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The term ‘visa on arrival’ can be a bit misleading as travelers cannot simply arrive at the Vietnam airport and get a visa to Vietnam. Infact the process for obtaining a visa on arrival to Vietnam starts a lot early. Travelers are required to fill an online application in advance before arriving at Vietnam airport. After submitting the online application along with prescribed fees, travelers receive a conformation mail and a pre-approved visa application letter which travelers need to submit at the airport to get their visa on arrival. So, if you wish to travel to Vietnam through visa on arrival do not make the mistake of arriving directly at an international airport in Vietnam. Instead take help from a reputed agency and submit an online application and complete the process.<br>
Avoid Most Common Mistakes When Applying For Vietnamese Visa On Arrival
➢ Not applying online and arriving directly at the airport The The term term ‘visa Vietnam Vietnamairport Vietnam Vietnamstarts arriving arriving at at Vietnam fees, fees, travelers travelers receive travelers travelers need need to to submit Vietnam Vietnam through through visa international international airport online onlineapplication applicationand ‘visa on on arrival’ airportand andget startsa alot lotearly Vietnam airport receive a a conformation submit at at the visa on on arrival airport in in Vietnam andcomplete completethe arrival’ can geta avisa early..Travelers Travelersare airport.. After conformation mail the airport arrival do do not Vietnam.. Instead can be be a a bit bit misleading visato toVietnam Vietnam..Infact arerequired After submitting submitting the mail and airport to to get misleading as as travelers Infactthe theprocess requiredto tofill fillan anonline the online and a a pre pre- -approved get their their visa visa on on arrival not make make the the mistake Instead take take help help from theprocess process.. travelers cannot processfor forobtaining onlineapplication applicationin inadvance online application application along approved visa visa application arrival.. So, So, if if you mistake of of arriving arriving directly from a a reputed reputed agency cannot simply obtaininga avisa simply arrive visaon onarrival advancebefore along with with prescribed application letter you wish wish to to travel directly at at an an agency and and submit arrive at at the arrivalto to the before prescribed letter which travel to to which submit an an
➢ Looking forward to receive visa on arrival at Vietnamese border Visa Visaon onarrival their their visa visa stamped facility facility can can be be enjoyed travel travel..Travelers Travelersarriving and and they they must must obtain consulate consulate..So Sowhile transport transport and and apply make make the the mistake mistake of of arriving visa visa.. This This mistake mistake would entering enteringVietnam Vietnam.. arrivalto toVietnam stamped only Vietnamfacility only after after arriving enjoyed only only when arrivingto toVietnam obtain their their visa whilefinalizing finalizingyour apply for for visa arriving at at the would cost facilitysaves arriving in in the when the Vietnamby byroad visa for for Vietnam yourVietnam Vietnamtour visa on on arrival arrival only the Vietnamese cost you you dearly dearly and savestroubles troublesfor fortravelers the country country.. But the mode mode of of transportation roador orsea seaare arenot Vietnam by by visiting tourpackage packagemakes only if if you you are Vietnamese border border and and would would most travelersand But it it has transportation of of travelers noteligible eligiblefor forvisa visiting the the Vietnamese Vietnamese embassy makessure sureto tocheck are reaching reaching Vietnam Vietnam by by air air.. Do Do not and asking asking the the officials most probably probably prevent andoffers offersthem has to to be be understood understood that themliberty libertyto toget get this that this travelers is is air air visaon onarrival arrivalfacility embassy or or checkyour yourmode facility modeof of not officials to to grant prevent you you from grant from
➢ Mistakes in spellings and other typos To To obtain obtain a a visa application applicationis isapproved have have to to produce produce this The Thevisa visaon onarrival birth, birth,nationality nationalityand and and matches matches it it with verification verificationof ofyour the the visa visa form form.. Small cause cause delays delays and letter letter are are printed printed through form form..So, So,you youhave visa on on arrival approvedyou this letter arrivalpre pre- -approved andpassport passportinformation with your your other yourdocuments documents..So Soit itis isimperative Small yet yet significant significant mistakes and can can even even prevent prevent the through the the information haveto tobe beextremely extremelycautious arrival to to Vietnam, youwill willreceive letter at at the the immigration approvedletter lettercontains information.. The other documents documents.. Your Vietnam, you receivea avisa immigration desk containsall allyour first fill fill an an online arrivalpre pre- -approved when you you are yourpersonal personaldetails Thevisa visaissuing issuingofficer Your visa visa is is stamped imperativeto tohave haveall allyour mistakes such such as as spelling the officials officials from from stamping information which which you you enter cautiouswhile whilecompleting completingyour you must must first visaon onarrival desk when online application application.. Once approvedletter lettervia viayour are getting getting your details such suchas asname, officerchecks checksall allthis stamped only only after yourdetails detailscorrectly correctlymentioned spelling mistakes mistakes and and other stamping your your visa visa.. The enter while while filling filling the yourvisa visaapplication applicationform Once your youremail email..You your visa visa stamped name, date thisinformation information after a a scrutinized scrutinized mentionedin in other errors errors can The details details on on this the visa visa application application form.. your You stamped.. dateof of can this
➢ Too casual about date of arrival and validity of visa A A common common misconception misconception about about visa visa on on arrival they they can can directly directly arrive arrive at at Vietnam Vietnam international international airport on on arrival arrival stamped stamped and and enter enter the the country country..But that thatsimple simplea aprocess processand andit itcomes comeswith withsome of of arrival arrival are are strict strict and and travelers travelers cannot cannot afford with with a a visa visa on on arrival, arrival, travelers travelers cannot cannot enter you you submit submit your your visa visa on on arrival arrival application application form your your arrival arrival date date.. This This date date gets gets printed printed in in your and and when when you you arrive arrive to to Vietnam, Vietnam, the the immigration immigration officers and andthen thenonly onlyyou youare areeligible eligibleto toenter enterthe thecountry arrival to to Vietnam airport at at any But the the fact fact is is that someregulations regulations..The afford to to turn turn a a blind enter Vietnam Vietnam on on any form online online you your visa visa on on arrival officers checks country.. Vietnam is is that that travelers travelers believe any time, time, get get their that visa visa on on arrival Therules rulesregarding regardingdate blind eye eye on on them any random random date you are are asked asked to to provide arrival pre pre- -approved approved letter checks your your arrival believe their visa arrival isn’t visa isn’t date Even When provide letter date them.. Even date..When arrival date
Contact Us: Website: http://www.vietnamsvisa.com/ Email: support@vietnamsvisa.com Ph no.: +84 1699-161-166