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Geometry-based Sampling in Learning and Classification

This research outlines the use of geometry-based sampling techniques, such as ε-nets and ε-approximators, in learning and classification. It also discusses the failure of naive sampling approaches and the importance of small-variance estimators.

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Geometry-based Sampling in Learning and Classification

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  1. Geometry-based sampling in learning and classificationOr, Universal -approximators for integration of some nonnegative functions Leonard J. Schulman Caltech Joint with Michael Langberg Open U. Israel work in progress

  2. Outline Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) method / PAC learning; -nets, -approximators. Shatter function as cover code. -approximators (core-sets) for clustering; universal approximation of integrals of families of unbounded nonnegative functions. Failure of naive sampling approach. Small-variance estimators. Sensitivity and total sensitivity. Some results on sensitivity; MIN operator on families. Sensitivity for k-medians. Covering code for k-median.

  3. PAC Learning. Integrating {0,1}-valued functions If F is a family of “concepts” (functions f:X  {0,1}) of finite VC dimension d, then for every input distribution  there exists a distribution  with support O((d/2) log 1/), s.t. for every f 2 F, | s f d - s f d| < . Method: (1) Create  by repeated independent sampling x1,…xm from . This creates an estimator T = (1/m) 1m f(xi) which w.h.p. (1+)-approximates any the integral of any specific f. Example: F=characteristic fcns of intervals on . These are {0,1}-valued functions with VC dimension = 2. b a

  4. PAC Learning. Integrating {0,1}-valued functions If F is a family of “concepts” (functions f:X  {0,1}) of finite VC dimension d, then for every input distribution  there exists a distribution  with support O((d/2) log 1/), s.t. for every f 2 F, | s f d - s f d| < . Method: (1) Create  by repeated independent sampling x1,…xm from . This creates an estimator T = (1/m) 1m f(xi) which w.h.p. (1+)-approximates the integral of any specific f. Example: F=characteristic fcns of intervals on . These are {0,1}-valued functions with VC dimension = 2.  b a

  5. PAC Learning. Integrating {0,1}-valued functions If F is a family of “concepts” (functions f:X  {0,1}) of finite VC dimension d, then for every input distribution  there exists a distribution  with support O((d/2) log 1/), s.t. for every f 2 F, | s f d - s f d| < . Method: Create  by repeated independent sampling x1,…xm from . This creates an estimator T = (1/m) 1m f(xi) which w.h.p. (1+)-approximates the integral of any specific f. Example: F=characteristic fcns of intervals on . These are {0,1}-valued functions with VC dimension = 2. n b a

  6. PAC Learning. Integrating {0,1}-valued functions (cont.) Easy to see that for any particular f 2 F, w.h.p. | s f d - s f d| < . But how do we argue this is simultaneously achieved for all the functions f 2 F? Can’t take union bound over infinitely many “bad events”. Need to express that there are few “types” of bad events. To conquer the infinite union bound apply “Red & Green Points” argument. Sample m=O((d/2) log (1/)) “green” points G from . Will use =G=uniform dist. on G. P(G not an -approximator) = P(9 f 2 C badly-counted by G) · P(9 f 2 C: |(f)-G(f)|>) Suppose G is not an -approximator: 9 f: |(f)-G(f)|>. Sample another m=O((d/2) log (1/)) “red” points R from . With probability > ½, |(f)-R(f)|</2. (Markov ineq.) So: P(9 f 2 C: |(f)-G(f)|>) < 2 P(9 f 2 C: |R(f)-G(f)|>/2).

  7. PAC Learning. Integrating {0,1}-valued functions (cont.) P(9 f 2 C: |(f)-G(f)|>) < 2 P(9 f 2 C: |R(f)-G(f)|>/2).  has vanished from our expression! Our failure event depends only on the restriction of f to R [ G. Key: for finite-VC-dimension F, every f 2 F is identical on R [ G to one of a small (much less than 2m) set of functions. These are a “covering code” for F on R [ G. Cardinality (m)=md¿ 2m.

  8. Integrating functions into larger ranges (still additive approximation) Extensions of VC-dimension notions to families of f:X  {0,...n}: Pollard 1984 Natarajan 1989 Vapnik 1989 Ben-David, Cesa-Bianchi, Haussler, Long 1997. Families of functions f:X  [0,1]: extension of VC-dimension notion (analogous to discrete definitions but insists on quantitative separation of values): “fat-shattering”. Alon, Ben-David, Cesa-Bianchi, Haussler 1993 Kearns, Schapire 1994 Bartlett, Long, Williamson 1996 Bartlett, Long 1998 Function classes with finite “dimension” (as above) possess small core-sets for additive-approximation of integrals. Same method still works: simply construct  by repeatedly sampling from . Does not solve multiplicative approximation of nonnegative functions.

  9. What classes of +-valued functions possess core-sets for integration? Why multiplicative approximation? In optimization we often wish to minimize a nonnegative loss function. Makes sense to settle for (1+)-multiplicative approximation (and often unavoidable because of hardness). Example: important optimization problems arise in classification: Choose c1,...ck to minimize: k-median function: cost(fc1,...ck)= s ||x-{c1,...ck}|| d(x) k-means function: cost(fc1,...ck)= s ||x-{c1,...ck}||2 d(x) Or for any >0, cost(fc1,...ck)= s ||x-{c1,...ck}|| d(x)

  10. Core-set can be useful because: Standard algorithmic approach: Replace input  (empirical distribution on huge number of points, or even a continuous distribution given via certain “oracles”) by an -approximator (aka core-set)  supported on a small set. Find an optimal (or near-optimal) c1,...ck for . Infer that it is near-optimal for . 

  11. Core-set can be useful because: Standard algorithmic approach: Replace input  (empirical distribution on huge number of points, or even a continuous distribution given via certain “oracles”) by an -approximator (aka core-set)  supported on a small set. Find an optimal (or near-optimal) c1,...ck for . Infer that it is near-optimal for . n

  12. Standard algorithmic approach: Replace input  (empirical distribution on huge number of points, or even a continuous distribution given via certain “oracles”) by an -approximator (aka core-set)  supported on a small set. Find an optimal (or near-optimal) c1,...ck for . Infer that it is near-optimal for . In this lecture we focus solely on existence/non-existence of finite-cardinality core-sets; not on how to find them. Theorems will hold for any “input” distribution  regardless of how it is presented. Core-set can be useful because: n c2 c1

  13. Unbounded (dependent on n): Har-Peled, Mazumdar ’04: k-medians & k-means: O(k -d log n) Chen ’06: k-medians & k-means: ~ O(d k2-2 log n) Har-Peled ’06: in one dimension, integration of other families of functions (e.g., monotone): ~ O([family-specific] log n) Bounded (independent of n): Effros, Schulman ’04: k-means (k(d/)d)O(k) deterministically Har-Peled, Kushal ’05: k-medians: O(k2/d), k-means O(k3/d+1) Known core-sets In numerical analysis: quadrature methods for exact integration over canonical measures  (constant on interval or ball; Gaussian; etc). In CS previously: very different approaches from what I’ll present today. (If  is uniform on a finite set, let n=|Support()|.) Our general goal is to find out what families of functions have, for every , bounded core-sets for integration. In particular our method shows existence (but no algorithm) of core-sets for k-median, of size poly(d,k,1/), ~ O(d k3-2).

  14. Why doesn’t “sample from ” work? Ex.1 For additive approximation, the learning theory approach: “construct  by repeatedly sampling from ” was sufficient to obtain a core-set. Why does it fail now? Simple example: 1-means functions. F={(x-a)2}a 2  Let  be: a

  15. For additive approximation, the learning theory approach: “construct  by repeatedly sampling from ” was sufficient to obtain a core-set. Why does it fail now? Simple example: 1-means functions. F={(x-a)2}a 2  Let  be: a Why doesn’t “sample from ” work? Ex.1

  16. For additive approximation, the learning theory approach: “construct  by repeatedly sampling from ” was sufficient to obtain a core-set. Why does it fail now? Simple example: 1-means functions. F={(x-a)2}a 2  Let  be: Construct  by sampling repeatedly from : almost surely all samples will lie in the left-hand singularity. a Why doesn’t “sample from ” work? Ex.1

  17. For additive approximation, the learning theory approach: “construct  by repeatedly sampling from ” was sufficient to obtain a core-set. Why does it fail now? Simple example: 1-means functions. F={(x-a)2}a 2  Let  be: Construct  by sampling repeatedly from : almost surely all samples will lie in the left-hand singularity. If a is at the left-hand singularity, s f d>0, but whp s f d=0. No multiplicative approximation. Underlying problem: the estimator of s f d has large variance. a Why doesn’t “sample from ” work? Ex.1

  18. For additive approximation, the learning theory approach: “construct  by repeatedly sampling from ” was sufficient to obtain a core-set. Why does it fail now? Even simpler example: Interval functions. F={fa,b} where fa,b(x)=1 for x 2 [a,b], 0 otherwise. These are {0,1}-valued functions with VC dimension = 2. Why doesn’t “sample from ” work? Ex.2 b a

  19. For additive approximation, the learning theory approach: “construct  by repeatedly sampling from ” was sufficient to obtain a core-set. Why does it fail now? Even simpler example: Interval functions. F={fa,b} where fa,b(x)=1 for x 2 [a,b], 0 otherwise. These are {0,1}-valued functions with VC dimension = 2. Let  be: Why doesn’t “sample from ” work? Ex.2 b a

  20. For additive approximation, the learning theory approach: “construct  by repeatedly sampling from ” was sufficient to obtain a core-set. Why does it fail now? Even simpler example: Interval functions. F={fa,b} where fa,b(x)=1 for x 2 [a,b], 0 otherwise. These are {0,1}-valued functions with VC dimension = 2. Let  be: For unif. dist. on n pts, f = 1/n while for x sampled from , StDev(f(x)) ~ 1/n. Actually nothing works for this family F. For an accurate multiplicative estimate of f =s f d , a core-set would need to contain the entire support of . Why doesn’t “sample from ” work? Ex.2 b a

  21. Even the simpler family of step functions doesn’t have finite core-sets: Why doesn’t “sample from ” work? Ex.3: step functions

  22. Even the simpler family of step functions doesn’t have finite core-sets: Why doesn’t “sample from ” work? Ex.3: step functions

  23. Even the simpler family of step functions doesn’t have finite core-sets: Need geometrically spaced points (factor (1+)) in the support. Why doesn’t “sample from ” work? Ex.3: step functions

  24. General approach: weighted sampling. Sample not from  but from a distribution q which depends on both  and F. Weighted sampling has long been used for clustering algorithms [Fernandez de la Vega, Kenyon’98; Kleinberg, Papadimitriou, Raghavan’98; Schulman’98; Alon, Sudakov’99;...], to reduce the size of the data set. What we’re trying to explain is (a) For what classes of functions can weighted sampling provide an -approximator (core-set); (b) What is the connection with the VC proof of existence of -approximators in learning theory. Return to Ex.1: show 9 small-variance estimator for f =s f d

  25. General approach: weighted sampling. Sample not from  but from a distribution q which depends on both  and F. Sample x from q. The random variable T = x fx / qx is an unbiased estimator of f. Can we design q so Var(T) is small 8 f 2 F? Ideally: Var(T) 2 O(f2) For the case of “1-means in one dimension”, the optimization Given, choose q to minimize maxf 2 F Var(T) can be solved (with mild pain) by Lagrange multipliers. Solution: Let 2=Var(). Center  at 0. Then sample from qx=x(2+x2)/(22). (Note: heavily weights the tails of .) Calculation: Var(T) ·f2. (Now average O(1/2) samples. For any specific f, only 1± error.) Return to Ex.1: show 9 small-variance estimator for f =s f d

  26. For what classes F of nonnegative functions does there exist, for all , an estimator T with Var(T) 2 O(f2)? E.g., what about nonnegative quartics, fx=(x-a)2(x-b)2 ? Shouldn’t have to do Lagrange multipliers each time. Key notion: sensitivity. Define the sensitivity of x w.r.t. (F,): sx = supf 2 F fx/f Define the total sensitivity of F: S(F) = sups sx d Sample from the distribution qx = x sx / S. (Emphasizes sensitive x’s) Theorem 1: Var(T) · (S-1) f2 Proof omitted. Exercise: For “parabolas”, F={(x-a)2}, show S=2. Corollary: Var(T) ·f2 (as previously obtained via Lagrange mults) Theorem 2 (slightly harder): T has a Chernoff bound (distribution has exponential tails). Don’t need this today. Can we generalize the success of Ex.1?

  27. Example 1. Let V be a real or complex vector space of dimension d. For each v=(...vx...) 2 V define an f 2 F by fx=|vx|2. Theorem 3: S(F)=d. Proof omitted. Corollary (again): Quadratics in 1 dimension have S(F)=2. Quartics in 1 dimension have S(F)=3. Can we calculate S for more examples?

  28. Let V be a real or complex vector space of dimension d. For each v=(...vx...) 2 V define an f 2 F by fx=|vx|2. Theorem 3: S(F)=d. Proof omitted. Corollary (again): Quadratics in 1 dimension have S(F)=2. Quartics in 1 dimension have S(F)=3. Quadratics in r dimensions have S(F)=r+1. Can we calculate S for more examples?

  29. Example 2. Let F+G={f+g: f 2 F, g 2 G} Theorem 4 (easy): S(F+G) · S(F)+S(G). Corollary: bounded sums of squares of bounded-degree polynomials have finite S. Example 3. Parabolas on k disjoint regions. Direct sum of vector spaces, so S · 2k. 0 1 2 3 Can we calculate S for more examples?

  30. But all these examples don’t even handle the 1-median functions: Can we calculate S for more examples?

  31. But all these examples don’t even handle the 1-median functions: And certainly not the k-median functions: Can we calculate S for more examples?

  32. But all these examples don’t even handle the 1-median functions: And certainly not the k-median functions: Will return to this... Can we calculate S for more examples?

  33. Question: If F and G have finite total sensitivity, is the same true of MIN(F,G) = {min(f,g): f 2 F, g 2 G} ? Want this for optimization: e.g., k-means or k-median functions are constructed by MIN out of simple families. We know S(Parabolas)=2; what is S(MIN(Parabolas,Parabolas))? What about MIN(F,G)?

  34. Question: If F and G have finite total sensitivity, is the same true of MIN(F,G) = {min(f,g): f 2 F, g 2 G} ? Want this for optimization: eg k-means or k-median functions are constructed by MIN out of simple families. We know S(Parabolas)=2; what is S(MIN(Parabolas,Parabolas))? Answer: unbounded. So total sensitivity does not remain finite under MIN operator. What about MIN(F,G)?

  35. Roughly, on a suitable distribution , a sequence of “pairs of parabolas” can mimic a sequence of step functions. =e-|x| And recall from earlier: step functions have unbounded total sensitivity. Idea for counterexample:

  36. Roughly, on a suitable distribution , a sequence of “pairs of parabolas” can mimic a sequence of step functions. =e-|x| And recall from earlier: step functions have unbounded total sensitivity. Idea for counterexample:

  37. Roughly, on a suitable distribution , a sequence of “pairs of parabolas” can mimic a sequence of step functions. =e-|x| And recall from earlier: step functions have unbounded total sensitivity. This counterexample relies on scaling the two parabolas differently. What if we only allow translates of a single “base function”? Idea for counterexample:

  38. Let M be any metric space. Let F={||x-a||}a 2 M (1-median is =1, 1-means is =2) Theorem 5: For any >0, S(F)<1. Note: Bound is independent of M. S is not an analogue of VCdim / cover function; it is a new parameter needed for unbounded fcns. Theorem 6: For any >0, S(MIN(F,...(k times)...,F)) 2 O(k). But remember this is only half the story: bounded S ensures only good approximation of f = s f d for each individual function f 2 F. Also need to handle all f simultaneously – the “VC” aspect. Finite total sensitivity of clustering functions 2-median function in M=2

  39. Recall “Red and Green Points” argument in VC theory: after picking 2m points from , all the {0,1}-valued functions in the concept class fall into just mO(1) equivalence classes by their restriction to R [ G. (“Shatter function” is (m)=O(mVC-dim).) These restrictions are a covering code for the concept class. For +-valued functions use a more general definition. First try: f 2 F is “covered” by g if 8 x 2 R [ G, fx = (1±) gx. But this definition neglects the role of sensitivity. Corrected definition: f 2 F is “covered” by g if 8 x 2 R [ G, |fx - gx| < f sx / 8 S. Notes: (1) Error can scale with f rather than fx. (2) Tolerates more error on high-sensitivity points. A “covering code” (for , R [ G) is a small ((m,) subexponential in m) family G, such that every f 2 F is covered by some g 2 G. Cover codes for families of functions F

  40. So (now focusing on k-median) we need to prove two things: Theorem 6: S(MIN(F1,...(k times)...,F1)) 2 O(k). Theorem 7: (a) In d, (MIN(F1,...(k times)...,F1)) 2 mpoly(k,1/,d) (b) Chernoff bound for s fx/sx dG as an estimator of s fx/sx dR [ G (Recall G = uniform dist. on G.) Today talk only about: Theorem 6 Theorem 7 in the case k=1, d arbitrary. Cover codes for families of functions F

  41. Theorem 6: S(MIN(F1,...(k times)...,F1)) 2 O(k). Proof: Given  let f* be the optimal clustering function, with centers u*1,...u*k, so h = k-median-cost() = s ||x - {u*1,...u*k}|| d. For any x, need to upper bound sx. Let Ui = Voronoi region of u*i. pi = sUi d hi = (1/pi) sUi ||x- u*i|| d h =  pi hi Suppose x 2 U1. Let f be any k-median function, with centers u1,...uk. Closest to u*1 is wlog u1. Let a = ||u*1 - u1||. By Markov inequality, at least p1/2 mass is within 2h1 of u*1. So: f¸ (p1/2) max(0,a-2h1) f¸ h and so f¸ h/2 + (p1/4) max(0,a-2h1) Thm 6: Total sensitivity of k-median functions u*2 u*3 u*1 a x u1

  42. f¸ h/2 + (p1/4) max(0,a-2h1) From the definition of sensitivity, sx = maxf fx / f· maxf ||x-{u1,...,uk}|| / f· maxf ||x-u1|| / f· ... (can show worst case is either a=2h1 or a=1) ... · 4h1/h+ 2||x-u*1||/h + 4/p1 Thus S = s sx d = isUi sx d · isUi [4h1/h+ 2||x-u*1||/h + 4/p1] d = (4/h)  pi hi + (2/h) s ||{x- u*1,...u*k}|| d + i 4 = 4 + 2 + 4k = 6+4k.  (Best possible up to constants.) Thm 6: Total sensitivity of k-median functions

  43. Theorem 7(b): Consider R [ G as having been chosen already; now select G randomly within R [ G. Need Chernoff bound for random variable s fx/sx dG as an estimator of s fx/sx dR [ G . Proof: Recall fx /sx·f, so 0 ·s fx/sx dR [ G·f. Need error O(f) in estimator, but not necessarily O(s fx/sx dR [ G); so standard Chernoff bounds for bounded random variables suffice. Theorem 7(a): Start with case k=1, i.e. family F1 = {||x-a||}a 2d. (Wlog shift  so minimum h is achieved at a=0.) By Markov ineq., ¸ ½ the mass lies in B(0,2h). Cover code: two “clouds” of f’s. Inner cloud: centers “a” sprinkled so the balls B(a,h/mS) cover B(0,3h). Outer cloud: geometrically spaced, factor (1+/mS), to cover B(0,hmS/). NB: Size of the cover code ~ (ms/d)d. Poly in m so “Red/Green” argument works. Thm 7: Chernoff bound for “VC” argument, Cover code

  44. Why is every f=||x-a|| covered by this code? In cases 1 & 2, f is covered by the g whose root b is closest to a. Case 1: a 2 inner ball B(0,3h). Then for all x, |fx-gx| is bounded by Lipshitz property. Case 2: a 2 outer ball B(0, hmS/). This forces f to be large (proportional to a rather than h) which makes it easier to achieve |fx-gx| ·f; again use Lipshitz property. Case 3: a  outer ball B(0, hmS/). In this case f is covered by the constant function gx=a. Again this forces f to be large (proportional to a rather than h), but for x far from 0 this is not enough. Use the inequality h ¸ |x|/sx. Distant points have high sensitivity. Take advantage of the extra tolerance for error on high-sensitivity points. Thm 7: Chernoff bound for “VC” argument, Cover code

  45. For k>1, use similar construction, but start from the optimal clustering f* with centers u*1,...,u*k. Surround each u*i by a cloud of appropriate radius. Given a k-median function f with centers ui, cover it by a function g which, in each Voronoi region Ui of f*, is either a constant or a 1-median function centered at a cloud point nearest ui. This produces a covering code for k-median functions, with log |covering code| 2 ~O(kd log S/) Need m (number of samples from ) to be:  (log |covering code|) £ (Var(T)/f2)  k d S2-2 d k3-2. Thm 7: Chernoff bound for “VC” argument, Cover code. k>1

  46. Efficient algorithm to find a small -approximator? (Suppose Support() is finite.) For {0,1}-valued functions there was a finitary characterization of whether the cover function F was exponential or sub-exponential: largest set shattered by F. Question: Is there an analogous finitary characterization for the cover function for multiplicative approximation of +-valued functions? (Not sufficient that level sets have low VC dimension; step functions are a counterexample.) Some open questions

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