The expectations for presentations have changed immensely over the years. We are constantly faced with tight deadlines for school, work and for our own clients. For each need we have for putting together a presentation, there are several resources to help us not have to reinvent the wheel and turn our work in on time. Below are some tips to help you better meet client (or teacher) expectations. One of the best and worst enemies that you have when putting together a presentation is time. Most of us have busy lives and we try our best to prioritize our deadlines, but, more often than not, we are scrambling at the last minute to get them done. The bottom-line is the end-result, right? Not really. What if in the meantime you completely stressed yourself out, missed 3 other deadlines, forgot to pick up the dry-cleaning, and never made it to the DMV? Sounds crazy, but that’s life. We all want to do a great job on our presentations, but we are doing ourselves a disservice if we are not setting our priorities straight. So how do we “fix” this? Making new time management habits isn’t something that is magically fixed overnight. When we know that we have a fixed deadline for something (i.e. a PowerPoint presentation for your Economics class or a proposal for a new client), one of the most important things to know is when is it due and what type of information will be needed from your source. If you have a presentation for a class, make sure that you have adequate instructions from your teacher or professor in order to proceed with the type of research that needs to get done. If it’s a for a client, or anything for work for that matter, then make sure you have given the client enough time and information if they need to provide you with data for the presentation. If your boss has assigned you the presentation, then make sure that you understand what it is they are looking for and that you have all the resources you need to accomplish your work by the required deadline. If you have not properly gathered your resources and information prior to putting together the presentation, then you will be unnecessarily scrambling to gather this information and it could potentially have an overall impact on your work. At this point you should have already determined what the deadline is and what it is you templates for google slides need to do to meet that deadline. If you are self-employed and you make your own deadlines, then it’s best to understand your own client’s expectations so that you can deliver them a product that you are proud of (and will hopefully keep their business with you). Once you have an established deadline, then you may want to break- down that date and make smaller deadlines for yourself, so you are not doing everything at the last minute. It’s also important to determine how it is you are going to be presenting your final product to your professor or your client (or boss, or whomever is the recipient of your work). There are so many different ways you can do this, it just depends on how in-depth the presentation needs to be, what the expectations are of the recipient, and how you want to be perceived. Most of us want to turn in presentations that we are proud of and that we can stand behind. There is nothing worse than turning in something less-than-adequate and wish that you would have taken more time or planned better from the get-go. There are two very popular ways for putting together presentations - PowerPoint and Keynote (PowerPoint is from Microsoft and Keynote is from Apple). Most of us have heard of them, and many of us have them already installed on our computers. They are relatively easy to use (you can get as fancy as you want, but the basics are pretty easy to master) and there are several templates available for you to use. PowerPoint and Keynote are great for business plans, organizational charts, planning processes, roadmaps, timelines, lead generations, marketing plans, school project diagrams and so much more. Utilizing already established templates will not only save you time, it will make your work look absolutely amazing.
You will be able to deliver a clean presentation and one that shows professionalism, competence and expertise. A great resource for such templates is from https://hislide.io/ Using hislide.io is very easy and will soon be your go- to resource for all of your presentation needs.