.au VISITS BY APPOINTMENT 68 Carruthers Dr, Modbury North SA 5092 QuickLinks
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