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NCSR “Demokritos” Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications. CROSSMARC CROSS-lingual Multi Agent Retail Comparison Project Presentation. Costas Spyropoulos. CROSSMARC Meeting, Edinburgh, March 27-28, 2001. Project Presentation. Introduction to CROSSMARC Personnel Infrastructure
NCSR “Demokritos” Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications CROSSMARCCROSS-lingual Multi Agent Retail ComparisonProject Presentation Costas Spyropoulos CROSSMARC Meeting, Edinburgh, March 27-28, 2001
Project Presentation • Introduction to CROSSMARC • Personnel • Infrastructure • Operational WorkPlan • Implementation Plan • Management Supervision and Quality Control • Detailed WorkPlan for the first 6 months CROSSMARC Kick-off Meeting, March 27-28, 2001, Edinburgh2
Multi-lingual Named-Entity Recognition (NERC) English NERC & NM French NERC & NM Italian NERC & NM Greek NERC & NM English Fact Extraction French Fact Extraction Italian Fact Extraction Greek Fact Extraction Open, well-defined and language-neutral architecture for comparison shopping Cross-lingual name matching (NM) Cross-lingual and multimedia fact extraction Machine Learning User Modeling and localisation Evaluation: + glass-box + black-box Standards! XML, S/W Internationalisation (I18n) CROSSMARC: scope and objectives CROSSMARC technologies CROSSMARC Kick-off Meeting, March 27-28, 2001, Edinburgh3
CROSSMARC Innovation • A novel architecture for multi-lingual named-entity recognition, open to new languages and customisable to new domains • A novel approach to cross-lingual name matching • Cross-lingual and multimedia fact extraction, customisable to new domains • Localisation and personalisation of content delivery • A working prototype evaluated on 4 languages and 2 domains • Introduces opportunities for the realisation of novel business models CROSSMARC Kick-off Meeting, March 27-28, 2001, Edinburgh4
CROSSMARC: partners, duration • Start Date: March 1, 2001 • End Date: August 31, 2003 CROSSMARC Kick-off Meeting, March 27-28, 2001, Edinburgh5
CROSSMARC Work Packages CROSSMARC Kick-off Meeting, March 27-28, 2001, Edinburgh6
CROSSMARC Person-months CROSSMARC Kick-off Meeting, March 27-28, 2001, Edinburgh7
CROSSMARC background - I • Named entity recognition: • Systems for English, Greek, Italian and French • EDIN system obtained the best performance in MUC-7 • ICDC system is used in a commercial application for 4 years • Fact Extraction: • NCSR Greek IE system MITOS • ICDC’s multi-agent system for French • RTV system for Italian CROSSMARC Kick-off Meeting, March 27-28, 2001, Edinburgh8
CROSSMARC background - II Language Engineering Architectures: • EDIN: LT-NSL Toolkit • ICDC: TalLab Platform • RTV: TREVI • NCSR: Ellogon CROSSMARC Kick-off Meeting, March 27-28, 2001, Edinburgh9
CROSSMARC background - III • Machine learning: • NCSR, RTV, EDIN, ICDC: customisation of language resources to new domains • User Modelling: • VeltiNet: application of user modelling techniques in multi-agent architectures • NCSR: construction of community models for the users of large web sites, user modelling server CROSSMARC Kick-off Meeting, March 27-28, 2001, Edinburgh10
CROSSMARC background - IV • Multi-agent architectures • VeltiNet: construction of multi-agent e-commerce systems • ICDC: multi-agent architecture for information retrieval, filtering and extraction • Multimedia • NCSR: multimedia information retrieval, image analysis CROSSMARC Kick-off Meeting, March 27-28, 2001, Edinburgh11
CROSSMARC background - V • On-line comparison-shopping • ICN: was the first to produce a multilingual directory of Web merchants in Europe for B2B use, called HotWin (www.hotwin.com) • VeltiNet: provides multi-agent product comparison technology, by manually compiled and formatted vendor information (www.velti.net) CROSSMARC Kick-off Meeting, March 27-28, 2001, Edinburgh12
CROSSMARC partnership - I Main technology providers and their roles: • NCSR: Greek NERC, Greek FE, Annotation tool, Collection tool, ML, Multimedia, UM, I18N & L10N, LE platform • EDIN: English NERC, English FE, ML, XML-aware LE technology, Collection and annotation of English corpus • RTV: Italian NERC, Italian FE, ML, LE platform, Collection and annotation of Italian corpus • ICDC: French NERC, French FE, Collection tool, ML, MA architecture, IR CROSSMARC Kick-off Meeting, March 27-28, 2001, Edinburgh13
CROSSMARC partnership - II Users and their roles: • ICN: Prototype development and evaluation, Collection tool, Collection and annotation of French corpus • VeltiNet: Prototype development and evaluation, Collection tool, UM, MA architecture, Collection and annotation of Greek corpus CROSSMARC Kick-off Meeting, March 27-28, 2001, Edinburgh14
Workplan and timescales - I • Month 1: • Specification of the 1st product type: Computer Goods • Month 6: • Corpus for the 1st product type, Techniques to access dynamically-generated pages • Specification of the 2nd product type(month 12 in the Technical Annex) • Specification of language-neutral architecture for named-entity recognition • Dissemination and use plan CROSSMARC Kick-off Meeting, March 27-28, 2001, Edinburgh15
Workplan and timescales - II • Month 12: • Corpus for the 2nd product type (month 18 in the Technical Annex) • Learning techniques used to access dynamically-generated pages • Version 1 of named-entity recognition system (4 languages, 1 product type) • Specification of the prototype’s architecture and interfaces, Evaluation methodology • Demo prototype (wrappers, named-entity recognition, 4 languages, 1 product type, limited number of features) CROSSMARC Kick-off Meeting, March 27-28, 2001, Edinburgh16
Workplan and timescales - III • Month 18: • Version 2 of the named-entity recognition system (cross-lingual name matching included, 4 languages, 1 product type) • Version 1 of fact extraction (combining wrapper induction with named-entity recognition, 4 languages, 1 product type) • 1st prototype (wrapper induction, named-entity recognition, 4 languages, 1 product type); draft documentation; evaluation report CROSSMARC Kick-off Meeting, March 27-28, 2001, Edinburgh17
Workplan and timescales - IV • Month 24: • Version 2 of fact extraction (language-based extraction, more advanced multimedia handling, 4 languages, 1 product type) • 2nd prototype (language-based extraction, user modeling, more advanced multimedia handling, 4 languages, 1 product type); draft documentation; evaluation report • Month 30: • Final prototype (rapid adaptation to new product types, more advanced user modeling, 4 languages, 2 product types); system documentation; evaluation report • Technology implementation plan CROSSMARC Kick-off Meeting, March 27-28, 2001, Edinburgh18
Implementation Plan for the 1st year CROSSMARC Kick-off Meeting, March 27-28, 2001, Edinburgh19
Management structure - I • Project manager (PM) – Deputy PM • Site Managers • WP Leaders • Project Management Committee (PMC) CROSSMARC Kick-off Meeting, March 27-28, 2001, Edinburgh20
Management structure - II • Project Manager responsibilities : • technical and administrative co-ordination on a monthly basis; • plan and control of deliverables; • identification of deviations from the Workplan and of technical problems; • proposing correcting actions together with the Project Management Committee CROSSMARC Kick-off Meeting, March 27-28, 2001, Edinburgh21
Management structure - III • Project Management Committee • consists of the Site Managers and is chaired by the Project Manager • Project Management Committee responsibilities • monitoring of progress against the Workplan and generating progress reviews • identifying technical problems at an early stage • proposing and approving major changes to the Workplan (voting framework) CROSSMARC Kick-off Meeting, March 27-28, 2001, Edinburgh22
Management structure - IV • WP Leader: • informs and cooperates with the PM • monitors the work and synchronises the different tasks in the WP • issues a detailed Workplan by the end of the WP’s 1st month • submits quarterly WP progress reports to the PM • manages the preparation of WP Deliverables (all deliverables pass through an assessment and refinement process coordinated by the PM) CROSSMARC Kick-off Meeting, March 27-28, 2001, Edinburgh23
Meetings • Consortium meetings of the Project Management Committee every 4 months • Meetings specific to WP taskscalled by the WP Leaders • Peer review meetings once per year • Progress meetings between the PM and the PO every 4 months • Concertation meetings(CLASS, E-commerce) • IST Programme Conferences and Exhibitions (Dissemination Workshop) CROSSMARC Kick-off Meeting, March 27-28, 2001, Edinburgh24
Workplan for the 1st semester - I • Month 1: Kick-off meeting, 1st version of the project Web site, e-mail list • Month 1: Specification of the 1st product type • Month 2: Sign the Consortium Agreement • Month 2: Domain typology and ontology, Specifications for the Collection Tool • Month 3: D5.1 Project Presentation • Month 4: Project Logo, Brochure, Progress Reports for WP1, WP2, WP4. Quarterly Management Report to the EC. CROSSMARC Kick-off Meeting, March 27-28, 2001, Edinburgh25
Workplan for the 1st semester - II • Month 5: Collection Tool, Annotation Tool • Month 5: 2nd Consortium Meeting (date, location to be decided) • Month 6: D5.2 Dissemination and Use Plan • Month 6: Corpus for the 1st product type, Techniques to access dynamically-generated pages, Specification of the 2nd product type • Month 6: D2.1 Architecture for named-entity recognition • Month 7: Semestrial Progress Report and Cost Statement, Quarterly Management Report CROSSMARC Kick-off Meeting, March 27-28, 2001, Edinburgh26