Class Review&The Usage of Article 122669 Yeona Choi
Contents • The Upcoming Schedule • Blog Assignment • Usage of Articles
The Upcoming Schedule 2015 11 November
Final assignment Don’t forget to send comments two times to Gary. The Upcoming Schedule 2015 12 December
Blog Assignments Topic Choice Knowledge production 2. Knowledge ownership 3. 1. & 2. • Topic: Has your own experience from the blog writing changed your understanding of knowledge production and/or knowledge ownership?
Professor(Teacher) : Student One to one (1:1) • No matter what you received good or poor marks • Eventually you toss assignments into the waste basket
Advantage of Exposing Your Writing on Blog • Many people can read your writing on blog forever. • You can get a variety of feedback from audience on your writing. • The feedback from various audience is better than the feedback from one(Gary)
Usage of Article When both the speaker (writer) and the listener (reader) know the thing or idea already.
Usage of Article I have a cat and a dog. cat’sname is Dima, and dog’sname is Uju. The the
Usage of Article: a/an • 1) with professions. My friend is an architect. His wife is a doctor. • 2) with some expressions of quantity. a pair of shoes; a little milk; a couple of days; a few books. • 3) In exclamations with what / such + a count noun. It was such an interesting book I read it twice. What a day!I failed my test and lost my keys.
Usage of Article: the • 1) before oceans, rivers, hotels, theaters, museums, and newspapers. the Pacific Ocean the Louvre The ChosunIlbo the Han River • 2) if there is only one of something. the moon the boss the Blue House the 63 Building • 3) with superlative adjectives. Asia is the largestcontinent. Gwangae-toe is the tallest building on campus.
Usage of Article: no article • 1) before plural and non-countable nouns when talking about things generally. Kimchiis spicy. Please buy some orangesand some milk. • 2) before countries, towns, streets, languages, magazines, meals, airports, stations, and mountains. I ate breakfast at Nam-san. After I walked down to Seoul Stationand bought Cine 21.
Reference (1) Aldridge, G. Contents of before class on November 10, 2015 (2) Source American Headway 2 by John and Liz Soars, Oxford University Presson on November 17, 2015 (3) More info atà, Retrieved from http://writingcenter.unc.edu/resources/handouts-demos/citation/articles on November 17, 2015