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UbiBot can transform your world with smart connected products and new experiences. Our IoT solution portfolio spans products like wireless smart Sensors and IoT big data platform and services like Agriculture Monitoring, Home Monitoring, Industrial Monitoring and Pharmaceutical Monitoring.
UbiBot - IoT Platform UbiBot ® gives you confidence that your plants are thriving by providing wireless real-time temperature, humidity and light data.
IoT Applications in Agriculture Crop Water Management UbiBot ® ensures you the real time monitoring of agriculture field by using IOT basedsmart agriculture technology. Efficient water management is a major concern in many cropping systems in semi-arid and arid areas. We can meet the shortage of water by IoT technology. Pest Management & Control Using IoT, a new method of pest management & control is invented. You can connect sensors and devices in the field that analyze, visualize and automate data to inform quick action.
IoT Applications in Agriculture Precision Agriculture Precision farming is a new farming management concept introduced using IoT that determine conditions of every field, which uses sensor integration, automatic control, information processing and network communications capabilities. Food Production & Safety Introducing IoT in the food industry is helping to reduce the risk of food illness outbreak. A real time temperature tracking sensors that have the ability to monitor the temperature of a product from the time it leaves a farm to the moment it leaves the grocery store.
Contact Us +86-411-86686675 support@ubibot.io https://www.ubibot.io Zetta Sense LTD 80, Kingston Road London, SW19 1LA, UK