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Latin mottoes,phrases,and abbreviations. tempus fugit. time flies. Semper fidelis. Always faithful. semper paratus. always prepared. caveat emptor. Let the buyer beware!. persona non grata. a person not welcome. Habeas corpus. You have the body. Cogito ergo sum.
tempus fugit time flies
Semperfidelis Always faithful
semper paratus always prepared
caveat emptor Let the buyer beware!
persona non grata a person not welcome
Habeas corpus You have the body
Cogito ergo sum I think, therefore I am
E pluribus unum One out of many
quid pro quo this for that
Ad hominem To the man
Carpe diem Seize the day
annuit coeptis He (God) watched over our beginnings
novus ordo saeclorum a new order of the ages
errare humanum est To err is human…
Ad astra per aspera To the stars through difficulties
Modus operandi (M.O.) Mode of operating
Ad infinitum To infinity
ad nauseam to a sickening or disgusting point
sine qua non “without which not,” i.e., a necessity
festina lente “hurry slowly”
CAVE CANEM Beware of the dog!
veni, vidi, vici “I came, I saw, I conquered,” said Gaius Julius Caesar .
bona fide in good faith
Lapsuslinguae Slip of the tongue
Ad hoc For this purpose
Alter ego Other self
status quo situation which is
Nota bene (N.B.) Note well
Cum granosalis With a grain of salt
SENATUS POPULUSQUE ROMANUS S P Q R The Senate and the Roman People
Arslonga, vita brevis Art is long, life is short
De facto According to the fact
De iure According to the law
Alma mater Nurturing mother
Magna cum laude With great honor
Curriculum vitae (C.V.) Resume- the course of your life
Abovousque ad mala From the egg all the way to apples
Non compos mentis Not sound of mind
Citius, altius, fortius Swifter, higher, stronger
Mea culpa, mihiignosce My fault, excuse me
Pro bono For the good
Per capita By the heads
De gustibus non est disputandum There is no disputing about tastes.
Menssana in corporesano A sound mind in a sound body and
Arsartis gratia Art for the sake of art
In loco parentis In place of a parent
Requiescat in pace (R.I.P.) Rest in peace
Non sequitur It does not follow 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9
A.D. (anno domini) In the year of our Lord