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Cheyat can help you to become incredibly competent in Selenium. With many years of experience in online training and with best-in-industry trainers we provide the most advanced and up-to-date Selenium online training. Join us to make know the difference we can make to your careers. We provide on job support by real time experts in India and USA. Course Content : http://cheyat.com/qa/selenium-online-training-tutorials.html For more info email us : Trainings@cheyat.com Jilani Shaik +91-91009-98433/34(India) +1-224-676-9882(USA)
SELENIUM ONLINE TRAINING Email Id : trainings@cheyat.com Contact Us : IND : +91-91009-98433/34(WAPP) USA : +1(224) 676-9882 Website: www.cheyat.com Skype Id : Cheyattraining
What is selenium • Selenium is a portable software testing framework for web applications. • It is a new tool/software which supports for instant development of automation test for the web based applications. • It is used as a playback/record tool for the purpose of authoring tests without any need for learning scripting language. It also supports for browsers like Opera, Google Chrome and opera and on various platforms like Macintosh, Microsoft and Linux.
Course Content • Introduction to Java • WEB DRIVER Introduction • Object Identification • Java In Details • Additional Concepts of Java used in Selenium • Selenium Life Cycle • Advanced Concepts of Selenium • Selenium IDE : • Frames Works RAME WORKS • (Keyword + Data driven):
Course Content • Selenium Components • Why to Automation • When to start Automation • Where to use automation • Scope of Automation in future • What is an Automated tool • How to learn any Automated tool • Types of Automated tools • Selenium IDE • Selenium RC • Selenium Web Driver • Selenium GRID
Starting with EclipseInstalling JavaWhat is EclipseHow to install EclipseWhat is the need of EclipseWhy we use Eclipse and Selenium togetherHow to create a projectHow to create a packageHow to create a class (java file)How to create a file (properties file) INTRODUCTION TO JAVA
Classes and Interfaces (call by reference, call by value)Using objects referenceThrough class nameHow to create an object Data TypesHow access the nonstatic functionsHow to use Static Global variableHow to create constructorWhat is use of constructorInheritanceHow to access classes across packagesAccessing modifiers( Public, private, Default, Protected)String Class, Object classWhat is an interfaceHow to create and use interface
Web Driver , Classes & Operation WEB DRIVER IntroductionWhat is Web driverWhy Web driverDifferences between RC and Web driverHow to configure web driver in eclipseClasses that implements web driverFire foxInternet ExplorerChromeI PhoneAndroidOperational Overview of SeleniumHow to give instructions to Selenium web driverHow to give information to Selenium web driverInternally what is happening during execution
Object Identification Installing Firebug add on in Firefox Installing Firepath add on in Firefox What is Firebug How to use Firebug When to use Firebug What is the use of Firepath in Firebug What is XPath Where to use XPaths in the Script Identifying the web elements using ID,Name,Link Name,Class, XPath,Tagname Handling the different web elements like Input boxes, buttons, weblist Radio buttons, Check Boxes, Links and Etc, Making own XPaths with out using Firebug Creating the Object Repository Benefit of Creating object repository How to use object repository
• Variables (local, global)• Constants• Arrays• Conditional statements• Looping statements• Operators• Functions (Input parameters and return types)• Overloading and Overriding JAVA IN DETAILS
Advanced concepts & IDE of Selenium ADVANCED CONCEPTS OF SELENIUM:• Dynamic objects handling•PoP up handling• Error handling• Java Script alert messages handling• Simulating the keyboard key press events• Dynamic Web table Handling• Extracting data from web table• Mouse movement with Selenium mouse interfaceSELENIUM IDE :• Installing Selenium IDE• Recording Script• Running Script• Operational overview of Recording• Operational Overview of Running• Running Script line by line• Inserting break points• Inserting comments
Phase-I• Test PlanningPhase-2• Generating the basic testPhase-3• Enhancing the test• Inserting the Programmatic StatementsPhase-4• Debugging the TestPhase-5• Executing the TestPhase-6• Analysing the Results SELENIUM LIFE CYCLE
Frame Works & Keywords FRAME WORKS• Test NG Frame work:• JUnitFrame work:• Test NG and Hybrid frame work(Keyword + Data driven):• Overview of hybrid frame work• Preparing XLS file with• Test cases and key words• Preparing XLS file with test data• Reading XPaths from Properties file• Implementing the keywords using the Reflection API• Implementing the Tests• Assertions and reporting errors• Parameterizing Tests• Repeating the test with different sets of data• Running the tests• Analysing the results
Benefits Provided By Cheyat • We offer live training services from the trainers having minimum of 6+ years of experience in their profession and have the capability to teach students. • We provide complete digitalized course materials for the training courses. • We offer 24/7 support services through phone, E-mail or through chat • Provides mock interview questions, committed as well as supportive. • After the completion of the course, we help our students to get placed in a good industry.
For more information about Training Programme Please contact us on Email : trainings@cheyat.com Contact IND : +91-91009-98433/34(WAPP) USA : +1(224) 676-9882