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Decision tree. LING 572 Fei Xia 1/10/06. Outline. Basic concepts Main issues Advanced topics. Basic concepts. A classification problem. Classification and estimation problems. Given a finite set of (input) attributes: features Ex: District, House type, Income, Previous customer
Decision tree LING 572 Fei Xia 1/10/06
Outline • Basic concepts • Main issues • Advanced topics
Classification and estimation problems • Given • a finite set of (input) attributes: features • Ex: District, House type, Income, Previous customer • a target attribute: the goal • Ex: Outcome: {Nothing, Respond} • training data: a set of classified examples in attribute-value representation • Ex: the previous table • Predict the value of the goal given the values of input attributes • The goal is a discrete variable classification problem • The goal is a continuous variable estimation problem
District Suburban (3/5) Urban (3/5) Rural (4/4) House type Previous customer Respond Detached (2/2) Yes(3/3) No (2/2) Semi-detached (3/3) Nothing Nothing Respond Respond Decision tree
Decision tree representation • Each internal node is a test: • Theoretically, a node can test multiple attributes • In most systems, a node tests exactly one attribute • Each branch corresponds to test results • A branch corresponds to an attribute value or a range of attribute values • Each leaf node assigns • a class: decision tree • a real value: regression tree
What’s a best decision tree? • “Best”: You need a bias (e.g., prefer the “smallest” tree): least depth? Fewest nodes? Which trees are the best predictors of unseen data? • Occam's Razor: we prefer the simplest hypothesis that fits the data. Find a decision tree that is as small as possible and fits the data
Finding a smallest decision tree • A decision tree can represent any discrete function of the inputs: y=f(x1, x2, …, xn) • The space of decision trees is too big for systemic search for a smallest decision tree. • Solution: greedy algorithm
Basic algorithm: top-down induction • Find the “best” decision attribute, A, and assign A as decision attribute for node • For each value of A, create new branch, and divide up training examples • Repeat the process until the gain is small enough
Major issues Q1: Choosing best attribute: what quality measure to use? Q2: Determining when to stop splitting: avoid overfitting Q3: Handling continuous attributes Q4: Handling training data with missing attribute values Q5: Handing attributes with different costs Q6: Dealing with continuous goal attribute
Q1: What quality measure • Information gain • Gain Ratio • …
Entropy of a training set • S is a sample of training examples • Entropy is one way of measuring the impurity of S • Pc is the proportion of examples in S whose target attribute has value c.
Information Gain • Gain(S,A)=expected reduction in entropy due to sorting on A. • Choose the A with the max information gain. (a.k.a. choose the A with the min average entropy)
S=[9+,5-] E=0.940 S=[9+,5-] E=0.940 Wind Humidity High Weak Normal Strong [3+,4-] [6+,2-] [6+,1-] [3+,3-] An example E=0.985 E=0.592 E=0.811 E=1.00 InfoGain(S, Humidity) =0.940-(7/14)*0.985-(7/14)0.592 =0.151 InfoGain(S, Wind) =0.940-(8/14)*0.811-(6/14)*1.0 =0.048
Other quality measures • Problem of information gain: • Information Gain prefers attributes with many values. • An alternative: Gain Ratio Where Si is subset of S for which A has value vi.
Q2: avoiding overfitting • Overfitting occurs when our decision tree characterizes too much detail, or noise in our training data. • Consider error of hypothesis h over • Training data: ErrorTrain(h) • Entire distribution D of data: ErrorD(h) • A hypothesis h overfits training data if there is an alternative hypothesis h’, such that • ErrorTrain(h) < ErrorTrain(h’), and • ErrorD(h) > errorD(h’)
How to avoiding Overfitting • Stop growing the tree earlier • Ex: InfoGain < threshold • Ex: Size of examples in a node < threshold • … • Grow full tree, then post-prune In practice, the latter works better than the former.
Post-pruning • Split data into training and validation set • Do until further pruning is harmful: • Evaluate impact on validation set of pruning each possible node (plus those below it) • Greedily remove the ones that don’t improve the performance on validation set • Produces a smaller tree with best performance measure
Performance measure • Accuracy: • on validation data • K-fold cross validation • Misclassification cost: Sometimes more accuracy is desired for some classes than others. • MDL: size(tree) + errors(tree)
Rule post-pruning • Convert tree to equivalent set of rules • Prune each rule independently of others • Sort final rules into desired sequence for use • Perhaps most frequently used method (e.g., C4.5)
Q3: handling numeric attributes • Continuous attribute discrete attribute • Example • Original attribute: Temperature = 82.5 • New attribute: (temperature > 72.3) = t, f Question: how to choose thresholds?
Choosing thresholds for a continuous attribute • Sort the examples according to the continuous attribute. • Identify adjacent examples that differ in their target classification a set of candidate thresholds • Choose the candidate with the highest information gain.
Q4: Unknown attribute values • Assume an attribute can take the value “blank”. • Assign most common value of A among training data at node n. • Assign most common value of A among training data at node n which have the same target class. • Assign prob pi to each possible value vi of A • Assign a fraction (pi) of example to each descendant in tree • This method is used in C4.5.
Q5: Attributes with cost • Consider medical diagnosis (e.g., blood test) has a cost • Question: how to learn a consistent tree with low expected cost? • One approach: replace gain by • Tan and Schlimmer (1990)
Q6: Dealing with continuous goal attribute Regression tree • A variant of decision trees • Estimation problem: approximate real-valued functions: e.g., the crime rate • A leaf node is marked with a real value or a linear function: e.g., the mean of the target values of the examples at the node. • Measure of impurity: e.g., variance, standard deviation, …
Summary of Major issues Q1: Choosing best attribute: different quality measure. Q2: Determining when to stop splitting: stop earlier or post-pruning Q3: Handling continuous attributes: find the breakpoints
Summary of major issues (cont) Q4: Handling training data with missing attribute values: blank value, most common value, or fractional count Q5: Handing attributes with different costs: use a quality measure that includes the cost factors. Q6: Dealing with continuous goal attribute: various ways of building regression trees.
Common algorithms • ID3 • C4.5 • CART
ID3 • Proposed by Quinlan (so is C4.5) • Can handle basic cases: discrete attributes, no missing information, etc. • Information gain as quality measure
C4.5 • An extension of ID3: • Several quality measures • Incomplete information (missing attribute values) • Numerical (continuous) attributes • Pruning of decision trees • Rule derivation • Random mood and batch mood
CART • CART (classification and regression tree) • Proposed by Breiman et. al. (1984) • Constant numerical values in leaves • Variance as measure of impurity
Strengths of decision tree methods • Ability to generate understandable rules • Ease of calculation at classification time • Ability to handle both continuous and categorical variables • Ability to clearly indicate best attributes
The weaknesses of decision tree methods • Greedy algorithm: no global optimization • Error-prone with too many classes: numbers of training examples become smaller quickly in a tree with many levels/branches. • Expensive to train: sorting, combination of attributes, calculating quality measures, etc. • Trouble with non-rectangular regions: the rectangular classification boxes that may not correspond well with the actual distribution of records in the decision space.
Combining multiple models • The inherent instability of top-down decision tree induction: different training datasets from a given problem domain will produce quite different trees. • Techniques: • Bagging • Boosting
Bagging • Introduced by Breiman • It first creates multiple decision trees based on different training sets. • Then, it compares each tree and incorporates the best features of each. • This addresses some of the problems inherent in regular ID3.
Boosting • Introduced by Freund and Schapire • It examines the trees that incorrectly classify an instance and assign them a weight. • These weights are used to eliminate hypotheses or refocus the algorithm on the hypotheses that are performing well.
Summary • Basic case: • Discrete input attributes • Discrete goal attribute • No missing attribute values • Same cost for all tests and all kinds of misclassification. • Extended cases: • Continuous attributes • Real-valued goal attribute • Some examples miss some attribute values • Some tests are more expensive than others. • Some misclassifications are more serious than others.
Summary (cont) • Basic algorithm: • greedy algorithm • top-down induction • Bias for small trees • Major issues:
Uncovered issues • Incremental decision tree induction? • How can a decision relate to other decisions? what's the order of making the decisions? (e.g., POS tagging) • What's the difference between decision tree and decision list?