Why should you go solar in Australia in 2024? AYKA Solar


How much are you willing to spare in the name of sustainability?

How many kW panels do you need? Every household requires energy throughout the day, and not just daytime. Making a smart choice is trying to replace the overall energy consumption, thereby giving you better ROI (Return On Investment). A 5kW system saves around $200-250 for a quarter and generates around 20 kWh in a day. This is enough for you to depend only on solar energy. If you have more energy consumption then, you should go a little higher and invest in more solar panels. Solar energy can be as cheap as 1 to 2 cents per kWh (in some states of Australia even less). On average, the cost of grid electricity can cost you around 20-45 cents per kWh. Using the power only from solar energy can cut your ties with the grid, i.e. go off-grid and eventually become self-sustainable by generating power with your solar panels and the sun.

What if you cannot generate sufficient electricity with solar in Australia? Trial and error could teach you if you are generating enough. If not, call your local solar retailer, and they will calculate it for you. A piece of simple advice is to make sure you stay connected to the grid initially till you have stable solar energy production. Furthermore, you could keep some extrasolar batteries and a solar inverter handy to store all the generated power for future use. It is always better to run your appliances, may it be household or industry, during the day.

Is Solar in Australia going to cost a fortune?

Even though panel prices are decreasing day by day, some people still want to buy affordable options. So, it is better to make use of solar rebates and solar loans. The cost-effectiveness of solar will make it more favorable to them. Also, there are huge rebates by the government for people fulfilling certain criteria. If you check your eligibility on the government website, maybe you could avail solar for a very reasonable cost.


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