WhatisaCanadianGIC Here'sWhatYouNeedtoKnow
WhatisGIC 01 GIC is a financial product offered by banks and credit unionsinCanada. It is a low-risk investment option that provides a fixedrateofreturnovera setterm www.tripleibusiness.com @tripleibusiness/
02 HowdoesGIC workinCanada? InCanada,aGICoffersafixedrateofreturnovera predeterminedtimewithlowrisk.Acertainamountof money is deposited by investors, and it is subsequently locked in for a specified amount of time. Investors receivetheirinitialdepositplusinterestattheendofthe term. www.tripleibusiness.com @tripleibusiness/
03 DoGICpay monthly? GICsoftendon'tpaymonthly. They offer a fixed rate of return for a predetermined period, and interest is normally paid out at the end oftheperiodoronceayear. Althoughitisnotcommon, some financial institutions may provide GICs with monthlyinterestpayments. www.tripleibusiness.com @tripleibusiness/
04 CanIwithdrawmoney fromGIC? Ingeneral,youmustpayapenaltyifyou removemoneyfromaGICbeforetheendof thepredeterminedterm. However, someGICs may have features that permit early withdrawals with penalties, while others may have flexible terms or clauses that permit partialwithdrawals.It'scrucialtoreviewyour GIC'stermsbeforemakinganyinvestments. www.tripleibusiness.com @tripleibusiness/
05 Whatarethe BenefitofGIC A fixed rate of return over a predetermined duration, low risk investing,andinsuredprotectionbythe CDIC forupto$100,000 per depositor per covered category are some advantages of GICs. For people whowanttoprotect theirsavingsandobtaina guaranteed return,GICscanbeasmart choice. www.tripleibusiness.com @tripleibusiness/