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According to Gallup, there are four human capital strategies which combined can add up to 59% more growth in revenue per employee. Each strategy has been widely tested and proven effective on its own. We at Weekdone aim to track and increase employee progress, therefore we would like to share the findings of Gallup report: State of the American Manager - Analytics and Advice for Leaders. Learn more: https://weekdone.com
Content source: http://www.gallup.com/businessjournal/182912/companies-missing-opportunities-growth-revenue.aspx Gallup Report: State of The American Manager - Analytics and Advice For Leaders
THE ADDITIVE EFFECT Each element plays a unique role and has an added scientific value in predicting the outcome Focus on strengths + 8% Engaged workforce + 18% Talented employees + 6% Great manager + 27% + 59% Gallup: companies combining 4 human capital strategies add up to 59% more growth in revenue per employee
Gallup: companies combining 4 human capital strategies add up to 59% more growth in revenue per employee GREAT MANAGERS Natural ability to: drive outcomes build strong relationships overcome adversity decisions based on performance + 27% HOW Companies pick the wrong manager 82% of the time because using the wrong criteria - years of seniority or standout performance as an individual contributor ACCELERATE GROWTH BY hiring candidates based on their specific talent to manage others
HOW Companies pick the wrong manager 82% of the time because using the wrong criteria - years of seniority or standout performance as an individual contributor ACCELERATE GROWTH BY hiring candidates based on their specific talent to manage others TALENTED EMPLOYEES Selecting naturally talented individual contributors increase revenue per employee by 6% Additional benefits: increases productivity streamlines decision-making improves employee engagement + 6% HOW Companies tend to concentrate on candidates' education, skills and work experience ACCELERATE GROWTH BY hiring and developing employees that have the right natural talent to excel in his/her role
ENGAGED WORKFORCE A culture of employee engagement lead up to 18% higher revenue per employee Engaged employees improve: quality + 18% productivity customer ratings profitability HOW Ask employees the right performance-based questions ACCELERATE GROWTH BY Develop an employee development plan that includes strategy, great communication and accountability aligned with scientifically tested metrics and performance outcomes.
CURRENT SITUATION disengaged employees cost the U.S. between 450$ billion and 550€ billion per year Worldwide, 2012 only 13% of employees were engaged
disengaged employees cost the U.S. between 450$ billion and 550€ billion per year FOCUS ON STRENGTHS When teams learn and focus on their strengths every day, their productivity produces up to 8% higher revenue per employee. 61% workers are engaged 1% + 8% are disengaged if their manager focuses on their strengths HOW Companies can maximize their human capital by helping employees identify their strengths ACCELERATE GROWTH BY Implement an assessment system like Weekdone to pair top managers with high-potential employees
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