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Awareness Framework Team Meeting. Assessment Methodology & Tools Development. Assessment Methodology & Tools Development. Task #3 – Develop Analytical Assessment Tool
Awareness Framework Team Meeting Assessment Methodology & Tools Development
Assessment Methodology & Tools Development Task #3 – Develop Analytical Assessment Tool “Develop an analytical tool to help Missions quickly and efficiently determine and understand the nature of a host country’s property rights system, and resource management and institutional structures. This might be a “quick list” of the most relevant questions to ask, issues to consider, and people or institutions to consult.”
Assessment Methodology & Tools Development “Methodology: This is a desk study, based on practical field experience and the literature. The focus is on developing an efficient methodology (which might also include the collection of baseline information) for Missions to be able to assess the impacts of property rights reform activities in short-order and with minimal resources.”
Assessment Methodology & Tools Development What type of tool do we want to create?
Assessment Methodology & Tools Development What is the purpose? Identifying and prioritizing countries with serious land problems Conducting a first land assessment in a country Designing new programs to address land issues Assessing on-going land tenure programs Designing a program to address a particular problem related to land Provide structure and useful resources to future land assessment teams in order to ensure sound analysis and appropriate recommendations
Assessment Methodology & Tools Development Who is the audience? • USAID program officers with little understanding of land tenure issues • USAID officials with greater understanding of land tenure issues • Host country partners (govt, NGOs, beneficiaries) • Donor community and other land tenure specialists
Assessment Methodology & Tools Development What is the nature of land and property rights systems in a country? Albania to Zimbabwe
Assessment Methodology & Tools Development • How much time to conduct? • How many team members; who are they? • Resources available? • Field work vs. desk study?
Assessment Methodology & Tools Development Other Considerations: • Assessment Manual vs. Outline • List of key questions/issues vs. Complex methodology • Step by Step Process vs. Guidelines • Qualitative vs. Quantitative • WB Methodology vs. Open-ended • One-size-fits all vs. 100 different methods
Assessment Methodology & Tools Development An appropriate set of tools that can be used in a broad variety of contexts to conduct an efficient analysis of a given country’s land tenure and property rights system and that leads to well-designed programming and well-founded recommendations
Assessment Methodology & Tools Development What will the toolkit consist of? Comprehensive Outline of Land Issues Process of Identification and Prioritization of Key Constraints Gap Analysis of Donor Assistance Sequence of Reforms Tool Illustrative Outline(s) for Assessment Report Questionaire/Survey for Field Work Impact Measurement Tool Suggestions for Team Composition and TORs for Team Members
Assessment Methodology & Tools Development • LTC Assessments • CDIE Land Tenure Studies • Ethiopia and Kosovo Assessments • Other USAID Assessment Methodologies (Environment, Agriculture, DG, Conflict) • WB Assessment Methodology • GTZ Assessments Examples we have include:
Identification of countries with serious land problems Gap Analysis and Land Tenure Issues Primer Assessment Methodology & Tools Development First-level Analysis PURPOSE TOOLS
Second-level Analysis Issues Confirmation Analysis (Lit Review, Desk Study, Mission input) Assessment Methodology & Tools Development PURPOSE TOOLS More In-depth Issues Analysis and Development of Assessment SOW
Assessment Methodology & Tools Development Third-level Analysis TOOLS PURPOSE Designing new programs to address identified land/property problems Sequencing of Reforms and Impact Measurement Tool
Assessment Methodology & Tools Development Constraints Analysis Gap Analysis Sequencing Recommendations Recommendations
Assessment Methodology & Tools Development Analytical Frameworks Issues Map/Gap Analysis • Access to Land and Tenure Security • Land Administration and Land Management • Institutional Arrangements/Capacity • Dispute Resolution/Rule of Law • Legislative and Regulatory Framework • Land-related Natural Resource Management
Assessment Methodology & Tools Development Assessment Methodology & Tools Development
Assessment Methodology & Tools Development Analytical Frameworks Types of Land Tenure/Property Rights Problems: 1. Land Disputes and Post Conflict Resolution 2. Insecure Land and Property Rights 3. Landlessness and Inequitable Property Distribution 4. Incomplete/Dysfunctional Tenure Forms 5. Poorly Performing Land Markets 6. Poorly Functioning or Highly Centralized Land Administration 7. Unsustainable Land Use Management