1. APA Style--Review
College of Business and Organizational Leadership
2. Not meant to cause stress---really!
Not meant to cause stress---really!
3. Why APA style? Allows readers to cross-reference sources
Provides a consistent standard across program
Gives the student credibility as a writer and protection from plagiarism
Help students be more critical consumers of the information they read and select
American Psychological Association
Formed in 1928 by editors and business managers of anthropological and psychological journals
Goal of developing consistency in formatting material
American Psychological Association
Formed in 1928 by editors and business managers of anthropological and psychological journals
Goal of developing consistency in formatting material
4. Format basics Margins:�One inch on all sides (top, bottom, left, right)���������
Font Size and Type:�10-12-pt. font (Times Roman, Courier, or Arial are acceptable typefaces)���������
Spacing:�Double-space throughout the paper,
Alignment:�Flush left (creating uneven right margin)���������
Paragraph Indentation:�5-7 spaces���������
Pagination:�The page number appears one inch from the right edge of the paper on the first line of every page
5. Headings Level 1:
Centered Upper- and Lowercase Heading
Level 2:
Centered, Italicized, Upper and Lowercase Heading
Level 3:
Flush Left, Italicized, Upper and Lowercase Side Heading
Level 4:
Indented, italicized, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period.
6. Headings Example of 2 levels:
Management Styles
Example of 3 levels:
Management Styles
Taylor�s Carrot vs. Stick Method
Superscript #�s indicate heading level Superscript #�s indicate heading level
7. Citing summaries Summarizing: condensing and restating another�s ideas in your own words
Smith has written an entire book on how much she enjoys using APA format.
Smith (2003) explains that APA is fun.
APA is fun (Smith, 2003).
Summarized information needs to be cited in both the text and the reference page
8. Citing paraphrases Paraphrasing: restating another�s ideas in your own words
Smith�s direct quote on page 28 is as follow: �Using APA is great fun.�
Smith (2003) explains that APA is fun (p. 28).
APA is fun (Smith, 2003, p. 28).
Paraphrased information needs to be cited in both the text and the reference page
9. Citing quotes Use block quotes when citing 40 or more words in a row
Wu (2002) has found self-fulfillment through APA:
APA citations have solidified my purpose and direction in life. Reading the Publication manual has helped me find structure and order in my chaotic, postmodern existence. As an instructor, one of my greatest joys is sharing this sense of order with others. (p. 174)
WARNING: Avoid over-using block quotes in papers. Keep quotations, especially block quotes, to a minimum. Instead, use summaries and paraphrases whenever possible.
10. In-text citations A direct quote� (Bradley, 1998, p.276).
Paraphrasing with one author (Bradley, 1998).
�with two authors� (Bradley & Calhoun, 1998).
�with three to five authors
(1st time only) (Bradley, Calhoun, Davis & Fitch, 1998).
�with three to five authors
(following the 1st time) (Bradley et al., 1998).
�with six or more authors (Bradley et al., 1998).
With no author, use the first
identifying words of the title (�The Journey,� 1998).
11. References Bibliography: contains sources listed in the paper plus sources consulted in writing the paper
References: contains only sources listed in the paper
Use reference pages
Bibliography vs. References:
Always double spaced; hanging indent; alphabetized by author�s surname
Interviews are cited within the text of a work
Unless they have been recorded and achieved, interviews are not included in the reference page
Unachieved interviews cannot be reviewed by the reader
Bibliography vs. References:
Always double spaced; hanging indent; alphabetized by author�s surname
Interviews are cited within the text of a work
Unless they have been recorded and achieved, interviews are not included in the reference page
Unachieved interviews cannot be reviewed by the reader
12. Books Drucker, P. F. (1990). Managing the non-profit organization: Practices
and principles. New York: Harper-Collins.
Herrington, J., Bonem, M., & Furr, J. H. (2000). Leading congregational
change: A practical guide for the transformational journey. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Title: only first word of title, subtitles, & proper nouns in caps
City, state: publisher
Colon between place of publication and publisher
Certain cities, no state or country needed
Title: only first word of title, subtitles, & proper nouns in caps
City, state: publisher
Colon between place of publication and publisher
Certain cities, no state or country needed
Things to note:
Periods after all elements
Colon between title & subtitle, and between place & name of publisher
Write out names of associations, corporations and university presses
Omit superfluous terms, i.e. Publishers, Co., Inc.
Retain words Books & Press
Title: only first word of title, subtitles, & proper nouns in caps
City, state: publisher
Colon between place of publication and publisher
Certain cities, no state or country needed
Things to note:
Periods after all elements
Colon between title & subtitle, and between place & name of publisher
Write out names of associations, corporations and university presses
Omit superfluous terms, i.e. Publishers, Co., Inc.
Retain words Books & Press
13. Journals From Electronic Database:
Borman, W. C., Hanson, M. A., Oppler, S. H.,Puklakos, E. D., & White, L. A. (1993). Role of early supervisor performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78, 443-449. Retrieved October 23, 2000, from PsycArticles Proquest database.
Wilson, J. (1996). Direct mail: How to reduce your costs & increase your results. Evangelism, 10(4), 121-126. Things to Note:
Article titles: = Book title rules (only first word of title and subtitle)
Journal titles: All significant words
Volume no. italics issue no. not italics.
No �p.� or �pp.� before page numbers
Commas after journal title and before page numbers
For online:
Author, title of article, title of journal, vol., & issue rules are the same as hard copy
Date of retrieval part of citation
Database used part of citationThings to Note:
Article titles: = Book title rules (only first word of title and subtitle)
Journal titles: All significant words
Volume no. italics issue no. not italics.
No �p.� or �pp.� before page numbers
Commas after journal title and before page numbers
For online:
Author, title of article, title of journal, vol., & issue rules are the same as hard copy
Date of retrieval part of citation
Database used part of citation
14. Web Pages vs. Web Sites Web sites
Summarized information obtained through reviewing an entire web site
Cite the information within the text, but not in the references
The APA Activists (http://www.apaactivists.org) website explains how students and professors can become more effective in promoting APA standards within academia.
15. Web Pages
16. Web Page National Consumers League. (1999). Helping seniors targeted for telemarketing fraud. Retrieved January 23, 2001, from http://fraud.org/elderfraud/helpsen.htm What organization is responsible for the page/site?
Date? (Sometimes on bottom of page).
Title: Follow same rules as book title.
Always include date retrieved.
Always include URL.
What organization is responsible for the page/site?
Date? (Sometimes on bottom of page).
Title: Follow same rules as book title.
Always include date retrieved.
Always include URL.
17. Writing Avoid passive voice
The fly ball was caught by Hernando
Hernando caught the ball
The transformer was struck by lightning, plunging us into darkness
Lightning struck the transformer, plunging us into darkness
18. Avoid �be� verbs (wordy)
Burying nuclear waste in Antarctica would be in violation of an international treaty
Use �would violate�
19. Resources Writing Center: http://concordia.csp.edu/WritingCenter/
A writer�s reference book