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Selenium training courses are developed and taught by the best trainers of Satya Tech at very reasonable rates.
Mail Us:-sathyainhyd@gmail.comCall Us:-65538958 /65538968 / 65538978 Selenium Course Training Institute in ameerpet |Hyderabad Introduction to AutomationWays Of TestingWhat is Manual Testing?Drawbacks of Manual TestingWhat is Automation testingDrawbacks of Automation testingWhat test cases can be converted into automation?What test cases cannot convert into automation?Types of Automation ToolsDifference between Selenium and QTPIntroduction of seleniumComponents of SeleniumSelenium IDESelenium-RCSelenium 2.0 & Web Driver Selenium-Grid
Core JavaIntroduction To Core JavaWhat is oops?What is a class and object?What is a main method?Data typesvariablesOperatorsArraysConditionsIfIf-elseIf –else –IfLooping ConditionsFor – NextDo – loopWhile –loopBranching statementsBreak StatementReturn StatementOops ConceptsIntroductionClass
ObjectString classObject classCollection APIArray list classHash table classHash Set classReflection APIStatic KeywordsConstructorsInheritanceSuper Key WordPolymorphism (Overloading & Overriding)InterfacesWorking with regular expressionsWhat is regular expressionWhere we will useRegular expression syntaxExamples on regular expressionWorking with filesWorking with Files and I/OWorking with Excel filesWorking with data base.
Working with Property filesException handlingTry, Catch, Throwable Class,Throw, Throws, Final and FinallyWeb Driver (Selenium2.0)WebDriver IntroductionWhat is WebDriver?Why WebDriver?Difference between WebDriver andSelenium RCArchitecture of selenium webDriverDownloading WebDriver Jars andconfiguring in eclipseperational Overview of Selenium web driverWebDriver Drivers introductionFirefox DriverIE DriverChrome DriverSafari DriverIphone driverAndroid etc
How to give instructions to Selenium web driverHow to give information to Selenium web driverInternally what is happening during executionWorking with IE DriverDownloading IE driver ServerConfiguring IE Driver ServerBasic Example on IE BrowserWorking with Chrome DriverDownloading Chrome driver ServerConfiguring Chrome Driver ServerBasic Example on Chrome BrowserWorking with Firefox DriverBasic Example on Firefox DriverObject IdentificationInstalling Firebug add on in FirefoxInstalling Firepath add on in FirefoxWhat is FirebugHow to use FirebugWhen to use FirebugWhat is the use of Firepath in FirebugWhat is XPath
Where to use XPaths in the ScriptWhy to use XPathsWebDriver LocatorsLocating elements by IDLocating elements by ClassLocating elements by TagLocating elements by NameLocating elements by Link TextLocating elements by Partial Link TextLocating elements by XPathLocating Elements by using CSSWorking with Property fileCreating the Object RepositoryBenefit of Creating object repositoryHow to use object repositoryWorking with web page elements usingWebDriverTextboxLinksButtonsCheck BoxRadio ButtonList BoxDrop Down
Selenium WebDriver API Commands andOperationsDriver commands likedriver.get(“url”);driver.getTitle();driver.getWindowHandle();driver.getWindowHandles();driver.close();driver.quit(); ..etcChild element commands likeelement.clear();element.sendKeys(“Data”);element.click();element.getAttribute(“arg”);element.getTagName();Page: 2element.getText();element.isDisplayed();element.isEnabled();element.isSelected(); ….etc.Advanced Concepts Of SeleniumPopup handling
Simulating the keyboard key press eventsSimulating front and back button click in browserListeners using web driver event listenerPractical Usage of Listeners in SeleniumIntroducing Actions class UsageSimulating the Keyboard Key press eventSimulating Pressing Enter Button of KeyboardSimulating Pressing TAB Button of KeyboardSimulating MoveToElement/Mouse Over eventWorking with Web TableHow to get row countHow to get data from specific cellDynamic WebTable HandlingAttaching files with SeleniumSetting the page load timeout- WebDriver.Timeout InterfaceHandling Frames in Web PageListeners- Using WebDriverEventListenerFinding Coordinates of a Web ObjectAutomation Life Cycle
Phase-ITest PlanningPhase-2Generating the basic testPhase-3Enhancing the testChecking with AssertionsSynchronizing the testImplementing Implicit wait statementImplementing Explicit wait statementUsing the test data during data driven testingPhase-4Debugging the TestWhat is debuggingWhen to do debuggingBenefits of debuggingRunning the script according to our desirePausing the Script executionPhase-5Executing the TestPhase-6Analyzing the Results
Auto ITInstalling Auto ITAuto IT OverviewWhy Auto IT?AutoIT componentsAutoIT commandsAuto IT Script ExamplesCompiling Auto IT scriptsHow To Use Auto IT scripts in SeleniumRC&WebDriverwhat is jacob jarswhere to use jacobhow to configure jacob jars into eclipseAutomation FrameworkWhat is Automation FrameworkAdvantages of automation frameworkTypes of automation frameworkJUnitTestNGModular Driven FrameworkData Driven FrameworkKeyword driven frameworkHybrid driven frameworkJUnit Frame work
What is JUnitConfiguring JUnit in EclipseJUnit 4 AnnotationRunning Test in JUnitSkipping TestsUsing AssertionsTest NG Frame workIntroduction to TestNGWhy TestNGInstalling TestNG in EclipseAdvantages of TestNG over JUnitExploring TestNG FeaturesTestNG annotationsHow to Use TestNG Annotations forSelenium programming.TestNG Assert commandsAutomate tests using TestNG.Testng.xml file for suite.How to create TestSuite for selenium tests.TestNG Execution ReportTestNG Reporting features
Page: 3 • Modular Driven FrameworkWhat is modular driven frameworkCreate reusable code as methodsCreate test scripts by importing methodsData Driven FrameworkWhat is parameterization?Types of parameterizationParameterization using Excelwhat is POI API JarsHow to use POI API JarsExample for Data Driven TestingUsing JXL jarsKeyword Driven FrameworkWhat is Keyword Driven FrameworkOverview of Keyword Driven FrameworkHybrid Driven FrameworkWhat is Hybrid Driven FrameworkHybrid Driven Framework ImplementationReal Time Process for Automation TestingHybrid frame work creationAutomate Test CasesName Conventions
Local Scope VariablesGlobal Scope VariablesConstants variablesGeneral methodsObject Repository FilesApplication methodsCoding & Commenting CodeTest Scripts CreationTest Suite CreationSelenium IDE Introduction:Installing Selenium IDERecording ScriptRunning ScriptOperational overview of RecordingOperational Overview of RunningRunning Script line by lineInserting break pointsInserting commentsInserting wait statementsSaving the ScriptRunning the single line of ScriptAnalyzing the Results in logUsing the Reference for understanding thecommands
Understanding about target and valueIdentifying the objects using ID, Name, Link andetc.,Table ViewSource viewWhy companies are not encouraging the SeleniumIDESelenium Remote Control IntroductionWhat is Selenium Remote ControlDifference between Selenium IDE and Selenium RCConfiguring Selenium RC in EclipseStarting selenium serverStopping selenium server fromExample programs of selenium Remote ControlRunning selenium Remote Control script throughselenium WebDriverSelenium Grid IntroductionWhat is Selenium Grid?Use of Selenium Grid?When to Use ItSelenium-Grid 2.0How Selenium-Grid Works–With a Hub and NodesInstallation
Starting Selenium-GridConfiguring Selenium-GridHub ConfigurationNode ConfigurationExecuting tests using Selenium- Grid.Log4jwhat is log4jDownload and configure Log4j jarsImplementing Log4j ExamplesMavenwhat is Antwhat is mavenwhy mavenInstallation of mavenSetup Environment variables to mavenBuild Management with MavenSetup the project with MavenDeveloping the scriptsConverting src to executable file
Sikuli IntroductionIntroduction to SikuliSikuli OverviewWhy SikuliInstalling SikuliSikuli commandsSikuli ExamplesRecording & Running Script Using SikuliConfiguring SikuliX jars into EclipseHow to write Sikuli Script into EclipseHow to execute sikuli Script into Eclipse