ENERGY CONSERVATION - is the act of using energy in a more efficient and effective manner. - reducing energy through using less of an energy service. SOURCES OF ENERGY Renewable energy comes from resources which are continually replenished such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves and geothermal heat. Non-renewable energy (also known as a finite resource) comes from resources that does not renew itself at a sufficient rate for sustainable economic extraction in meaningful human timeframes.
Energy Conservation Problems 1.Wastage of EnergyRunning the appliances even when no one is using them. 2. Unmindful Use of ResourcesThis includes choosing wrong appliances that consume more electricity. 3. Energy LossNone of the machines can give you 100% efficiency. 4. Energy Conservation and Rebound EffectEfficient use of energy will lead to fall in demand of energy, which in turn will lead to decline in the cost of energy.
Why Conserve Energy? Energy should be conserved since we are consuming disproportionate amount of energy and that day is not far when all our Non-Renewable resources will expire forcing us to rely just on Renewable Sources. The electricity that we use comes from nuclear power, coal power plants, Oil that we use to run our vehicles are fossil fuels that were created million of years ago from decaying plants. When burned they emit carbon-dioxide which is harmful to humans and the environment. If we don’t conserve energy, it will soon be used up. When there’s scarcity of energy, everything will be expensive as we use energy for all things. What’s worse is that our future generations won’t have enough energy to use.
www.doe.gov.ph Department of Energy (DOE) is the executive department of the Philippine Government responsible for preparing, integrating, coordinating, supervising and controlling all plans, programs, projects and activities of the Government relative to energy exploration, development, utilization, distribution and conservation. Philippine Energy Plan 2009-2030 Introduce due to the rapid growth of the country's population and the interrelated growing of the country's demand for energy.
Three broad policies for a better quality of life: • 1.Ensure energy Security • - Accelerate the exploration and development of oil, gas and coal resources • - Intensify development and utilization of renewable and environment-friendly alternative energy resources/technologies • - Enhance energy efficiency and conservation • - Put in place long-term reliable power supply • - Improve transmission and distribution systems • - Secure vital energy infrastructure and facilities • - Maintain a competitive energy investment climate
2. Pursue effective implementation of energy sector reforms • - Monitor the implementation of, and if necessary, recommend amendments to existing energy laws • - Promote an efficient, competitive, transparent and reliable energy sector • Advocate the passage of new and necessary laws • 3. Implement social mobilization and cross-sector monitoring mechanisms • - Expand reach through Information, Education and Communication • - Establish cross-sector monitoring mechanism in cooperation with other national government agencies, academe, local government units, non-government organizations and other local and international organizations • - Promote good governance
Energy Saving Tips 1. Always turn off the lights when leaving a room.2. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs. They use less electricity and last up to 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs.3. Make sure that bulbs, fixtures, lenses, lamps and reflective surfaces are cleaned regularly. By removing the grease, dust and other dirt, you can increase the output of your lights. 4. Organize food on refrigerator shelves to allow ample airflow and efficient operation.5. Iron clothes in bulk once a week.6. Give your car a break. Combine trips whenever possible. Use mass transit, walk or bike whenever possible. Leaving your car at home just two days a week will save 1,590 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions each year.
7. Always maintain your car to maximize its fuel efficiency, safety and reliability. 8. Refrain from charging cellular phones when the battery is not yet fully empty. This does not only save energy, it also prevents damage on your cellular phones.9. Unplug any battery chargers or power adapters when not in use.10. Use lap top computers since they use up to 90 percent less energy than a standard computer. 11. Implement paper-reducing strategies, such as double-sided printing, re-using paper and using e-mail instead of sending memos or faxing documents to save energy and conserve other resources.
On an individual level, wasting less energy saves money and helps improve comfort. Reducing energy consumption will also reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere and therefore the severity of climate change. Looking to the future, supplies of fossil fuels are dwindling, which means that electricity and gas could become much more expensive over the next decade. Conserving energy now will help reduce the impact of this and help us get used to using less so we can cope when prices are more expensive.