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If You Have Any Requirement Or Need Any Other Information Related To stun gun wholesale Then Please visit this link: http://www.ymflashlight.com/stun-gun-wholesale-c-1.html
A stun gun is an electrical self-defense device to immobilize an attacker without inflicting serious injury. Touching a person with the prongs of the device quickly immobilizes the attacker. It uses high voltage to stop an attacker by administering an electric shock. Though the amperage is very low, no serious or permanent injury is inflicted. Since the products are so popular for safety issues, Stun Gun wholesale availability is a gesture for all the customers to make more profits in buying them rather than buying spending excessive money on it.
How Do Stun Guns Work? • Since stun gun is designed to key into the nervous system, it dumps its energy into the muscles at a high pulse frequency. It works when it detects the increasing rate of pulse frequency that makes the muscles work very rapidly but not efficiently. This rapid work cycle depletes blood sugar by converting it to lactic acid all in just seconds.
After it works with the attacker, it results heavy energy loss and makes it difficult to move and function for the attacker. At the same time, the tiny neurological impulses that travel throughout the body to direct muscle movement are interrupted.
It causes disorientation and loss of balance and leaves the attacker in a passive though confused condition for several minutes. There is no significant effect on the perpetrator’s heart and other organs but enough distraction for you to get the time you need to get away and find help.
How To Use A Stun Gun? • Take out the weapon in your hands and any situation where you could be an easy target. For instance if you’re walking through the mall parking lot, a parking garage or alone in places where you are completely alone like criminal areas or empty roads. Nobody wants a huge scene when they’re trying to rob, attack or rape you.
So, when you are attacked pick a large muscle group to stun like the chest, the groin, the stomach, the thighs or the back to stun an attacker. Since large muscle groups will ensure more power to detect and thus, bring down the attacker very quickly. You can try it with the device you bought from stun gun wholesale.
Now remember, you will not have all day to make the decision so, if the face or neck is the closest body part you can reach, well, then do it. Also, the longer you hold it on someone, the longer and more effective the stunning will be. One to two seconds is good but holding it for three to five seconds will most likely drop them to the ground and leave them confused.
Take a quick detailed mental note of the attacker and run immediately and find for help. If you’ve stunned the guy long enough to drop him to the ground, chances are it’ll take some time for him to run off. And when you take a note, you will have some details to give to the police.
E-mail: service@cnymlighting.com Website: http://www.ymflashlight.com/stun-gun-wholesale-c-1.html