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Navigating New Trends in Statistics Training for Rigor and Innovation

Explore evolving statistics trends in data collection, analysis, and reporting. Learn the balance between rigor and innovation, necessary skills, and adapting to new methods. Develop a proactive attitude towards training for tomorrow's statistics.

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Navigating New Trends in Statistics Training for Rigor and Innovation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Trainingstatistics and statisticians Tamás Rudas Department of Statistics Faculty of SocialSciences Eötvös Loránd University

  2. Whichskills? – A movingtarget Cannottrainfor a „new” statistics Onedoesnotknowwhatthisnewstatistics is goingto be Needtotrainforadaptation Conflictbetweenapplyingstrictlydefinedrules and procedures, and being opentofundamentallyrevisethem Needtodevelopthe right attitude, asmuchastoteachmethods

  3. Somenewtrends – datacollection Growingrelianceonsurveys A changingview of thetotalerror (sampling and non-sampling) Shift fromactivetopassivedatacollection Fromsurvey and censustoadministrativeandcommercialbigdata Differenttechniques Differentconcepts of quality Differentpoliticalposition

  4. Somenewtrends – dataanalysis Usingsamplingweights Modelbasedanalysis Fromlinearregressionto multilevelmodeling, non-linearrelationships, categoricaldata, higherorderinteractions Exploratoryanalysis datamining, machinelearning

  5. Somenewtrends – datareporting Directaccess Interactiveaccess Fortheresearcher, thedecisionmaker, thelayman Responsestoquestionsnotknownatthetime of datacollection

  6. Trainingonthejob Trainingforwhat? Betterexcution of theexistingmethods? Abilitytorecognizewhennewmethodsareneeded? Propose and developnewmethods? Test and comparenewmethods?

  7. Rigour and innovation – differentactors Differentskillsareneeded Best representedbydifferentactors Some roleswithintheorganization, someoutside Dynamicbalancebetweenthedifferentskills

  8. Balancebetweenrigour and innovation Onthejobtrainingshouldachieve a balancebetweenrigour and innovation Developnotonlyskillsbutalsoattitudes Supportinnovationoutside of theorganization Everyprofession is conservative The leadersmeedto be innovative

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