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Consumer Consulting Boards - The Infographic


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Consumer Consulting Boards - The Infographic

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  1. A Consumer Consulting Board brings your con- sumers together on an online closed community to helpshape your bu- siness. The end goal is structural collaboration, having a continuous dialogue with consumers that is 24/7, across depart- ments and objectives. 83% of decision makers have one or want to build an research community this year * Structural collaboration with customers is HOT! 8 out of 10 consumers want to collaborate with brands ** 36% prefer this collaboration to take place in a branded research community ** * GRIT report (2013) I ** Social Media Around The World 2012 HOw Many? wHO? To reach the saturation level of on-topic arguments at 30 posts per thread, we need between 50 and 150 participants. Depending on the objectives & duration, we can invite more members in different People that are interesting & interested! Collaborate with people that have a specific profile. Fans of a specific brand or topic, revealing a high brand and/or topic identification. subgroups. The 4 pillars that underpin a Consumer Consulting Board HOw lOng? wHy? The community serves multiple objectives. We identify 4 types of objectives: 1/ Getting close to the consumer 2/ Uncover new insights 3/ Generate & craft ideas and concept 4/ Activating consumers The community is set up for a long-term collaboration. The exact duration of the community depends on the objectives: ranging from 3 weeks to months, or even ongoing 24/7. 5 TipS fOr gOing glOBal: CrOSS THe BOundarieS Of SpaCe 1 Work with native moderators who speak the language and know the local cultures & market situation. 2 adapt the conversation guide. Customize your questions and tasks to local cultures to get the most out of your members. COnSuMerCOnSulTingBOard CanCrOSSTHeBOundarieSOfSpaCe5TipSfOrgOingglOBal 3 Play upon different motivations and offer custom incentives to adapt the community to local cultures. 5 play for attention. Adjust your game thinking across countries. 4 go mobile, as in most new markets it is the default screen/device to access the web. knowledge leverage The Consumer Consulting Board needs to be an engaging experience to get the richest inspiration Mix THe STOryline & TOOlS uSe gaMifiCaTiOn & fun eleMenTS Become a DJ and create the right mix of different tasks, discussions and tools (diary tasks, photo tasks, polls). Make your conversation guide a true story being told to the participants. How to leverage your Consumer Consulting Board By integrating play mechanisms, participants think harder which leads up to 7x richer data, but also think differently through emotional, contextual and creative [InternetShortcut] Guid=4DF655EE-A4AF-4765- 9CF2-D808AFD838DE CreatedBy=Waterford Tech- nologies MFA Agent URL=http://EOMER:80/ MFAArcManager/Stub. aspx?resid=F714F3BA75E- F06B428B637BE3FAE8A- techniques. 1C822E2EDA66944A322B0 C108F1B0DAB33E6867004 Make iT MOBile COllaBOraTe wiTH CO-reSearCHerS Give members 24/7 access, through mobile applications to get more contextual and personal data. Empower members to become co-researchers in moderation, interpretation and analyses which delivers up to 2x more interactive discussions, and up to 40% additional insights and more to the point conclusions. internal leverage 3 essential steps of change management for making the Consumer Consulting Board impactful within the organization engage the internal stakeholders with the consumers by immersing them in the consumer world. Invite them to play consumer games amongst others and confront them with their current knowledge gaps to create positive disruption. inspire the internal stakeholders with new eye-openers and daily sparks of inspiration from the community. Support interactive reporting through the consumer platform and collect questions to close knowledge gaps. activate the internal stakeholders by translating results into actions in workshops, to enable agile decision making. Create materials that ensure that the research is used afterwards as well. external leverage Create impact outside the organization! 3 tips on how to communicate about your Consumer Consulting Board Communicate about the process. Talk about the fact that you have a Consumer Consulting Board. Communicate the outcome. Show the (end) result(s) of the collaboration: new products or services co-created with consumers. Communicate about the insights. Share the learnings of the project. InSites Consulting is a new generation agency stretching the boundaries of marketing research. Being recognized as one of the most innovative companies in market research (GRIT 2012) and over 15 years of experience, we turned into one of the world’s leaders in bringing the voice of the consumer into the heart of a company’s business via Consumer Consulting Boards. We build over 150 private online research communities a year for global clients like Heinz, Unilever, Danone, MasterCard, Philips, Coca-Cola and Heineken. www.consumerconsultingboard.com I www.insites-consulting.com

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