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Development of a Pronunciation Dictionary for Romanian DOMOKOS József GAVRIL Toderean. CONTENTS. Introduction Grapheme-to-phoneme transcription system architecture Experimental results on grapheme-to-phoneme conversion on pronunciation dictionary development Conclusions. INTRODUCTION.
Development of a Pronunciation Dictionary for Romanian DOMOKOSJózsef GAVRIL Toderean
CONTENTS • Introduction • Grapheme-to-phoneme transcription system architecture • Experimental results • on grapheme-to-phoneme conversion • on pronunciation dictionary development • Conclusions Technological Development in a Sustainable Economy – Iaşi, 11-15 April, 2011
INTRODUCTION • The scope of this paper is: • to present an automated grapheme-to-phoneme conversion system for Romanian, based on artificial neural networks • to present the development of a pronunciation dictionary for Romanian by transcribing (using the above mentioned system) the near 140.000 base form entries from the DEXOnline dictionary • Grapheme-to-phoneme conversion systems are very useful for speech recognition and speech production applications • they are at the base of automated segmentation of speech at phonetic level • predicting the pronunciation of a written word is an important sub-task in speech synthesis systems Technological Development in a Sustainable Economy – Iaşi, 11-15 April, 2011
INTRODUCTION • There are several approaches in the literature to deal with grapheme-to-phoneme conversion: • systems based on pronunciation dictionary; • phonetic rule-based transcription systems; • systems based on machine learning (using decision trees or artificial neural networks); • statistical systems based on hidden Markov models; • hybrid systems trying to use a combination of the above mentioned systems; Technological Development in a Sustainable Economy – Iaşi, 11-15 April, 2011
SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE • parallel structure of 30 neural networks with 25 common inputs (25 inputs x 8 x 5 X 1 output ) • each network must detect the presence of an articulatory feature from the 30 features used to encode the Romanian language phonemes Technological Development in a Sustainable Economy – Iaşi, 11-15 April, 2011
SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE • short i phoneme /i_0/ coded as (1, 4, 11, 21, 27 – phonetic zero unit, closed, front, type 2, type 5 100100000010000000001000001000 Technological Development in a Sustainable Economy – Iaşi, 11-15 April, 2011
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS • The system performs with an accuracy of 92.83% at the phoneme level when trained: • using a manually built database containing 1004 phonetically transcribed Romanian words; • the words were transcribed by phonetician experts and were collected from some linguistic resources available in published form; • the database contains a total number of 5497 phonemes; • for training and testing, the phonetically transcribed word set was randomly divided in portion of 80%, 10% and 10% for training, testing and validation) • 25x8x5X1 totally connected feed-forward neural network was used • Levenberg - Marquardt back-propagation training function, mean squared error performance criterion and early stopping were used for training. Technological Development in a Sustainable Economy – Iaşi, 11-15 April, 2011
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS • Error percentage values for the used articulatory features Technological Development in a Sustainable Economy – Iaşi, 11-15 April, 2011
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS • To develop the pronouncing dictionary we have used the largest online dictionary for Romanian language, the DexOnline dictionary (www.dexonline.ro) • Contains 3 tables usable for pronunciation dictionary development: • inflectedform table • definitions • lexem • The near 140.000 base wordforms from lexem table were transcribed using the automated grapheme-to-phoneme system Technological Development in a Sustainable Economy – Iaşi, 11-15 April, 2011
CONCLUSIONS • We have developed an automated grapheme-to-phoneme transcription system . • Although there are reported results of over 98% accuracy of grapheme-to-phoneme transcriptions in some earlier papers, these experiments could not be repeated and more recent works presents correct transcription results between 80-95%. • Reducing the number of neurons in the hidden layers of networks and using the same 8x5 neurons in the hidden layer for all the articulatory features, we can get the same good transcription results but with significantly lower training and setup times. Technological Development in a Sustainable Economy – Iaşi, 11-15 April, 2011
CONCLUSIONS • We have investigated the Closed, Front and type 2 articulatory features and we conclude that there were not enough examples in the training set. • We have created the first Romanian language pronouncing dictionary based on the words from the lexem table of Dex Online • For dealing with the biggest inflectedform table an enlargement of the manually transcribed training set is needed Technological Development in a Sustainable Economy – Iaşi, 11-15 April, 2011
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS • This paper was supported by the project "Development and support of multidisciplinary postdoctoral programmes in major technical areas of national strategy of Research - Development - Innovation" 4D-POSTDOC, contract no. POSDRU/89/1.5/S/52603, project co-funded by the European Social Fund through Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013. Technological Development in a Sustainable Economy – Iaşi, 11-15 April, 2011
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