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The topic that we are taking up today is u201cHow to Overcome Angeru201d. If you are a businessman then you must remind yourself of the exorbitant price you would pay if you get angry.<br><br>But then not everything that is said is always true. So there is an exception to this also. Amitabh Bachchan says: u201cu091cu093fu0928u094du0939u0947 u0917u0941u0938u094du0938u093e u0906u0924u093e u0939u0948,u0935u094b u0932u094bu0917 u0938u091au094du091au0947 u0939u094bu0924u0947 u0939u0948u0902 | u092eu0948u0902u0928u0947 u091du0942u0920u094bu0902 u0915u094b u0905u0915u094du0938u0930 u092eu0941u0938u094du0915u0941u0930u093eu0924u0947 u0939u0941u090f u0926u0947u0916u093e u0939u0948 |u201d which means u201ctrue people are those who get angry or show their anger, I have seen fake people smiling with glory.u201d<br><br>But if you are a businessman, you must be clever enough. You must not get angry because angry people are thought to be fools in todayu2019s world.
HOW TO OVERCOME ANGER (PART 1) The topic that we are taking up today is “How to Overcome Anger”. If you are a businessman then you must remind yourself of the exorbitant price you would pay if you get angry. But then not everything that is said is always true. So there is an exception to this also. Amitabh Bachchan says: “जजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजज,जजजजजजजजजज जजजजजजज | जजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजज जज |” which means “true people are those who get angry or show their anger, I have seen fake people smiling with glory.” But if you are a businessman, you must be clever enough. You must not get angry because angry people are thought to be fools in today’s world. Click here to watch full video in Hindi. Losing temper is considered a weak trait because when you get angry, you are hurting yourself first and then you are hurting the other person as well. “जजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजज जजजजजजज, जजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजज जजजजजजजजजज !!” You lose your employees, vendors and customers because of your anger. Nobody will tolerate your anger anger over them. So it is always advised to deal with these people with patience. A businessman would always say, “You win, I lose . Tell me what business are you giving me?” that is “जजजजजजजजजजजजज | जजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजजज ?”. A businessman always loses and lets the other person win. He loses on ego, he loses on arguments. He only tries to win on anger and that’s how he wins in business. Ego begets you nothing . Being egoistic would take you nowhere so just let it go. A good businessman is the one who is intelligent and clever and know how to get business from others leaving his ego behind. Click here to watch full video in Hindi. जजजज, जजजजजजज जजज जज जजजजजजजज जजजजजजज जजजज जजज ज जजजजजजजजजजजजजजजज | It’s very easy to shout when you are angry but what is difficult is to keep quiet and this is one must learn. Make it a habit not to speak anything in anger. A fish that keeps its mouth shut, will not be caught. What are your reasons of losing temper? Employees don’t complete their work? They don’t come on time? They stay on Whatsapp, Facebook etc all the time? But ask yourself that who is perfect? You? Me? Nobody is perfect. It’s a human nature
not to work without supervision. It does not mean that you should be lenient to them or leave them with what they are doing. Give this responsibility of keeping a check on them to a team leader/ manager. Don’t scold TL’s team. It’s not your work. Take report from TL and not from his team. Lose temper, lose money. You cannot expect to get back your money from a client if you lose temper on him. If you lose temper on an employee, he would bid goodbye to you. If you lose temper on your customers, they would never come back to you. Anger is a problem and we must find some solutions to it. In the next postwe will discuss about the various solutions we can adopt so that we are able to overcome anger. For public speaking course or business course by Mr Anurag Aggarwal (Business Coach & Public Speaking Trainer), call 7834999292 or visit www.anuragaggarwal.com for details. Published by Anurag Aggarwal Institute of Entrepreneurship & Public Speaking Anurag Aggarwal Institute of Public Speaking (M/s Navchetna) was set up by the renowned public speaking trainer, Mr. Anurag Aggarwal, on 21st May 2000. On this day, he took his first session (N1) at YMCA, Connaught Place, New Delhi. The public speaking and personality development institute was started keeping in mind the ever growing demand for co mmunication skills, presentation skills, English communication, public speaking and personality development. The institute started with only one training center and now it has ten training centers covering all parts of Delhi and NCR. View all posts by Anurag Aggarwal Institute of Entrepreneurship & Public Speaking