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Florida’s Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles’ compiled data suggests that the study might be right on point. In 2016, the department notes that more than 50,000 crashes were attributed to distracted driving throughout the state. That amounts to around five crashes each hour. If you or someone you love has been affected by a distracted driver, you have a right to collect damages for any injuries that occurred as a result. Contact the Fort Lauderdale car accident attorney Vladimir Tsirkin as soon as possible following your accident to set up a consultation and review of your case’s details. Read more: https://www.undercoverlawyer.com/personal-injury/car-accident/
Your New Year’s Resolution For 2019: Avoid Car Accidents With These 7 Safety Tips
Looks like you will have to push away your “Get leaner” and “Eat healthier” New Year’s resolutions for 2019 a bit, because you have a new one, “Avoid car accidents.” Each year, more than 3 million Americans get injured in motor vehicle crashes, and the vast majority of these injuries are “permanent.” 2
Vladimir Tsirkin & Associates outline the safety tips to help you reduce your risk of accidents on the road until December 31, 2019 (on January 1, 2020, you will renew that resolution, obviously): 3 There’s always room for improvement. Stop lying to yourself. Take care of your car. Get plenty of sleep before hitting the road. There’s always room for improvement. Make sure your emotions are in check. Think about your loved ones before driving.
Stop Lying To Yourself 4 One of the most common reasons why people with bad habits cause car accidents is their inability to get realistic about their weaknesses. It can be speeding, forgetting to wear a seat belt, driving recklessly, hitting the road while intoxicated or fatigued… Identify the culprit before it’s too late and do not let it be the cause of your own misery and the misery of others in 2019.
Take Care Of Your Car 5 If you do not remember the last time you had a skilled mechanic inspect and maintain your vehicle, you are doing it wrong. “Make sure your car is updated, modified, and is properly maintained to reduce the risk of car crashes in 2019,” advises the experienced Fort Lauderdale car accident attorney.
Pay More Attention To The Road 6 One of the most common reasons why people with bad habits cause car accidents is their inability to get realistic about their weaknesses. It can be speeding, forgetting to wear a seat belt, driving recklessly, hitting the road while intoxicated or fatigued… Identify the culprit before it’s too late and do not let it be the cause of your own misery and the misery of others in 2019.
There’s Always Room For Improvement 7 Most of us tend to think that we are good drivers. But the sad truth is that the vast majority of us could use some learning. Upgrading your driving skills or knowledge about traffic rules is never a bad idea, and the sooner you do it, the less likely you are to get into a car accident.
Get Plenty Of Sleep Before Hitting The Road “Fatigued and drowsy driving are one of the leading causes of car accidents at night,” explains the Fort Lauderdale car accident attorney Vladimir Tsirkin. So make sure you get plenty of sleep this year, and never get behind the wheel while fatigued, tired, or sleepy. 8
Make Sure Your Emotions Are In Check 9 We never seem to talk about this, but you will be surprised how many people get aggressive, angry, distressed or emotional in any way while driving, which then leads to a car accident. This inability to keep your emotions under control makes you more likely to speed, drive recklessly, tailgate, make unsafe lane changes, or engage in other dangerous activities on the road.
Think About Your Loved Ones Before Driving 10 Scientists agree on one thing: by thinking about your loved ones – even briefly – before starting to drive and even during your trip, you can significantly lower the risk of getting into an accident. That’s a simple yet effective psychological trick. By thinking about your family, you begin to drive defensively, as if protecting any harm from happening to you (or them, if they are also in the vehicle with you) to live for them and make them happy.
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